Podcast #59 - Covid Fog and What It May Have To Do With Your Religion
In this episode, Bro. Sloggett is speaking to a class at South Heights Church in Sapulpa, Oklahoma about Music and how to determine what is Godly and Eternal, and what isn’t - We hope you enjoy!
Podcast #57 - Culture is the Antithesis of Eternity
Good to be back in the seat today. I have a bit to say about another tool that the devil is using during this whole COVID 19 aftermath. See if you agree with me.
Quite a bit more political than usual but definitely the topic of the day and hopefully clears a few things up.
This is one of the 3 most important Podcasts that I have ever made!
One of the most telling scriptures for modern day evangelists, missionaries and Christian Outreachers.
Some words on building wealth through saving and being content. God will blesses those with the right heart and right intentions. It is more difficult than we realize.
I can't believe we have already produces FIFTY Podcasts!! I hope and pray that they are doing you some good.
Another "off the top of my head" driving down the road audio. Hope it means something to you.
Answering a question off the cuff that was sent in while I was preparing to test new equipment.
This is actually a virtual Sunday School class that I teach called "The Life Class".
This is a lesson in growing The Kingdom vs. growing Your Ministry.
Wow! This thought changed everything for me.
This should be the last audio before I updated to a better mic system.
Another "B" Quality audio, pulled over from fb live chats. I hope these are worth it.
Still a rougher audio, talk about a lot of things before I really get into the topic but didn't really think that I would convert this to Podcast. Was asked a couple times to, here you go.
Another morning drive fb live video, converted to audio. Don't worry, just a few more of these and then the audio will get a lot better. Hope it's worth listening to.