the forecast

This is the forecast, your one stop podcast for all the latest fashion trends. Dive into the world of fashion through current and past trends. Each episode shall explore the months past trends, exploring how we got to moon boots, glitter eye shadow and much more. The forecast will welcome guests each episode to share their opinions and knowledge. Host: Amelia Paige Brown is a second year Fashion Media and Promotion student at UCA, Amelia has a keen interest into trends, wanting to know why we wear what we wear. An individual who is wanting to make her place in fashion.

episode one: I hAd tO qUEUE fOr A chArIty shOp

Amelia is joined by second year fashion media and promotion student Ella Hunt. The two discuss the key fashion trends of the past few months and years, ranging from cargos to platforms. Amelia and Ella give a raw and truthful narrative to what we wear, from past to present trends, with touches of what they want to see come into trend. 


welcome to the forecast

this is the forecast. a podcast dedicated to exploring current fashion trends with monthly guests discussing and adventuring into the world of trends. I'm your host Amelia Paige Brown, a second year fashion media and promotion student at UCA. 


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