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the ungated creative

Author: rob hardy

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rants, reflections, and rambles on how to navigate the emerging world of creativity and commerce. this is a show about ditching best practices, doing weird, meaningful creative shit, and making the 1,000 true fans model a reality.
9 Episodes
what if "being consistent'' as a creator wasn't a virtue, but a prison?
how learning to trust myself turned my marketing worldview upside down
subversive creativity

subversive creativity


the third pillar of the ungated philosophy - be brave, call bullshit, use your creativity to make things better
bottom-up business

bottom-up business


the second pillar of the ungated philosophy — let go, have fun, iterate
inside-out business

inside-out business


the first pillar of the ungated philosophy — understand thyself
creating invitations

creating invitations


a handy reframe for those who feel gross about self-promotion
the ungated manifesto

the ungated manifesto


in which i read the ungated manifesto in a somewhat dramatic way, and sprinkle in bits of commentary here and there
i used to podcast a lot, and it sucked. now i'm trying again, with the goal of it not sucking at all.
i'd been struggling with writer's block on my manifesto for weeks when a friend suggested i just record myself speaking from the heart. this podcast episode is what emerged from that session. it wasn't ever intended to be a podcast, but i think it still captures the essence of what i care about better than the finished written manifesto does, because it's so raw and unfiltered. so yeah, hope you enjoy it.