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Conversations to inspire habits of whole-life discipleship that equip you to more thoughtfully and consistently be formed by God’s word and God’s ways with God’s people. The Formed Life is a resource brought to you by Christ Community Church in Kansas City.

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190 Episodes
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How should we understand and navigate the complex interplay between gender as a social construct and theological teachings, within the context of the broader biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and new creation? Throughout the episode, Fellipe do Vale and the hosts dig into various aspects of this question, discussing how gender is understood in theological circles, the implications of viewing gender through a social constructionist lens, and the need to situate these discussions within the deeper story of God's work in the world. They explore the ethical and theological considerations of gender, emphasizing the role of love and the guidance provided by scripture and community in making sense of gender in today's cultural contexts.BioDr. do Vale’s research is primarily on the connection between moral theology and theological anthropology. He focuses on gender, but also writes and teaches on political theology, theology of race, and other aspects of human identity, especially from an eschatological point of view. He is passionate about helping students see how the gospel of grace can richly saturate every aspect of human life. He is the author of Gender as Love: A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds, along with articles in the International Journal of Systematic Theology, Pro Ecclesia, and others. He is also the winner of the 2023 “Emerging Public Intellectual” award, given by Redeemer University. Dr. do Vale enthusiastically supports Liverpool Football Club and the Brazilian National soccer team; he is fond of horror movies and fiction, wistful landscape paintings, and Richard Curtis rom-coms. He is married and has two kids. His family enjoys reading, going for walks, and generally getting outside.Quotes"So you have these two ways of trying to answer the question, what is gender? The social constructionist answer and the gender essentialist answer. And I'm trying to say that these both of these alternatives, they're they're entrenched in the conversation, but they're not very good. And so maybe we need to go back to the drawing board and start asking some better questions and coming up with some new categories."— Fellipe Do Vale"So the gendered world is out there. Right? Like, not to sound 2 x files on you. Right? The gendered world is out there, and we're all walking around in it."— Fellipe Do Vale"But in the in the face of these objections, a lot of people have opted for this other few thing that that gender is socially constructed, which is the one that I give the most time and attention to in the book just because that this is probably the view that if you go into a gender studies class in if you're in college and you go to gender studies class or if you pick up a book on gender studies or even, like, it's probably the majority view within theological circles, is this view that gender is socially constructed."— Fellipe Do Vale3 Main Takeaways1. Gender as a Social Construct - Dr. Fellipe Do Vale explains that gender is largely understood as a social construct within theological circles, shaped by cultural norms and social contexts rather than fixed biological traits.2. Theological Integration in Gender Discussions - Dr. Do Vale emphasizes the need to consider theological perspectives in discussions about gender, situating these conversations within the larger narrative of God’s creation, redemption, and restoration.3. Love as the Ethical Framework - The discussion highlights love as the core framework for understanding gender and ethics. Evaluating gender roles and social goods through a lens of God-centered love helps navigate complex ethical dilemmas.ResourcesGender As Love - Dr. Fellipe Do ValeTimestamps:00:00 Book "Gender as Love" explores theological identity.04:54 Gender versus sex, often seen as incompatible.08:43 Christian history, pastor opposes women's suffrage.12:15 Gender is social construction, body + expression.15:28 Challenges gender concepts, seeks better theological answers.18:35 Paul's language in Ephesians about divine plan.21:18 Musing about wisdom and gender in Proverbs.25:59 Gender identity formed through social experiences and goods.27:00 Our loves shape who we are deeply.30:05 Gender defined by everyday discipleship, not just rules.36:39 Flexible ethics for diverse contexts, emphasizing love.38:03 Changed relationship with coffee, ethic of love.41:28 Bible framework for ethics and gender discussion.46:27 Fall wrecks love, turns hate, seeks control.47:24 Jesus redeems and reshapes love and gender.50:22 Waiting for dinner, anticipating Christian eschatology. Gender struggles.53:36 Grateful for TED's role in church development.Hashtags#GenderTheology #SocialConstructs #CulturalContexts #TheologicalPerspectives #ChristianEthics #LoveAndDesire #BiblicalFramework #CommunityGuidance #DrFellipeDoVale #theFormedLifePodcastKeywordsGender, sex, cultural roles, theological perspective, universal truths, natural truths, sin, gender essentialism, socially constructed gender, social construction, personal example, cultural contexts, moral evaluation, theological view, biblical story, wisdom in creation, creation, fall, redemption, new creation, human relationships, desires, love, domination, creaturely goodness, social goods, gendered nature, daily activities, identity language, Augustine's thoughts, ethical considerations.
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Welcome to podcast, where today we are discussing essential spiritual practices for navigating political engagement through a faith-driven lens. Emphasizing the crucial roles of fervent prayer, unity, and maintaining a non anxious presence amidst polarization, this conversation offers actionable insights. Learn how informed voting, prioritizing identity in Jesus Christ, and cultivating a virtuous life can ensure your political involvement aligns with your calling as citizens of God's kingdom.Quotes"We were created for connection, relational connection. We're redeemed with connection and mind. So I think the presence piece also reminds each one of us of the importance of connection, practicing the presence of God in our daily life, experiencing his empowered presence wherever God has called us, and then also in community."— Tom Nelson   "So I mean even though it's not perfect, even though it's hard, I do think we have a stewardship of voting and I think faithful presence as a Christians, there's more than voting, of course. But we should vote."— Tom Nelson"We talked about praying together but you know we were created to be connected to one another. And one of the great concerns I have, the evil one, is that the tendency of polarization and some of the things we're dealing with, it becomes very isolating. It's driven by fear and anxiety. And God designed his church and people to find connection with each other, encouragement, not fear but connection."— Tom Nelson3 Main Takeaways1. The Power of Prayer: Highlights the importance of fervent and regular prayer for spiritual awakening in the church, culture, and nation, promoting a renewed love for Jesus and profound societal impacts.2. Faithful Presence in Politics: The episode emphasizes Christians maintaining their primary identity in Jesus Christ while engaging in politics. It discusses "faithful presence" and the cultivation of virtues like love, peace, and patience for meaningful and non-polarizing engagement.3. Community and Informed Conversations: Emphasis is placed on being informed voters, especially at the local level, and fostering sensitive, face-to-face discussions within the community. The goal is to normalize conversations about differing opinions and focus on personal and communal growth during election seasons.ResourcesScriptureThe Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13 Virtues from Scripture - Galatians 5:22-23Divine Virtue - 2 Peter 1:2-4BooksFaithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission - David E. Fitch  Deeply Formed Life: Five Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus - Rich Villodas  The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction - Justin Whitmel Earley  Timestamps00:00 Three cultural postures drawn from biblical principles.05:40 Equipping for Monday life: prayer is vital.09:29 Boldly pray for wisdom, persistence in prayer.11:24 Citizens of kingdom get things done through prayer.16:19 Prayer transforms us into hopeful, realistic people.18:13 Emphasizing God's daily presence and relational connection.22:52 Voting is hard but a stewardship.23:58 Encourage wide reading, understanding, and balanced perspectives.28:22 Caution urged for online communication and virtue formation.30:31 Reflect on election season, cultivate virtue, discuss tensions.34:06 Strive for virtues to grow in knowledge.37:06 Virtue and fruit of the spirit explained.39:56 Balancing work and fatherhood with personal liturgy.44:28 Art gallery visit, friend captivated by painting.47:14 Prayer for impact and guidance throughout the week.Hashtags#FaithfulPresence #SpiritualAwakening #PrayForLeaders #UnityInChrist #VirtuousLiving #EngageWell #HopeInJesus #PoliticalWisdom #ChristCenteredIdentity #CommunityCareKeywordsfervent prayer, spiritual awakening, God's sovereignty, church unity, praying for wisdom, political context, government leaders, voting challenges, informed decision-making, digital engagement, face-to-face conversations, primary identity in Jesus, spiritual warfare, faithful presence, local elections, listening well, meaningful engagement, Formed Out Life podcast, biblical principles, postures and practices, kingdom citizenship, routine prayer, historical spiritual awakening, differing opinions, cultivating virtue, non-anxious presence, thoughtful engagement, mission of the podcast, political engagement, fruit of the spirit.
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Join us for part two of our three-part series on politics and government! In our previous episode, we explored key biblical principles for thinking Christianly about these topics, laying the foundation for today's discussion. Today, we examine the different postures Christians have taken to connect biblical principles with our modern political context, highlighting four primary approaches from James Davidson Hunter's influential book, To Change the World. Don't miss this insightful conversation!Quotes"If God's called you, go out there and be present in governmental or public political callings."— Tom Nelson  "The primary role is to shepherd the congregation God's entrusted them to. It's a shepherding teaching role, number 1. But there's also a prophetic aspect to being a pastor. It's not maybe the same as the old testament prophet, thus saith the Lord, but it is truth telling truth to power, telling truth to culture, telling being a truth teller to our congregation, and all 3 of those are different."— Tom Nelson "Wrap around your heart Micah 6:8. Because that is true in the workplace, at home, the school, your business, if you're in the wonderful calling in government or political activism in some way, to do justice, right? To but to love kindness and to walk humbly with God."— Tom Nelson3 Main Takeaways1. Active Engagement and Faithful Presence in Public Life: Encouraging Christians to be actively present in governmental or public political callings rather than hiding away. This active engagement is not only about institutional roles but also about equipping individuals within the church to engage in their everyday "Monday worlds" with a focus on justice, kindness, and humility. 2. Institutional and Individual Dynamics: The conversation explores deep into the roles of both institutional churches and individual believers in public engagement. While Christ Community, adopts a nonpartisan stance and provides guidance through biblical principles, it also focuses on empowering its members to speak into their spheres of influence on issues like sanctity of life, racial justice, and Christian sexual ethic. The role of pastors in providing a moral, prophetic voice in broader culture, characterized by discernment, prayer, and consultative leadership, is highlighted.3. Approaches to Cultural Engagement: Different approaches to engaging culture are examined, including accommodating, separation, and incarnational approaches. The podcast particularly emphasizes the "faithful presence" model, which integrates biblical faithfulness and cultural competency. While this model aims to be deeply rooted in faith while effectively engaging with culture, potential pitfalls, such as the risk of being too patient in responding to injustices or fostering self-righteousness, are also discussed. The ultimate goal is to balance influence and purity while being a tangible, incarnational presence like Jesus in diverse cultural contexts.ResourcesBooks & Articles- Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work - Timothy Keller- The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction - Justin Whitmel Earley- To Change the World - James Davison Hunter- Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony - Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon- The Political Disciple: A Theology of Public Life - Vincent E. BacotePodcasts- Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues - The Gospel Coalition Podcast Series- Faithful Presence and Public Witness - Timothy Keller PodcastFilms- Amazing Grace (2006) - Film detailing the life of William Wilberforce and his efforts to end the British transatlantic slave trade.Timestamps:00:00 Duality of citizenship, diversity of followers, exile.04:31 Ancient governmental structures, biblical principles, and cultural adaptation.07:18 Navigating cultural context as faithful Jesus followers.13:11 Seeing threads of faithful presence through Scripture.15:32 Jesus embodies humility, gentleness, and non-anxious presence.18:32 Love and concern motivate seeking justice and accommodation.22:12 Potential weaknesses of purity and distance approach.24:30 Faithful Presence addresses culture, lacks prophetic edge.28:22 Consider pitfalls and haste in faithful presence.32:41 Institution promotes civic engagement while avoiding partisanship.35:34 Pastors teach truth and guide congregation's obedience.38:36 Empower individuals to engage in difficult conversations.41:24 Encourage doing justice with kindness and humility.Hashtags:#FaithfulPresence #PublicEngagement #ChristianResponsibility #BiblicalPrinciples #CulturalContext #PropheticVoice #NonpartisanFaith #ChristCommunity #DualCitizenship #JesusModelKeywords:Christianity, public engagement, biblical principles, dual citizenship, Jesus's followers, faithful presence, cultural contextualization, diversity in Christianity, political involvement, Tom Nelson, social issues, governmental callings, church responsibility, congregation leaders, sanctity of life, racial justice, Christian sexual ethic, spheres of influence, spiritual habits, cultural moment, nonpartisan stance, moral issues, prophetic voice, community setting, humility, gentleness, accommodating posture, separation model, incarnational presence, cultural navigation
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This episode kicks off a three-part series on "God & Government" with hosts Paul Brandes and Bill Gorman, joined by our Lead Senior Pastor, Tom Nelson. In this episode, we begin the conversation on how to live out our faith in the political world by unpacking key biblical principles. We'll explore Jesus' teachings, the story of Daniel, and what it means to balance our dual citizenship in God's kingdom with our citizenship here on earth. Plus, we'll talk about loving our neighbors and having respectful conversations, especially in today's polarized climate.3 Key TakeawaysDual Citizenship: Christians are called to navigate their dual citizenship, being part of both earthly nations and the kingdom of God, guided by biblical principles that highlight love for God and neighbors.Respectful Engagement: The episode emphasizes the need for respectful, open discourse within a polarized political climate. Christians should set a standard for engaging in conversations respectfully and with understanding, maintaining a "faithful presence" even in difficult environments.Church's Presence: The church's role is to be a faithful presence in our engagement and public discourse without falling into partisanship. Reflecting on biblical figures like Daniel and Esther, Christians are encouraged to serve faithfully in all spheres, including government, and promote respectful dialogue within the community.BiographyTom Nelson is the Lead Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church, which he founded over 30 years ago. He also serves as president of Made to Flourish, a network that seeks to empower pastors to lead churches that produce human flourishing for the common good.Tom is the author of Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work, Economics of Neighborly Love: Investing in Your Community’s Compassion and Capacity, and The Flourishing Pastor: Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership.Tom speaks regularly on faith, work, and economics around the country, and he has served on the board of regents of Trinity International University and is also a council member of The Gospel Coalition. Tom graduated with a master’s of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and received his doctorate of ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Tom and his wife, Liz, have two grown children and live in Leawood, Kansas.Quotes"...that's where we have confidence in those biblical texts, those biblical principles that need application, need community, need conversation, need wisdom, [and] contextual prayer to know how to apply prayer."— Tom Nelson"We should set the standard for being able to have conversations around politics and around partisanship without being threatened, but to learn from one another and respect each other and actually probably gain something in that wisdom."— Tom Nelson"But ultimately, where our hope lies, it's not in the goodness and greatness of a nation as wonderful as that might be, and those who sacrifice for it, as we should cherish and appreciate. But our ultimate focus is eternity and the kingdom of God. And there's great hope and encouragement in that."— Tom NelsonKeywordsbiblical principles, pastoral ministry, political engagement, dual citizenship, loving one's neighbor, kingdom of God, respectful discourse, prayerful approach, wisdom of God, governmental authority, ultimate allegiance, great commandment, public engagement, cultural context, faithful presence, polarized culture, work-based witness, Christian community, diverse political leanings, government and public square, non-partisan church, citizenship of heaven, influence for Jesus Christ, discipleship, election year, corrupt governments, biblical figures, workplace virtue, ordinary life, strangers and aliensHashtags#DualCitizenship #FaithfulPresence #LovingYourNeighbor #BiblicalPrinciples #RespectfulDialogue #KingdomAllegiance #ChristianEngagement #PoliticalWisdom #PublicWitness #theFormedLifePodcastTimestamps00:00 Embracing discipleship in every aspect of life.04:39 Biblical principles, postures, and practical practices discussed.08:39 Experts with training but humble about knowledge.11:02 Prepare for interviews by leading with prayer.14:28 History shows suffering and the importance of God's kingdom.18:40 Jesus invites diverse followers from different backgrounds.21:54 Diversity of thought in Christian communities praised.25:48 Christians should model respectful political conversations.27:35 Faithful presence in politically fraught engagement discussed.30:28 Matching story of hardship with God's promise.35:27 Finding purpose in unexpected vocation through faith.39:30 Love nation, but ultimate allegiance to heaven.40:31 Ultimate hope in Jesus and his kingdom.46:01 Balancing citizenship in two kingdoms, political diversity.47:34 Next two conversations on Christian postures and practices.
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