this is NOT a safe space

In this overly sensitive world, people are too often asked or forced to censor themselves. It even happened here, despite the previous host Nick Beaton's insistence it wont. But fear not, tomorrow is another day and another chance for someone to piss someone off.

The Case to Re-Elect Donald Trump

Less than a day to go, but it's not too late to do the right thing.


four years ago i made a mistake

Four years ago, I (Joseph) made a grave mistake, and the time has come to apologize once and for all. all feedback and inquiries may be sent to This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


Rob Pue

This week I sit down talk with hilarious comedian and good friend Rob Pue. We talk about fake words, rage on the internet, and of course the best hockey team of all time.


Jason Rouse

This week I sit down and talk with the hilariously shocking Jason Rouse. We talk about getting old and not understanding things, technology, women, and of course manages to talk about himself taking a shit. Twitter


Lucy Gervais

This week I sit down with Lucy Gervais, and we discuss Cultural appropriation, guys who think feminists don't have a sense of humour, and why online fights don't really show you who people are. As well as a personal anecdote of mine, involving a server who doubled down on their ignorance.


Alex Wood

This week I sit down with Alex Wood, host of the podcast Alex Wood Quits Everything. We talk about his addictions, flame wars on Facebook, and hockey! Alex Wood Quits Everything Podcast


Tom Simmons

Tom Simmons is an American comic from the south who also happens to be a liberal. We talk about his tour “The American Heretics” as well as the state of things in America. IG: @tsimmonscomedy Twitter: @tsimmonscomedy YouTube: So Then There’s This Facebook: American Heretics Comedy Tour


Amish Patel

This week on This Is Not A Safe Space it’s a crossover episode with the podcast Fade To Brown with host Amish Patel. He interviews me on my white privilege, we talk Trump, immigrants, the environment and lots of other stuff. Fade to Brown Video on Facebook


Clare Belford

On this episode I talk to comedian Clare Belford. We talk about safe space comedy shows, and her experiences in comedy, and a lot more.


Alan Park

On this episode, I chat with Alan Park of Conspiracy Queries and Royal Canadian Air Farce. We discuss several conspiracy theories, their validity, and whether or not people should take everything at face value, or ask a few more questions.


Bobby Mair

On this episode, I chat with my good friend Bobby Mair. A Canadian comedian making his home in the U.K. We dissect Milo, from his appearance on Bill Maher to his recent comments dug up off of the bowels of the internet.   @bobbymair


Hunter Collins

On this episode I sit down with Hunter Collins and talk about Katie Rich getting fired from SNL, and more Trump horse shit.


Joseph Ianni

This week’s episode is an inauguration special. I talk with Joseph Ianni, a real live Trump supporter. It’s interesting…


Peter White

This week I sit down with my good friend Peter White. We talk about the Edinburgh fringe, living in the U.K, and Meryl Streep!


Chris Locke

This week I sit down with the wonderful Chris Locke. In this fairly directionless conversation we talk a little Trump, and a lot of nonsense.


Cal Post

On this episode I sit down with my good friend, and funny comedian Cal Post. We talk the Trump election. How could it happen?  Is this the beginning of the end?  We don’t really answer these questions.


Dom Paré

On this episode I sit down with Dom Paré.  Dom is a fantastic comedian, and contrarian.  Although for a contrarian, he has some pretty solid points of few.  We talk about how people have no idea how to debate each other, and resort to tactics that do little to move the conversation forward.


Sandra Battaglini

On this week’s episode I sit down with the fabulous and hilarious Sandra Battaglini. We talk about her perspective of being a female comedian in a male dominated profession. Are women getting less chances than they deserve, or are there just less women doing it?


Jarrett Campbell

On this episode I sit down and talk with comedian Jarrett Campbell, who is also one of the hosts of the Rude Dudes podcast.  We discuss Trump’s pussy grabbing comments, and break down why he is not an “every man.”  We also talk about made up words like “mansplaining” and “manterupting” and why they have such a negative effect on society.


Pat Burtscher

This week on the show I sit down with the hilarious and thoughtful comedian, Pat Burtscher. We discuss the new Ghostbusters movie, and the announcement of an all female remake of Ocean’s 11. Is making a movie remake with all women really hurting the whiny men who love the originals, or is it actually hurting women?


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