was that TMI?

Being real, brutally honest, and over sharing is one of the things that roped in an audience of over 2 million for Sadie Crowell. Listen in for some laughs, advice, and join in on her journey of taking on social media as a full time career at 19.

71: Throwing my 21st Birthday in Nashville (and inviting multiple exes)

I’m 21 MATHA FACKASSSS!!! Finally I’m fortunately legal now, but unfortunately this is the least I’ve cared about partying in my life lol. ANYWAYS, this past weekend I threw my BDAY BASH in NASHVEGAS, and invited a shit ton of my hometown friends, tiktoker, and exes :)Thursday - I arrived Friday - I blacked and got carried out of the barSaturday - I fcked up something with a guy who I still have not heard from and dated Matthew McConaughey for the night …WELCOME BACK EVERYONE 🥂 and cheers to 21


70: I Got Ghosted...

Hey guys. Today was an interesting day, I started off missing a meeting, then going, then not realizing I had $200 less than what I was owed this man, THEN I missed my second meeting, and am now on the hunt for a new birthday outfit and man. JK but I do give y'all the run down on my slight crush who ghosted me out of no where, honestly I've been humbled, but honestly good for him. THANKS FOR LISTENING :)


69: Reading You Guys My Diary...

Hi everybody. I'm back, funny enough I've actually always wrote the descriptions to my episodes but just did it in 3rd person to seem more professional. I've cut all bullish!t from my life this year though so secrets out it's just me, myself, and I. Today I'm catching y'all up on my past few months. Where the fck I've been, what the fck is going on in my head, and what the fck I plan to do with my life. All coming from a real-time timeline, MY DIARY! Welcome back everyone and I welcome you to The Diary Sessions.


68: Meet My Boy-Friend, Ford!

Ford is here, and we're in the Bahamas together, just listen :)


67: What a Toxic Relationship Will Do To You *STORYTIME*

TMI wtf is up, it’s Sadie typing this. Welcome back to the chapel of THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! Thats what we are here people, I started this podcast to talk about my life, and struggles, in hopes to relate to all of you who listen. The goal is to create a safe space where we can all grow to become the STRONG, CONFIDENT, AND HOT B!TCHES WE DESERVE TO BE. One thing I’ve learned is being in a toxic relationship with a boy who just wants to be you, will not help you get there. Today I’m sharing a personal experience that I kept hush hush about due to fear. Well guess what to everyone who wants to say “keeping quiet will protect the peace” WHOS PEACE B!TCH? Love you guys, glad to be back :)


66: Mental Breakdown from an out of touch YouTuber

I might regret posting this but honestly fck it. I love you guys and the little community we have. Being honest is sometimes hard online because I don’t want people to think I’m complaing 24/7 but sometimes it is refreshing to show y’all the reality of everything. Today’s episode is me explaining how I’ve come to dislike social media lmao.


65: My Life Changing Weekend

THANK GAWD. Lord knows we could only take so many depression Sadie episodes. Luckily your girl got her sad a$$ up and went out this weekend, and by go out we mean, drove nine hours away from home and met completely new people in a completely new place. Was she scared? Absolutley. Was it worth it? Abso-FCKN-lutley.


64: F*ck Valentines Day and F*ck Men .... storytimes

Oh no... Sadie has left this week but don't you worry, Chad (drunk Sadie) is here! In honor of valentines day being this week this episode is all about love or should we say failed love. Sadie is reading write ins from the fans, giving advice, and sharing her personal experience with romance. Tea time baby.


63: I am Austin McBroom... Life Update, Fighting my own Demons RN

Currently in her rotting girl, depression era, Sadie is in survival mode right now. Her mental state hasn't been the best and she took some time off. Today she updates you guys on her diagnosis and tells some funny stories from the past few weeks


62: How to make 2024 YOUR YEAR and find your own happiness

Happy New Year TMI !!! We made it people, and let me say the grass hasn't been looking greener. Sadie has been in her dumps, seasonal depression has definitely got the best of her. While rotting away in bed through the holidays was acceptable, IT'S NO LONGER ALLOWED. Don't worry this isn't your typical "new year, new me" episode listing off bullish!t resolutions that will "transform your soul." Nope, today we are being realistic and applying no pressure to 2024theplot. Listen up mfs because Sadie here has figured out how we're gonna make this year our best.


61: My Untold Truth of 2023 (what i didn’t tell you) ; 2024 INS & OUTS

This past year was definitely for the books, and definitely the most private year Sadie has had since coming into the public eye. While being known for her relatable content, you guys are used to hearing about anything and everything. 2023 started a little hot with a new romantic relationship for Sadie following a friendship breakup that had all of you questioning WTF was going on. All Crowell has given you is bits and pieces, here and there, so today she is taking us month to month throughout her year and giving you the answers to everything you have been wondering.


60: Social Media is boring now …

Happy Thursday TMI ! Sadie is once again late this week, BUT she is here to tell you why. It’s VLOGMAS SZN baby and that means she does not stop filming her life for 25 days straight to post to her YouTube Channel. While in the mix of doing this Crowell sat down and gave you guys a massive life update and her opinions/theories on where social media is heading…


59: HOW TO BECOME CONFIDENT | it will change your life.

The IDGAF MENTALITY that has changed lives time and time again is here for you all on a platter! Sadie has built her brand off of not worrying what others think, and just being herself. The most frequent question asked is HOW? Today Sadie shares the 4 steps to become the most confident version of yourself and how it will change your day to day life starting now.


58: Break Ups Suck, but don't have to...

Sadie has recently experienced her first real break up. While she's tip toed around the topic online and has appeared to be handling it really well, today she reveals that is has all been a brave face she's hiding behind. Although she is in a way better place now vs when the split was first announced. Today Sadie is giving her tips on how to move forward.


57: Mental Health, Life Struggles, and Toxic Men with Katie Ritchie

Welcome Katie Ritchie, an internet personality who has recently experienced a sudden rise to fame through her TikTok account. Today she openly speaks about her life growing up and how it was far from the norm. Katies just this year has lost her stepfather, watched her mom go through rehab, and prayed to get her siblings who were in foster care back home, all while being in the public eye. Listen in to hear her journey these past few months and how her life has completely changed.


56: Getting Rid of Sh*tty Friends …

Something you’ll come to realize when watching Sadie is she’s constantly alone. The confusing part about this is, SHE HATES IT. We all know her for her outgoing personality, and the girl who wants to talk to everyone … BUT today Sadie is sharing how she’s personally experienced  and learned surrounding yourself with sh*tty people sucks a lot more than just being by yourself.


55: My Hookup Horror Stories … happy whorrorween

Happy Halloween b*tches, get ready for a spooky story time with your girl.  While also get a mental check from Sadie and her opinion on the feeling of FOMO & her own version she likes to call FLAL (fl-ah-al).


54: How to Deal with Sadness and Feeling Alone (my healing era)

Over the past few weeks Sadie has come to learn that "healing takes time." Which in her mind that advice CAN SUCK A FAT D*** ... kidding. Your girl is impatient though and has tried to get through this season of sadness as quick as possible, while pushing under the rug that she should listen to her feelings and get though this all in a healthy way. A light has shined bright in her life today and she wants to share how to get through all of this and do it with anyone who needs it.


53: Overcoming Overthinking (how I cope)

It's been a bumpy past week for Sadie as she's been in her feels. One of the things that gets in her head the most is the future, and always worrying about what's next. Even though she has no cure, Sadie is sharing somethings that help her with overthinking and fears of the unknown.


52: I’ve Been Depressed … (dealing with change is hard asf)

AN ERA OF HEALING. As much as we try and plan out our lives sometimes things are out of our control. Sadie has recently faced some personal issues in her life and has taken some time to step away and reflect. Today she is sharing what she's been going through and how she's dealing with her emotions in a very raw, emotional, and ironically comical episode.


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