what the eff.

A podcast for success stories in the making. The lows & highs of entrepreneurship. And how to keep going, even when you feel like you don't know "what the eff" you're doing! What The Eff is here to humanize (and normalize) the entrepreneur journey and encourage you dreamers and doers out there. Chasing your dreams takes guts. And a lot of faith in yourself. What the Eff is a place where you show up for your dreams even when you don’t have all the answers. We’re giving you permission to say “Screw it, I’m doing this!” Because quite honestly? You can! Tune in every Wednesday with host Taylor Morgan to feel inspired and learn actionable steps to take towards creating your dream life. Everything is possible! Learn more on whattheeffpodcast.com and say hi on instagram @whattheeffpodcast! Dwell in possibility friend!

78: Growing Your Audience and Driving Revenue with Jason Ake

  Today we’re discussing how we can market our brands during this unique time we are in. Marketing is my latest obsession which is something I honestly never thought I would say, but it’s true! I’m focusing on marketing like never before and really having fun playing with different ideas. To help us discuss all things marketing I brought to the show marketing expert, Jason Ake of Waypoint Creative, which is a Strategy First Digital Marketing Agency. Jason was on the show last week in Episode 77 for Part 1 of this 2 part series on pivoting your business and marketing it during Coronavirus. If you haven’t done so yet,  go back and listen to Part 1 of Jason’s interview where he dives into how we can pivot our business during coronavirus and communicate with our communities. It’s really good! Today is Part 2 of his interview and Jason gives us great ideas for how we can market our businesses right now. This episode is packed full of inspiration and action steps you can take today for your company. If you’re ready to expand your reach then this episode will be helpful for you. Get ready to take notes and feel motivated to spread the word about your amazing brand! Click below to tune in now and learn about all things marketing…   Links from this episode: Learn more about Waypoint Creative here. Follow Waypoint Creative @waypointcreativellc Buy Tribes by Seth Godin. Buy One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days by Brendan Kane Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign   Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review.    


77: How to Pivot and Market Your Business Now with Waypoint Creative

  Last week in Episode 76 I had an open ended conversation on my thoughts about work and work/life balance now with Coronavirus going on. It wasn’t a typical episode where I leave you with takeaways or action steps, but rather just a raw conversation to hopefully spark some thoughts and inspiration for you during this time, and share with you my own thoughts on work life now.  This week I want to follow up to those ideas and give you more actionable steps to take in your business right now so that you can still carry out your dream, even during this new reality we're facing with Coronavirus. And to help us with that, I asked my good friend Jason Ake of Waypoint Creative, a Strategy First Digital Marketing Agency, to come on the show today to help teach us how we can: Pivot our business strategies right now Communicate with our communities And share some Marketing ideas to drive revenue to our business Now this episode ended up being SO great and packed FULL of information that I am releasing it in a 2 part series with part 1 this week and part 2 next week. I really want you to take in what Jason says and not feel overwhelmed, which is why I broke it up into two shorter shows. I think you’re going to find a lot of value in what Jason shares with us today. Jason is an expert when it comes to business marketing, branding and web development. I have worked with him on my websites for years and am so excited to introduce you to him. I know a lot is on hold, but your dreams don’t have to be. It’s time we focus on the positive and think about what CAN work for us and get creative! Let’s dive on in to meet Jason and feel inspired on how we can move forward with our businesses now...   Tune in below! Taylor   Links from this episode: Learn more about Waypoint Creative here. Follow Waypoint Creative @waypointcreativellc Buy One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days by Brendan Kane Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign   Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review.


76: Do You Want To Work in a New Way? Lessons I'm Learning From Coronavirus

  Long before the Coronavirus happened, I was feeling a lot of pressure to "keep up" with what everyone was doing on social media. It seemed like every Influencer or Entrepreneur I followed was coming out with a new book, a new digital course, a new collection, a new journal, a new podcast/blog post, or new "something" every. single. day. These people felt like super humans that can get it all done and make time for dinner with their families too. Like how do they do it all?!   Now I get that on social media we only see one side of things, but I couldn't help and feel like everyone was working a million miles a minute and constantly promoting some form of product at ALL times. For a long time now, I just felt like as a society we were way to wrapped up in more, more, MORE. And as a solopreneur myself, I felt like I couldn't keep up and struggled with feeling inadequate.   Then Coronavirus happened. And it happened FAST. And suddenly we have all been forced to SLOW DOWN.   Now I hate what is happening with this virus. I hate how many people are sick or worst, have passed away. I hate how many people are struggling financially. It's devastating. But the silver lining in all of this is that we have all been forced to take a breath, slow down, and realign with what matters most. It's like this time is a "reset" for the world. And now we can ask ourselves,   Is there a better way we can work and exist as humans from here on out?    The hustle and grind isn't in our nature, that is why we eventually burn out. I have done it many times. Today in the podcast I have a raw and open conversation with you about my thoughts on work, how I want to work going forward and discuss why we even overwork to begin with. I also discuss how we can ditch the hustle and work from an aligned place with more peace and less anxiety.   I don't have all the answers. I wish I did. But I want to discuss with you today how we can maybe work in a new and better way going forward. Today's show is more of an open ended conversation but my hope is that it will spark some inspiration for you and your work/life balance. Tune in below and reach out to me on instagram @whattheeffpodcast and let me know your thoughts. I would really love to know your opinion after hearing my thoughts on work in today's show.   Stay safe and healthy, Taylor   Links from this episode: Download your "8 to Great" Morning Priming Worksheet here! Follow Rha Goddess on Instagram @rhagoddess Buy the book The Artist Way by Julia Cameron Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign   Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on 


75: 8 to Great, The Morning Routine You've Been Looking For

  If you listen to my podcast regularly then you know how important my morning routine is to me. I'm a HUGE believer on the power of a positive mindset. So every morning I do what I call "prime my mind" to set me up to be more positive, happier and feeling like I can tackle any goal (cause I can, and so can you!).   Priming my mind is the time I take to feel EMPOWERED! This time is sacred to me and I rarely miss it, because truly, taking the time to nurture my mind, and connect with myself and my goals has changed my life for the better. I am more optimistic and lighter from it, but more than that, I experience life with more ease and grace. Things unfold and manifest for me naturally, simply because I believe they will. Never underestimate the power of your thoughts! They really do shape your reality. Which is exactly why I check in with my thoughts every morning and make sure they match what I want my life to be. And if they don't, I change them. We truly are the creators of our reality.   If you're interested in hearing me speak more to "Priming" then go back and listen to Episode 31 and Episode 32 of this podcast where I explain it more in detail. Now the timing of this episode coming out seems perfect. It wasn't originally planned to release today but I am so glad it is because with everything going on in the world, we need positivity now more than ever.   A lot of listeners of my show want to get started with creating their own morning Priming routine, but feel stuck cause they don't know where to begin. A few weeks ago I made a worksheet called "8 to Great" to help you with just that! This worksheet, 8 to Great, will help you get started with the morning routine you've been looking for! No more wondering what to do when it comes to Priming, this worksheet will hold your hand as you begin the habit of doing it each morning.   In today's episode I break down each of the 8 steps. It's called 8 to Great because there are 8 writing prompts that will lead you to a great day, everyday. We need this now more than ever. It's so easy to cave into the negativity and fear others are offering with the spread of this virus. We can fight this virus by thinking more positively, by working on our mindset and thinking thoughts of health and healing for all. We can use this time to think of creative possibilities that can come from us all having to slow down at home.   My hope even before this virus outbreak was that 8 to Great would comfort and strengthen you to believe in your power that is already within you. And now more than ever, my hope is that 8 to Great will comfort you each and every morning through this trying time as a society. We need you. We need your positivity. We need your healing thoughts, we need your light. Use this to help you every morning do just that. I appreciate you and thank you for making the effort to be a light in this world, truly I mean that. Let's visualize healing, let's think positive thoughts, let's pray for everyone. WE CAN DO THIS!   You do not have to slow down on your dreams just cause you are at home. It's the opposite in fact because we've all been given the gift of time! Let's use it and get creative! What good can come from this time of you being at home? What project can you finally start? I hope 8 to Great will help you along your journey. Tune in be


74: How I’m Working on Feeling Worthy (Plus a Life Update)

  In today’s show I wrap up last month’s theme of self worth by talking about how I’m working on showing myself I’m worthy of good things - both small and big. Recently I started a new job/career path in Interior Design and it has helped me reconnect to my self worth by simply getting ready every morning. Sounds silly I know, but the simple act of taking the time to put myself together every morning has caused this big, positive, ripple effect in my life to show up for myself in other ways too. It's really amazing how some simple things, such as taking the time to get ready in the morning, make you feel so good and remind you that you're worthy of time and energy.    My new self-worth practices go beyond just getting ready, and I share them with you all in today's show. They are simple, but powerful and important. Taking this new job has helped open me up to taking better care of myself again and in turn it is helping me feel less stressed, more centered and happier than ever. My hope is that something I've been learning or reconnecting with will help you to feel worthy of all good things! Cause we are worthy of the BEST!!   I also share the two books I'm currently reading and HIGHLY recommend! They are both re-energizing me right now and reminding me of my own self worth. Today we’re going to chat, friend to friend, about how we can show ourselves more love, respect and feel more worthy of good things. This episode is here to help you know and show yourself you’re worthy!    Take the time to get ready, buy yourself the flowers, go for that walk, drink the water, journal and take yourself on a date once a week. Show yourself you're worthy first and the rest will unfold. I’m learning it’s not all about building my business, I have to love myself and actually enjoy my life! I can’t tell you how much happier I have been these past few weeks since starting my new job and showing up for myself more. I hope something here helps you today reconnect to your worthiness.    All my love, Taylor   Links from this episode: Download your "8 to Great" Morning Priming Worksheet here! Episode 62: I Am Worthy: My Most Valuable Lesson Lately From Gabby Bernstein Buy Yourself The F*cking Liles with Tara Schuster Podcast Episode! Buy the book Buy Yourself the F*cking Liles by Tara Schuster Buy the book The Artist Way by Julia Cameron Connect with me on Instagram @w


73: Starting Before You're Ready with Lauren Taylor

  Artist and Business Owner, Lauren Taylor of Lauren Taylor Creates and LTCreative Tours, is here with us on the podcast today discussing the importance of just getting started before you're ready. It's one of my favorite episodes to date! Lauren's own entrepreneur journey is so inspiring and she shares helpful and actionable steps for us all to take to get momentum going on our visions and dreams.   The truth is we all feel fear at times when it comes to our dreams. We can doubt ourselves and wonder if we can even do it. We might think we're too late to the game to get started, or think we can't do it because someone else already is. But Lauren helps crush these fears and teaches us how to feel the fear but still get started anyway!   Some of my favorite takeaways from Lauren are: Her advice to do a "brain dump" and how this helps free up space in our minds and gives us clarity on our next best step A reminder to not compare yourself to others, especially when they might be 10 years further along in their career than you. Just focus on you. Make deadlines for yourself so you'll actually get going and feel accountable. Tell people about your new venture to make it feel more real, and again, help you be more accountable! No one is special when it comes to starting a business, anyone can really do it. It comes down to your drive and moving through your fear and pursuing it. And much more!   One of my favorite things Lauren reminds us of in today's episode is that time will pass whether you go for it or not. You will be 5 years older 5 years from now regardless if you tried or not. So why not just try? It's never too late to start something new. Lauren is a great example of someone who has always trusted her intuition and gone for it in her life. Her story is truly motivating and I can't wait for you to meet her today on the show and leave feeling inspired! She's a total sweetheart and you're going to love her!   Tune in below to meet Lauren and get help getting started on your dreams! Also, be sure to check out her amazing tour of Ireland with her company LTCreative Tours happening this May 19-26th. We talk all about it in today's show and it's a great trip to take to feel inspired and get started on your next project. You can learn more about it here!   I can't wait for you to meet Lauren! All the links from today's episode are below as well. Sending you all the encouragement and love wherever you're at in your journey right now.   Dwell in possibility, Taylor   Links from this episode: Download your "8 to Great" Morning Priming Worksheet here! Learn more about LTCreative Tours Ireland Trip this May 19-26 here! Visit Lau


72: 12 Things I Would Tell My 21 Year Old Self

  If you could go back in time and visit yourself 10 years younger than you are today, what would you tell yourself? It's an interesting question isn't it?! Imagine it though, if you could give your younger self a cheat sheet of all the major life lessons that you've learned over the past 10 years, the good and bad, to help you out, what would you say?   I actually was asked this question from a listener when I asked for show topic ideas on Instagram (you can follow me @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign). And it really got me thinking, what would I tell my younger self? What have been my biggest takeaways and ah-ha moments over the last 10 years?   Now I can't go back in time, but I can still share the lessons I would tell my younger self with you in hopes that something can help you on your journey. We can all learn from each other, and I think no matter our age or what stage of life we are in, we can learn something helpful from everyone. I hope that something I've had to learn the hard way can help you out on your journey, and hopefully save you some time! And if you have any big life lessons you want to share with me, please share! I always love learning from others too!   Lastly, I have to point out another inspiration for today's podcast episode, my younger sister, Avery. She is graduating high school this year and I really thought of her as I was making this list. Aww what I would give to have an older sister to give me guidance at 18 haha! I can't tell my younger self these lessons, but I certainly can her. And hopefully she will listen! #teenagers   I jump right into my list of 12 things in today's episode. Click below to tune in and hear each tip in detail. We can't go back in time, but we can learn from our past and make a better today now. Whatever it is that is on your heart to do, do it now. It's never too late, and 10 year older you in the future will thank current you for starting today! Do it for you! You deserve all the best!   Dwell in Possibility,   Taylor   Links from this episode: Download your "8 to Great" Morning Priming Worksheet here! Learn about What Priming is in Episode 31 Learn about How to Prime Your Mind in Episode 32 Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign   Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review. Look out for my new digital course on Activating Your Potential in 28 days, coming out soon! Hear abou


71: Am I Enough? How to Feel Worthy of Good Things

  Download your copy of "8 to Great" here! The Morning Priming routine you've been looking for!    Recently I polled people on What The Eff's Instagram and asked them what they wanted to hear on the show and what they needed help with. It was overwhelming how many people responded with different variations of not feeling good enough, or worthy enough, or not "something" enough. Some people don't feel good enough for the job they want, or even the job they already have! They feel like a fake who is going to be called out for not fully knowing what they're doing. Others don't feel worthy of a romantic relationship that they long for. And some have all the good things happening in their life, but they don't feel deserving of it and or worry it won't last. The list goes on and on. But no matter the fear or worry someone has, the underlining theme here is we all struggle with not feeling "enough." We struggle with not fully understanding our own worth as a person.   This is a problem, a root problem actually, because all of our experiences in life start with us and our belief system. In life, we can only experience what we believe to be true. Another name for this is the Law of Attraction. If we don't feel worthy enough for good things in life, then life will keep reflecting back situations that reinforce that belief system. It's the law. (If you want to learn more about Law of Attraction, then I recommend googling Abraham Hicks and Law of Attraction - Abraham explains it best).   But the great news is, we can change it. We can change anything in our life by changing our thoughts and feelings. It takes work, but it's very doable. And when we start believing in better things for ourselves, and we start believing we're worthy human beings, then more good things start showing up for us, one after another! It's truly amazing (and so much fun)!   Recently I've struggled a lot with my own self worth as I've been closing my fashion company down that I ran for 5 years. I had wrapped so much of my worth and identity in my company, without even realizing it until it was gone. When the company failed, I felt like I failed. I felt worthless at times for not figuring it out and making it happen. Now quick side note, I don't actually believe in failure. I know better to know everything is a learning experience and I grew so much from doing all of it. But being the type A personality that I am, I still struggled with feeling worthless.   Needless to say, the past 7 months have been the hardest of my life for me emotionally. But they also have been a beautiful reminder of how important it is for me to know my worth. I've had to really lean into learning my worthiness and understanding it isn't tied to any job title, relationship or situation in life. My worth is just me. And that's enough. I don't have to do anything to earn my worth. It's been hard to accept that I'm enough for just being Taylor. But I've been able to develop a new more loving relationship with myself and I'm feeling more grounded and better than ever. I've learned that sometimes things don't work out in life, and that's okay. And that it isn't a reflection on my worthiness as a person.   While the past 7 months have been hard for me, I'm happy to report I'm coming out on the other side. I see the big BRIGHT light at the end of the tunnel! And having gone through this struggle, I can share with you the 5 t


70: Learning to Rebuild

  There have been many changes through out my life, and with those changes I've sometimes needed to completely rebuild things. Sometimes from the ground up. When you're in a rebuilding phase of life it doesn't always feel the greatest. But I want you to know you're not alone in needing to rebuild. We all have been there. Heck, I'm currently rebuilding my career and finances right now as we speak. There is no shame in rebuilding. Rebuilding is our chance to make our life the way we truly want, how exciting is that?! We can always start again and it's never too late to have the life you've always wanted.   As I mentioned, I'm currently in a season of rebuilding as I am shifting my career from Fashion Designer to Influencer and focusing on paying off all my student loans. Going through all this, I've been self reflecting on the other times I've needed to rebuild things in my life. After reflecting on it, I noticed there are 4 common stages of rebuilding I always go through. And today I want to share those with you in hopes these stages will help you too. I think each stage is equally important and necessary to actually rebuild things and move towards a better tomorrow.   In today's episode I break down each of the 4 stages of rebuilding, which are: Grief Acceptance Getting Organized Making a Plan   I explain each stage in today's episode so be sure to click below to tune in now. No matter what you're going through in your life, you can always rebuild. We're humans, we will make mistakes or fall short at times, but it's okay. We can always improve. At least we're out there in the world trying. I'd rather be out there trying and failing than not trying at all.   I share this quote from Teddy Roosevelt in the episode but I will leave it here with you too cause it's so good:   "It's not the critique who counts. It's not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done it better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena. Who's face is marred with blood and sweat and dust. Who at the best in the end knows the triumph of high achievement and who at worst, if he fails, he fails daring greatly."   Keep daring greatly my friends,   Taylor   Links from this episode: Listen to Episode 68 with Francesca Philips on OWNING your time and having an action plan! Brene Brown video on Daring Greatly Follow my friend and photographer Mario Minero on Instagram @mariominerosphotography Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign   Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Want to do Energy Clearing? Sign up here on


69: Pivoting, Moving Forward & Focusing on Feeling Good!

  In today's newest and first episode of 2020 (whoo hoo!) I talk all about the pivots we make in our lives, whether they are external pivots, like career changes, relationships, moves, body changes, etc. or internal pivots from negative to positive emotions or beliefs. We all have to pivot at one point or another and we have the power to always pivot towards the positive when things aren't right. In today's episode I share 3 tips that help me pivot from negative to positive and move forward in my life and feel GOOD! My hope is that these steps will help you pivot towards happiness too! I'm also dropping some BIG news about my career and what's up next for me. You don't want to miss today's episode. Let's all choose to pivot towards happiness! Click below to tune in now! Lots of love, Taylor         Links from this episode: Buy the book "Ask and It Is Given Learning to Manifest Your Desires" by Esther and Jerry Hicks "I know better now, than I knew then." Learn how to still show up for your dreams, even when life is messy by clicking here! Listen to Episode 68 with Francesca Philips on OWNING your time and having an action plan! Listen to Episode 64 with Erica Mandy on learning how to not waste energy on self doubt. Link to "pivot" scene from Friends. Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign     Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Want to do Energy Clearing? Sign up here on calendly.com/taylormorgan Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review. Look out for my new course on releasing self doubt and being CONFIDENT in 28 days, coming out soon! Hear about it on taylormorgan.us emails.    


68: Go from Time Managing to Time OWNING with Francesca Phillips

    Let’s talk about time. It’s a tricky thing to manage just as a human being, but it's even trickier when you become an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you’re calling all your own shots and juggling a million different job tasks. It's great to be your own boss, but it can also quickly become overwhelming without a plan in place. And if you aren't careful, you can become a professional time manager and loose sight of the tasks that actually move the needle forward in your business. I have been guilty of this. I have gotten caught up in just managing things that had to get done, but weren't necessarily the biggest needle movers in my business. The problem was two-fold: 1. I didn't have a clear plan in place for my business and 2. I didn't know how to OWN my time and set boundaries for myself. But luckily it doesn't have to be this way! We can learn to go from managing our time to OWNING our time! And today on the show I have brought on my personal Time Strategist Coach Francesca Phillips to coach us on how to make the transition from time management to time OWNING. You do not want to miss this episode! Get your notebook and pen ready! For the past several months now, Francesca has been coaching me personally on OWNING my time. And let me tell you, it has made ALL the difference in the world to me and my business! I feel more focused, clear and confident on my next steps. I no longer worry about if I am wasting time or not being productive enough. I have learned how to "theme" my days, make a clear "battle board" vision for my goals for the next 5 years and 2020 in detail. It is all explained in today's episode so get ready for some amazing tools that will help you feel more in control of your goals and business and more confident to take the next steps to move forward! I can't wait to hear what you think of this episode! Tune in now below and be sure to tag me @whattheffpodcast on Insta so I can hear what you thought of today's episode!   Dwell in possibility, Taylor   Links from this episode: Learn more about Francesca Phillips on francescaphillips.co Follow Francesca on Instagram @francescaaphillips For whatever branded product you need, Check out anypromo.com/eff for some great offers for What The Eff listeners, including 12% off when you use code WHATTHEEFF at checkout. Sign up on zola.com/whattheeff to get your FREE personalized paper sample. Then use code SAVE50 to get 50% off your Save the Dates! Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign     Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Want to do Energy Clearing? Sign


67: How to 10x Your Content through Repurposing with Amy Woods

  Today I'm SO excited to introduce you to Amy Woods from Content10x. Amy is a master at repurposing content online so that you get 10x the exposure from 1 piece of content. I first met Amy at Podcast Movement in Orlando earlier this year where I learned from her how I could take 1 podcast episode of mine and create 30 days worth of content. My mind was blown! Now, Amy doesn't just teach her methods to podcasters, her methods apply to any content creator. Whether you have a blog, youtube channel, podcast, instagram and more, Amy will show you how to get more miles out of your content through repurposing it.   Repurposing our content is great because it allows us to get our message and brand out to more people without creating new content all the time. We can simply just take a different angle or approach to our original content and get more use out of it. I personally get into the bad habit of only creating new content on one platform (i.e. this podcast) and not repurposing my content for other platforms. But by repurposing our content we can reach more people with our message and grow our brand in a way we never have before. Amy teaches us in today's episode it's not all about creating more and more new stuff, it's more just tweaking what we already have for another platform. And the power repurposing will have on your business is amazing!   If you are ready to spread the word more about the amazing content you pour so many hours into then today's episode is for you! Amy will show you how to start repurposing your content today, give you tips and tricks for getting started and make you excited to grow your online platform! I can't wait for you to learn from the master herself! Tune in below to listen now.   Dwell in possibility, Taylor     Links from this episode: Learn more about Amy Woods and Content10x at content10x.com Listen to Amy's Podcast Content10x here! Follow Amy on Instagram @content10x Want help repurposing your content? Go to meetedgar.com/taylor and use the code taylor to get an extended 60-day free trial. Meet Edgar is a great tool for sharing your content in multiple places with a single click! For whatever branded product you need, Check out anypromo.com/eff for some great offers for What The Eff listeners, including 12% off when you use code WHATTHEEFF at checkout. Preserve and pass on memories with StoryWorth, the most meaningful gift for your family. Sign up today by going to storyworth.com/whattheeff. You’ll get $20 off your first purchase! Connect with me on Instagram


66: Still Showing Up For Your Dreams When Life is Messy

  We can all make a list of reasons why we shouldn't show up for our dreams. Life is always going on and busy and finding an excuse isn't hard to do. For example, in the past 2 years alone I have been cheated on, gotten divorced, been flat broke, moved states twice, lost a very close friendship, shifted my career, and much more. There are so many "reasons" I could have let stop me from showing up for myself and my career. But life is always going to have a lot going on, and we have to learn how to still show up even when things are messy. We can't give into sorrow or doubt. We must keep believing in ourselves. We must keep going.   I know it isn't always easy to move forward when your heart is breaking. Trust me, I get it. I know how that feels. But your future self will thank you for starting over again, for never giving up and creating your dream life. You can do it my friend.   One thing that encourages me often is the following phrase I made up and repeat to myself regularly: "I know better now than I knew then." When something in your life that you were SO sure about doesn't work out the way you thought it would, it can be hard to trust yourself to make anything new happen. But this above phrase helps encourage me to keep going. Cause the truth is, I know better now. I am not starting my new venture at the same starting point I started the last one at. I am wiser now. Better now. More experienced now. I can make better decisions and changes from my more evolved starting point.   I'm learning to not look at anything as "failure" but rather experience and growth for my own evolution personally and professionally. "Failures" are just proof you are trying! And that is better than sitting on the sidelines! No one gets things right 100% of the time. We're human and we have to give ourselves grace. Trust me, we're all figuring it out as we go!   But some nights, I let my fears and doubts get the best of me. Earlier this past Sunday I had one of those nights. I was ugly crying in the bathroom as a new week was about to approach me and the overwhelm of feeling lost in my career, what I'm exactly doing and who I am got the best of me. I was out of alignment and it was not cute. I forgot who I really am. I gave into the overwhelm of the "messiness" of my life right now.   But how do we bounce back from nights like I had doubting myself, feeling lost and not knowing what to do next? The following 3 Steps help me get back to feeling good and showing up for my dreams: 1. Prime your mind in the morning!You can go back and listen to Episode 31 and Episode 32 on what Priming is and how to Prime your mind. Also Episode 57 shows you how Priming helps you reconnect to your greatest goals!  But in today's episode I break down 3 simple steps to Prime today. Tune in to listen! 2. Brain dump your overwhelm! Get on paper and out of your head all the things you want to do or need to do. Just write it all out. This frees up space and energy in our minds cause it now lives on paper and we can have a plan for it now rather then let it confuse us or feel overwhelmed. 3. Organize your brain dump into themes and get it on your calendar. Theme your days out, such as "Mar


65: If You Don't Believe in Yourself, No One Will. How to Stop Blocking Yourself from Your Success Story!

  Can we expect others to believe in us if we don't first believe in ourselves? No. No one will believe in you, if you don't first believe in you. It all starts with us. So how do we go from self doubt or a lack of confidence to believing in ourselves and thriving? How do we unblock ourselves from our own success story? Today, we're going to break it down into just 5 simple steps to help you stop blocking yourself and start reaching your full potential.   Cause let's face it, sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. We can get so paralyzed by our own fears and doubts that we don't take action to move forward and truly progress in our lives. In last week's episode 64 on my podcast, I talked with Erica Mandy about how setting self doubt aside helps us take action to actually move the needle forward in our businesses or careers. When we aren't wasting our time and energy doubting ourselves, it frees up SO much time and energy for us to use towards getting things moving and actually accomplishing our goals.   To get the full details of how to stop blocking yourself from your success, click below to listen to today's episode in full. But here are the 5 steps simply put:   Start believing in yourself! Do this by speaking positively to yourself daily. Remind yourself how talented and capable you are! Remind yourself of past accomplishments too! Identify your current limiting beliefs. We need to let them go so they don't block us. In order for us to do that, we first have to call them into the light. Write them down on a piece of paper. Ditch your limiting beliefs! Cross them out on the paper you wrote them on, write on top of them "Not true" "False!" or whatever makes you feel good. And then safely, burn in a fire-pit if you have one. It is so freeing to watch them physically burn and go away. It's the end of the negative chatter and the beginning of believing in yourself! Write down your dreams/success stories as if they have already happened and then give thanks for them happening! Close your eyes and envision them happening. Living at this vibration of them being done helps you manifest them into your reality. This step comes from my mentor Tony Robbins. You next need to FEEL your dreams in your body! To do this, you have to get physical and dance! Yes, that's right, it's time to dance! Turn on music that pumps you up and makes you excited and jump up and down to it screaming your affirmations! You have to put this belief that you are successful into your body and dancing is one of the best ways to do that!   At the end of the day we have to remember that our thoughts shape our realities. First, our thoughts shape our actions, then our actions shape our realities. When you truly believe in yourself, and you know you're capable, you will take MASSIVE action towards your dreams. It all starts with you. So do yourself a favor and simply believe!   I believe in you, Taylor   Links from this episode: Get ShopTagr app for free and enter to win $500 here: http://www.clkmg.com/shoptagr_inc/whattheeff Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign     Stay in touch with me! Sign up


64: How to Stop Wasting Energy on Self Doubt & Move Forward in the Right Direction with Erica Mandy

  Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Erica Mandy, of The Newsworthy Podcast, at Podcast Movement in Orlando, Florida. I heard her speak on a panel there and was immediately impressed by her and her career path. Erica has moved from a traditional career path in journalism and news reporting to launching her own News Podcast, The Newsworthy, with millions of downloads. And all in just two years.   While talking with Erica about her journey from the "safe" corporate job to launching her own brand and business, I asked her "when did your business turn around and start to take off?" And without skipping a beat she said: "It was when I stopped wasting time and energy on self doubt"   My. mind. was. blown! It was one of those statements that stopped me dead in my tracks and made me ask myself "How much time and energy do I waste on my own self doubt?" The answer is WAY to much time! In fact, when I took an inventory of my own self doubt chatter, I realized, most of my days were spent in thoughts of self doubt in one form or another. Whether that was a simple passing thought, words I vocalized or just those feelings of "will I ever take off?" or "when will I be successful?"   But what if I stopped wasting so much time and energy doubting myself and instead spent that time and energy imagining it all working out?! What if I spent that time taking massive action because I truly BELIEVED in myself and that it will all work out?  What kind of difference would that make in my life and career? Truly releasing self doubt would allow me to take massive action that I'm currently not taking. And this is how I am changing right now. I release my self doubt.   And it's time you do too. In today's episode Erica Mandy is going to share with us how to stop doubting ourselves and how we can take action steps to move forward in our careers. If you are ready to make that change you know you're capable of, if you're ready to reach your full potential, then today's episode is for you! Click below to listen now  and learn how to release your own self doubt and take action to move forward now. Leave a review in iTunes letting me know what you think of today's show.   Here's to new beginnings and believing in ourselves!   Love, Taylor     Links from this episode: The Newsworthy Podcast with Erica Mandy Connect with Erica Mandy on Instagram @ericamandynews Connect with me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign     Stay in touch with me! Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Want to do Energy Clearing? Sign up here on calendly.com/taylormorgan Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review. Look out for new workshop on Choose to Feel Good and Turning You


63: Letting Go of the "Dream" to Make Room for Something Even Better

Is it time to make room for something even better? I've been in another transition in my life and it has me self reflecting even more than normal (which is saying a lot for this over analyzer!). I've been asking myself lately "does this make me happy?" And if it doesn't, I'm actually reflecting on why and making the necessary pivots and changes needed in my life so that I can be truly happy. Sometimes I think we hold onto the business, job or relationship to long in fear of the unknown ahead. We would sometimes rather stay in what is familiar and not great simply because we know it and know what to expect. It's good enough, so we stay. Can you relate? But maybe, we can do something even better?! It's time we stop settling for "good enough" and go for the great we know we're capable of. This is where I'm at now in my life. I know I can do better. And for the first time ever really, I'm taking off all the "limits" and "rules" I've placed on the Universe for what it can and cannot give me. Meaning, for the first time ever, I'm TRULY opening up to ANY and ALL possibilities for what can be in store for me. And it feels SO exciting! Here are 3 Simple Questions to ask yourself to decide if it's time to move from good to GREAT: Does this job (or relationship) make me happy or anxious? Do I wake up excited to go to work? And when I'm working does it feel like work? What activities am I naturally drawn to and love doing & never feel like work? Shedding is a necessary part of our growth and evolution and in today's newest episode we're going to talk about moving on from something that was once good to make room for something great. If you've struggled with letting go or knowing when time is up on something then this episode is for you. Click below to listen now and let me know what you think by leaving a review in iTunes. Make room for something great today! Love, Taylor   Links from this episode: Get ShopTagr App for FREE and be entered to win $500 at this link: https://beta.shoptagr.com/?ref_src=podcast&campaign=whattheeff Say hi on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign Follow my friend Patrice Washington on Insta @seekwisdompcw Listen to Patrice Washington's podcast Chase Purpose Not Money here   Want more Taylor Morgan? Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Want to do Energy Clearing? Sign up here on calendly.com/taylormorgan Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review. Look out for new workshop on Turning Your Life Around from Hopeless to Happiness, coming out soon on


62: I Am Worthy: My Most Valuable Lesson Lately From Gabby Bernstein

  I’m so excited to chat with you today about our worthiness and why it’s important we truly understand how amazing and valuable each of us are. Not just cause it feels good to know we are valuable but also because it effects our experiences in our life. Have financial struggles? Desire for a romantic partner? Feel mistreated by people? I will explain to you what Gabby Bernstein taught me recently at a workshop about why all those things are actually an unworthiness issue and not at all what they look like on paper. When I heard this, she blew my mind open and I’m going to share all about it with you today in the show. Through this podcast I have the pleasure of connecting with people from all walks of life, all at different stages of life. It’s interesting though, because while we are all uniquely different and special in our own way, a common theme I see in both myself and many I talk with is our struggle with feeling Worthy. Can you relate? Have you ever struggled with feeling worthy? If so today’s episode is going to help you so much. We will talk about why we need to feel worthy and bust 3 common MYTHS about worthiness and counter them with the TRUTH and steps you can take to start strengthening your own feelings of worthiness today. Which will in turn bring more light, abundance and success into your life.   Here are the 3 myths and truths about worthiness: Myth #1: “When I accomplish (blank) I will be of value to people.”                  TRUTH: “You are valuable and priceless for just being YOU!” Myth #2:” My job makes me important and valuable.”                                          TRUTH: “My light and energy I bring into the world make me valuable.” Myth #3: My bank account is a reflection of my worth.                                        TRUTH: My bank account is a reflection of how worthy I FEEL about myself.     Use this mantra from Gabby Bernstein: "I feel worthy. I feel love. I am love. I am here as a gift to the world."   Our happiness is our own responsibility. No person or situation can truly give you your happiness or self worth. Sure people or things can bring us moments of happiness, but ultimately our consistent happiness is our responsibility and job. And we can choose happiness everyday. I’m finding that for me to be happy I need to remember I’m valuable and worthy. I don’t have to do or accomplish anything to be worthy. It’s important we understand our worthiness so that we can experience all the good things that are our birthright. I am worthy. You are worthy. Never forget how special you are. Tune in below to hear the full show.   Links from this episode: Say hi on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign Listen to Episode 31 and Episode 32 to learn more about Priming your mind to feel more positive and worthy. Click here to lear


61: Real Life Client Bellina Tse: How Implementing Priming & Energy Clearing Changed Her Life

  I'm so excited to bring real life listener of the Podcast, Bellina Tse on the show today. Bellina is a client of mine through my online group coaching program I did for a while this year outside of the Podcast. I have had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Bellina this year and watch her life beautifully unfold as she started implementing both Priming into her morning routine as well as doing Energy Clearing one-on-one with me. Today you get to hear from someone else the positive effects both Priming and Energy Clearing have on you and how they both help you manifest your dreams (or even better!) Tune in below to hear directly from Bellina how just 5 minutes each morning Priming her mind has made her more positive and have less anxiety and have more peace in her life. Also learn from her how she discovered her happiness wasn't in external things but rather was an internal job and how she made that transition. She shares with us how she started manifesting what she thought was her dream job and move to Singapore, but really the Universe had something "even better" in store for her. What I love about Bellina's story is that it reminds us of the power of nurturing our minds, expressing gratitude, and that happiness is an internal job and we don't have to accomplish or do anything to be worthy of happiness. Simply being us qualifies us to be worthy and happy now. Tune in below to hear how amazing Bellina's story is and be inspired to start Priming your mind in the mornings too!   Links from this episode: Follow Bellina on Instagram here @spiritualandcynical Want to work with me on clearing your trapped emotions? Sign up here on calendly.com/taylormorgan Buy the book The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson to learn more about Energy Clearing and how to do it     Want more Taylor Morgan? Sign up for my emails on taylormorgan.us Follow me on Instagram @whattheeffpodcast and @taylormorgandesign Enjoy the show? Please, leave a review for my show! Look out for new workshop on Priming coming out in the next 30 days on taylormorgan.us emails.


60: How Clearing the Past Can Help You Move Forward Personally & Professionally with Dr. Darrien

Special thank you to ShopTagr for supporting today's show.  Get ShopTagr for FREE and be entered to win $250 by clicking here!    I’m so excited to have Dr. Darrien Jamar on the show today to talk about all things energy and self healing and how clearing our energy can help us heal our pasts, which then allows us to move forward more peacefully in our lives, both personally and professionally. In today's episode we deep dive into what are called Trapped Emotions in our bodies. We discuss how we can clear them to attract what we truly want in our lives. Now to be honest, when I first heard about "trapped emotions" a few years ago, I thought it sounded a little "out there". The idea that I had trapped emotions in my body that were blocking experiences in my life didn't make a lot of sense. I became open to trying energy clearing though when I was introduced to an energy clearer during my divorce. I was at rock bottom at the time as you can imagine, so I was willing to try anything to help me feel better. And let me tell you, I'm SO GRATEFUL I gave energy clearing a try! Working with my Energy Clearer not only helped me release my "trapped emotions" and clear negative energy from my life and body, but I also learned how to put good energy in and attract my wildest dreams. Now, after doing the work, I have attracted my fiance LJ into my life, we live in a beautiful home we own in D.C. together, and I'm aligning with my true life calling in my career and money is in great abundance for me, when it wasn't just a few short years ago. Trust me, clearing your energy and healing your past helps you move forward in your life both personally and professionally. And today I want to share with you all about energy and clearing it so you can move forward with peace and ease in your own life. Do I have it all figured it out? Nope! And I never will. This isn't about perfection, but rather progress. We are all a work in progress our entire lives. In today's episode you will hear Dr. Darrien encourage us to pursue progress over perfection and purpose over popularity. He also shares with us how we are not broken, and are capable of healing ourselves. This episode is so uplifting and will help you get started on your own healing path. This is a “business” podcast but I want to point out that the biggest thing I have learned in starting and running my businesses is the importance of MINDSET! Tony Robbins says, “The success of any business is 80% the business owner or leaders psychology and only 20% the mechanics.” So for anyone wondering why on a podcast about business and chasing and creating your dreams we are talking about energy, it is because I have learned YOUR THOUGHTS are where your successes begin. So we want to make sure we nurture our thoughts and protect our energy to have the happiest and most successful and fulfilling lives! And it all starts from the inside out. Tune in today to learn how you too can manifest and attract your dream life from the inside out. The power is already inside of you! You are a magnificent creator and by clearing your energy and staying aligned with your truest self, you can be a vessel for anything you want in this life! I believe in you! Listen below. &n


59: How to Start Implementing Pinterest Into Your Business Marketing

Do you just use Pinterest for outfit inspiration and recipes for dinner? Did you know that Pinterest can become the #1 referral source for your business?  Over Google and Instagram? That's pretty amazing! Image from: TheEveryGirl.com   Why? Because Pinterest isn't social media, it's a search engine!  In today's episode, I dive into how I'm starting to use Pinterest as a marketing tool for my business and sharing some tips and tricks I've learned recently to get started using Pinterest to grow my business. My hope is that these 3 simple steps I share with you today will inspire you to start taking advantage of this amazing platform we have at our fingertips! I am SO excited to FINALLY start using Pinterest to grow my own online presence and I hope that what I'm doing can help you too! Let's do it together, what do you say? Before I jump into the 3 steps, I want to shout out someone I've learned A LOT from about Pinterest, my girl Jenna Kutcher. If you don't already know Jenna yet, you're welcome! She is my go to girl for helping me with all my own "what the eff" moments as an entrepreneur. Jenna always encourages me to keep going forward.  She makes entrepreneurship feel easier and totally doable! If you want even more help on all things Pinterest and marketing, I would encourage you to go check her out on jennakutcher.com.   Without further adieu, here are my 3 tips to using Pinterest as a marketing tool for your business:   Identify who your Ideal Client Avatar is (or your ICA for short!) It's really important to know who your ideal client is so that you can know who you're trying to speak to on Pinterest. This will help you when creating content for the platform. Ask yourself, "How old is my ICA? What does my ICA like/dislike? What are their pain points my products or services can help them with? Etc." Know your ICA intimately. Do discovery phone calls with at least 7 people to figure out your ICA profile.   2. Serve, Serve, Serve your ICA Serve your ICA with great content in the form of a blog post, podcast episode, how to guide, and other freebies, etc. You want to position yourself and brand as the go to expert in your field. As Jenna Kutcher says, we want to serve, serve, serve and then sell our clients. Serve more than you try to sell so they know and trust you. Creating free great content for them regularly is a great way to serve and help your ICA   3. Create Lead Magnets in exchange for emails This allows you to continue to grow your relationship with your ICA off of Pinterest and on your platform in your emails You have a wealth of knowledge that your ICA can benefit from - create PDFs, How Tos, Checklist and more to give to your ICA to help them We want to start building genuine relationships with our ICA and to do that we want them in our weekly emails so we can better engage with them. View your emails as a product of your business I hope these tips I've given here have inspired you to look at Pinterest differently and hopefully you'll start to use it to market and grow your business. You


Joana Lobo

Why? I love you guys, but I'm so confused...

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