your gen z co-worker

"Your Gen Z Co-Worker," the podcast where we break down the workplace in a way that actually makes sense. Hosted by Emily (a fellow Gen Z-er who's been there, done that, and still figuring it out), this podcast is your go-to source for career advice, HR trends, and business insights – all served up with a healthy dose of relatability.

it's a brand new season

Oh hey, podcast listeners! It's been a hot minute. Welcome back to...your Gen Z co-worker podcast. I've rebranded to fit the *vibe* that my business is entering into and I'm so happy you're here. Which I'm stoked about. It's Season 2 Episode 1 and don't worry, this episode is super lowkey...or super confusing. I'll discuss what's been going on the last few months, where this podcast is going, and how we can connect more (because I really am your Gen Z coworker). xoxo Emily -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


your gen z co-worker intro

"Your Gen Z Co-Worker," the podcast where we break down the workplace in a way that actually makes sense. Hosted by me (a fellow Gen Z-er who's been there, done that, and still figuring it out), this podcast is your go-to source for career advice, HR trends, and business insights – all served up with a healthy dose of relatability. From decoding office jargon to discussing the latest TikTok hacks for boosting productivity, I tackle it all. Hit that subscribe button and join me on "Your Gen Z Co-Worker."


How to Change Your Career Path

In this episode of Conquer Your Career, we're going to be talking about how to change your career path, because it is not the easiest challenge to take on, but it can be a necessary one. I will be going over the reasons WHY you would change your career path, WHAT you can gain by switching things up in your career, and HOW to go about changing your career. I've been through the process myself, jumping from job to job in the past 9 years, but it led me to where I am today, loving my job, and I want the same for you!


Lessons Learned

In this episode of Conquer Your Career, we're going to be talking about the past few months of running Think HR and some of the lessons I learned. I will be going over the ups and downs, the highs and lows since December of 2021 and provide you with 3 lessons I learned that apply ever so well to you in your career path.


Your Excuses Suck

In this episode of Conquer Your Career, we're going to be talking about the most common excuses I hear when it comes to applying to jobs...and why they are bullshit. I will be going over each excuse, why it is invalid and provide you with motivation to get your name out there and apply to the job that is calling your name. We all have enough self-doubt as it is, and when you're applying for jobs, I want to rid you of all your self-doubt. That's my goal during this episode!


Making a Career 180 with Sherry from Money Mindset Financial

In this episode of Conquer Your Career, I have a special guest, Sherry from Money Mindset Financial on with me. During this episode, we chat about how Sherry started Money Mindset Financial, things that she wished she did earlier on in her career, and some financial and business pieces of advice for those budding entrepreneurs and individuals wanting to make a 180 in their careers. 


It's Not "Cool" to Hate Your Job

Let's get things straight right off the bat here...hating your job is not a personality trait, nor is it cool to hate it. I know society and your friends think it is, but if you're going to be working for ONE-THIRD of your life...why are you wasting your time and value at a job you hate? During this episode, we're going to talk about what your life would look like if you didn't hate your job and how to move from hating your job to loving your job! Hint: there is a special offer for those that listen to the whole episode... :) 


Patience, Stubbornness and Running a Hair Salon - with Sage Bennett

In this episode of Conquer Your Career, I have special guest, Sage Bennett from The Styling Studio in Woodstock Ontario. In this episode we talk through Sage's career path, how she became the manager of the Styling Studio, how she managed the business and her team in 2020 and her best piece of advice to anyone wanting to start their own business. This episode is a strong reminder that having patience is essential, career paths are going to be rocky and being stubborn is the best personality trait you can have.


Don't Take Your Career So Seriously

This episode is all about not taking yourself or your career so seriously. Emily talks about her own work experiences, what she learned from them and teaches you what to do if you're feeling stuck in your career. Say goodbye to your excuses and society's advice on careers, and say hello to putting yourself and your value first.


Welcome to Conquer Your Career

This episode gives a quick glimpse into what the Conquer Your Career podcast is all about, who your host Emily is, and what to expect on the podcast going forward.


From LinkedIn Hater to LinkedIn..."Lover"?

Oh I loathe you. Well...maybe. My first interactions with LinkedIn were the same as most, scrolling through celebration after celebration of new jobs, promotions, moving, etc. and as an 18-year-old who had no idea what to do with her life, it SUCKED. After some time, lessons learned, and niches discovered, I've seen LinkedIn in a new light, and I want to share that with you. We'll go over my story (short, sweet, and to the point as always), and I'll teach you a couple of ways to make LinkedIn a resource in your job search, not just another social media platform to scroll when bored. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


Flaws on the Average Resume

I will walk you through some resume dos and don'ts, things that make me cringe, make me raise my eyebrows, and don't make sense on resumes - plus a couple of tips and tricks for job seekers. I'll review the "grocery list" of skills, why you shouldn't put a photo on your resume, and whether or not your high school diploma should live on your resume. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


What your 20s (or any age) are really for: solely my perspective

Are you ready for a chaotic recap of my 26th birthday and the thoughts that have been circling my brain for the last 6 years? Spoiler alert: it wasn't the life-changing day I thought it would be. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE), talks about what they wish they did in their 20s, or things they wish they told their 25-year-old I thought, why not jump on the bandwagon for this one? I'll cover the 4 key pieces of advice my spirit guides have given me...just kidding. 4 things I think are important no matter how old you are...walls, triathlons, volunteering and #yolo...listen to this episode to learn more. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠


Know When It's the Right Time to Leave a Job

How often has "I hate my job" come out of your mouth in the last few months? Or "I hate my boss?" Finding a career path and a specific job that fulfills us and makes us feel successful is not the easiest task. But I can decipher when leaving a role is the right decision for you. In this episode we cover 4 signs that you're ready to quit your job...from legit reasons, to just because it's time, I recorded this episode to provide you with tips and tricks to putting yourself first and your job second...or further down the list. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠


A Beginner's Guide to Job Searches

Let’s take your job search from “I have no idea where to start” to “I am the guru of job searches.” …Maybe not quite literally, but this episode is a beginner’s guide to help you feel more comfortable in your job search, have a better idea as to what you are looking for in a job posting, what red flags might pop up, how to apply to jobs that you are interested in and the big follow up or to not follow up. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠


The Dark Side of Promotions - Workload, Responsibilities & Salary

Promotions are GREAT. I LOVE PROMOTIONS. Unless they're sneaky, or don't offer you what you were expecting. We all love a good pros and cons list, and that's what I'm covering in today's episode. All you need to know about promotions to make sure you are covering your ass. From working your way up the corporate ladder to your boss not ACTUALLY understanding what your role is, the benefits involved, and the red flags to look out for. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠ Website: ⁠


Gen Z in the Workplace: Myth vs. Fact

Yes - stereotypes and biases are real. No, they don’t appear out of mid-air. I encourage you whether as a Gen Z or as a millennial, Gen X, Boomer, etc., to remove those judgments and  “flip the script.” Instead of looking at items as “challenges” or “problems,” look at them as “opportunities” or “areas to improve on.” Instead of “making assumptions,” put yourself in someone else’s shoes to see where they’re coming from. Let’s tackle the Gen Z workforce in four quick myths vs. facts. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠ Website: ⁠


Meet Alyssa: From a Public Relations Diploma to becoming a Published Author

Alyssa of The Social Factory has joined the chat! We sit down to discuss her career path, the unique experiences that inspired her to create a business about building your personal brand, the importance of finding your passions (and how to do it!!), and how she went from never using her Public Relations diploma to using it exclusively with her OWN book, Kenny Gets her Crown. This episode goes over the realistic “flow” of a career path; having to choose a job pretty much out of high school, discovering your passions throughout a variety of work experiences and the reality of using (or not using) your degree/diploma. This episode is inspiring, honest, and leaves you feeling ready to find what you're passionate about and how to apply it in your own career. -- LINKS: Find Alyssa: IG: IG: @alyssasmusings Website: Find Emily: IG: Website:


Powerful Habits When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job is always…a process. Before you start your first day (or even if you are a few months into a new role), I want to advise you on the best habits to create and sustain throughout this experience. Too often we find ourselves 3 years into a job, with no boundaries, a lack of motivation, and the inability to complete work on a Friday afternoon. Let us try and tackle that. This episode covers 5 habits I encourage you to adopt into your career, why they're important, and what they can do for you. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: ⁠⁠ Website: ⁠


Breaking Down the WORST Career Advice

Let's talk about some of the most common pieces of career advice...and why they suck. No, but seriously. After polling my audience, and doing a hardcore Google search, I learned some of the most common pieces of career advice, and we're going to break them down. 6 pieces of advice, why there are two sides to every one, and what you can learn from them. As a bonus: my number one piece of career advice... you'll want to hear it. -- LINKS Find Emily: IG: Website:


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