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“You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast)
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“You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast)

Author: Jen Kirkman

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In my everyday life I’m a writer and in my every-waking-second-of-my-life, I’m an adult with ADHD. I was diagnosed in my 30’s and did nothing about it and re-visited my diagnosis in my 40’s and am now with therapy, medication, coaching, and reading everything that the experts write – I’m finally coping with ADHD in what I think of as a daily recovery.

On this podcast I’ll talk about my personal experiences with all of those behaviors, thought patterns, and feelings that I’ve lived with never knowing it was ADHD. I’ll also pass along what the top experts in the field of ADHD are saying – putting together research that you may not do for yourself. I want to help spread the word that ADHD is not just about productivity and focus but it’s a lack of Executive Function which impacts every aspect of our lives including relationships, and even our self-esteem. If you have been doctor diagnosed with ADHD, self-diagnosed, are ADHD curious or people have often told you, “Um, you’re kind of a lot”– this podcast is for you.
29 Episodes
In this episode: Jen talks about the word “procrastivity” and why ADHD humans love to do every task other than what they set out to work on. And the problem of not even being able to get started due to what’s known as “front end perfectionism” where the entire day goes by and we’ve spent it preparing to do our tasks or work - not by actually preparing anything related, but by “organizing” our space, and “getting ready to get ready. There will be some helpful tips in this episode about how to actually begin your project without procrastivity or perfectionism. Listen to “YOU ARE A LOT” (an adhd podcast) FREE on any podcast app. For bonus content join the podcast Patreon at $6.99 a month. You can start with a 7-day-free-trial today! If you sign up for one year you get 15% off. CLICK TO JOIN PATREON - Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: PROCRASTINATION QUIZ - ADDitude Magazine OUTSMART PROCRASTINATION & IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY - You Tube 18 WAYS NOT TO PROCRASTINATE - Article on Healthline
In this episode: Jen talks about how after just assuming that the “right” thing to do for ADHD is keeping her phone in FOCUS mode, leaving all notifications and alerts off - that she realized living that way is more overwhelming than allowing bleeps, bloops and on-screen banners to remind her of what she needs to get done. Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen
In this episode: Jen talks about why ADHD people procrastinate (hint: the usual answers - lack of executive function and an impulsive need for dopamine) and how we must accept that we will continue to procrastinate, otherwise we’ll live in a constant fantasy loop that tomorrow will be the day that I’m a person who doesn’t procrastinate! Once we accept that we will procrastinate, we can then start to make changes in how we get things done, and how we decide what we really actually want to get done. For bonus content join the podcast Patreon at $6.99 a month. You can start with a 7-day-free-trial today! If you sign up for one year you get 15% off. CLICK TO JOIN PATREON Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: The Relationship b/w ADHD & Procrastination (article) Very Well Mind website Procrastination Is An Emotional Problem (article) The New York Times Why I Taught Myself To Procrastinate (article) Adam Grant Op-Ed NY Times
For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $6.99 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen
For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen
In this episode: Jen talks about the ADHD Human tendency to overshare by saying “inappropriate” things to people, not knowing we are talking too much or stopping, info dumping on someone, spilling other people’s secrets, saying too much about ourselves even if we didn’t mean to, or over-explaining ourselves and then the subsequent shame hangover after we realize that we overshared. Jen shares tips on how to not overshare in various social situations and how to accept and prep; we are lovable, warm people who will overshare again but we can prep for that inevitability. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: Oversharing: The Social Traps…(Video) - Caroline Maguire Is Your ADHD Causing Social Slip Ups? (Article) - Dr. Ari Tuckerman ADHD & Oversharing (Article) - How To Break Your Oversharing Habit (Article) - New U Therapy Center Oversharing…& RSD Induced Shame Afterward (Article) - ADDitude Magazine Disclosure: 5 Things Adult ADHD Want You To Know (Article) - ADHD Centre UK
In this episode: Jen tells a personal story about her latest attempt to get her ADHD medication prescription filled during this medication shortage and in a timely manner before she had to travel out of the country for work. This attempt included going to a pharmacy miles away and having to show a travel itinerary to prove that she wasn’t lying about needing her medication by a certain date, and refused to fill the prescription in advance for pick-up, instead telling Jen that she needed to get there soon to beat the other ADHD customers who were having their prescriptions filled. You won’t believe this one! For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen
RELEASE DATE: Monday May 6th, 2024 In this episode: In this quick episode, Jen takes the time to talk about how she came up with the hiatus schedule for 2024 and where the ADHD got in the way, and how she had to look at her plans differently. SHOW NOTES: For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen
This week: Jen talks about how middle-aged women are being diagnosed with ADHD in higher numbers due to their diagnosis being missed as children. And Jen talks about not realizing that she had ADHD as a child until she read Sari Solden’s book that explains that girls go unnoticed and undiagnosed because their symptoms may not present as hyper-active or inattentive - leading them to become women who are confused and ashamed about why they’re not fulfilling everyone’s expectations - until they get diagnosed and “unmask”. Jen talks about how middle-aged women are being diagnosed with ADHD in higher numbers due to their diagnosis being missed as children. And Jen talks about not realizing that she had ADHD as a child until she read Sari Solden’s book that explains that girls go unnoticed and undiagnosed because their symptoms may not present as hyper-active or inattentive - leading them to become women who are confused and ashamed about why they’re not fulfilling everyone’s expectations - until they get diagnosed and “unmask”. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: WOMEN WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (book) by Sari Solden
In this episode: Jen talks about a scientific study published in early 2024 that found that early humans with ADHD-like tendencies (impulsivity, an urge for risk taking, and an inability to stay still for too long) are a big reason why our species not only survived but developed certain levels of survival intelligence. In hunter-gatherer societies, ADHD brains flourished and evolved as opposed to the modern world where having ADHD is seen as a disadvantage.  Jen also talks about the Survivor contestant who was voted off because of her ADHD. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: ADHD Might Have Been An Evolutionary Advantage (article) - The Guardian ADHD/Hyperactive Hunger-Gatherers (article) - Heathline The Evolution of Cognitive Diversity (study) - National Library of Medicine Attention Deficits Linked With Proclivity to Forage (study) - Proceedings of the Royal Society B
In this episode: Jen talks about the complex and interesting history of ADHD. The symptoms were recognized as a condition since the 1800’s but was seen as a moral failing in children, it was then recognized as a physiological brain problem in children in the 1900’s, stimulant medications began to be used as treatment in the 1960’s but by the 1970’s there was backlash, and in the 1990’s many organizations and clinicians refused to validate that the emerging diagnosis of Adult ADHD even existed. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: The Controversy That Was Adult ADHD (Article) - ADDitude Magazine The Evolution of ADHD (Article) - ADDitude Magazine What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don’t? (Book) - Dr. MIchele Novotni The History Of ADHD And It’s Treatments (Article) - ADDitude Magazine The Early History Of ADJD (Video) - Dr. Russell Barkley
In this episode: Jen talks about how there is so much more to time management than actually completing to-do lists, or finding the perfect productivity method. Instead, Jen talks about how when we think we are trying to make a schedule, we may be unconsciously trying to master time itself, which can’t be done. And that deep at the heart of trying to get to ‘inbox zero’ before tackling what actually matters to us, is just a fear of failure and an existential angst about our finite amount of time in life. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: 4,000 Weeks: Time Management For Mortals (book) - Oliver Burkeman
In this episode: Jen talks about how the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is failing people with ADHD because the diagnosis criteria is incomplete. The DSM-5 overemphasizes mythologized symptoms, and doesn’t list emotional regulation issues which are at the core of executive dysfunction. This can prevent people with ADHD from being diagnosed and getting the treatment that they need to function in a neurotypical world.  For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: ADHD Is A Whole Life Experience (Article) - ADDitude Magazine The DSM Fails ADHD (Article) - ADDitude Magazine Emotions And The DSM (Article) - CHADD Org (Children/Adults with ADD) Why Emotion Needs To Go Back In The DSM (Video) - Dr. Russell Barkley Emotional Issues Left Out Of the DSM (Article) - Dr. Russell Barkley
In this episode: Jen talks about the very real ways that estrogen levels affect ADHD positively and negatively due to the relationship between Estrogen and our executive functions during a menstrual cycle, pregnancy, post-partum depression, peri-menopause and menopause. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: Hormonal Fluctuations & ADHD (Video) - Dr. Jeanette Wasserstein Menopause & ADHD: How Estrogen Impacts (Video) - Dr. Jeanette Wasserstein PMDD, Postpartum More Severe With ADHD (Study) - ADDitude Magazine
In this episode: Jen helps everyone get their facts straight about ADHD and debunks the “alternative facts” that are out there such as: ADHD is not a real medical issue, everyone has ADHD, ADHD is overdiagnosed, and taking ADHD medication is dangerous and addictive. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: “… Myth That Those With ADHD Need To Change” (Article) - ADDITUDE MAG 9 Myths That Perpetuate ADHD Stigma (Article) - ADDITUDE MAG ADHD Myths & Misunderstandings (Article) - CHADD ORG 7 Common Myths About ADHD (Video) - DR. TRACEY MARKS YOU TUBE ADHD Is Not ‘Overdiagnosed’ (Article) THE CONVERSATION WEBSITE
In this episode: Jen talks about the similarities on the surface between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and ADHD but breaks down the major differences between the neurological developmental disorder (ADHD) and the personality disorder (NPD). For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Click here to write a 5-star review of the podcast Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: ADHD & NPD: How Similar Are They? (Article) - Psych Central The Complex Relationship b/w ADHD & Personality Disorders (Article) - Medium Know The Differences: ADHD & Narcissism (Article) - Psychology Today Correlations b/w ADHD & Narcissism (Medical Review) - Choosing Therapy
This week: Jen talks about the little known flip-side of Rejection Sensitivity known as Recognition Response Euphoria (RRE) coined by Dr. Ned Hallowell. RRE is a euphoric and motivating feeling experienced by an ADHD-er who has been praised or encouraged - and how this is an important part of combating despair and maintaining resilience as a neurodivergent in a neurotypical world. For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: Flip Side of ADHD RSD: Energy & Motivation (Video) - Dr. Ned Hallowell Divergent Psychology - Article The Default Mode Network & ADHD - LA Concierge Psychologist Recognition Response Euphoria (RRE) - Dr. Ned Hallowell Dr. John Ratey Website Dr. Ned Hallowell Website
For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com For More Info on Jen
This week: Jen talks about Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. RSD affects 98% people with ADHD and is an intense emotional response caused by the perception that we’ve disappointed others in our life and will now be rejected, abandoned, unloved as a consequence. Jen talks about how RSD feels in her body and reads lots of comments from her listeners about they experience RSD. This episode will help you feel less alone! For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: Defining Features of ADHD That Get Overlooked (Video) - Dr. William Dodson An ADHD Guide to RSD (Video) - Dr. William Dodson Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria - ADDitude Magazine Understanding RSD Download - ADDitude Magazine RSD Coping Strategies Toolkit - ADDitude Magazine Overview of RSD - Cleveland Clinic  
This week: Jen talks about scientific studies on the links between ADHD and trauma. ADHD is not caused by childhood trauma but having ADHD in childhood can cause trauma which changes the chemistry of the brain. It’s complex, nuanced and a great example of “correlation does not equal causation.” For exclusive podcast content join the You Are A Lot podcast patreon at for just $5 a month. You can sign up for a 7 Day Free Trial today! Follow Jen on Instagram Follow Jen on Tik Tok Visit the “You Are A Lot” (an adhd podcast) webpage Send an email to the podcast at alotadhdpod at gmail dot com For More Info on Jen SOURCES USED FOR THIS EPISODE: Adult ADHD & Trauma. Is There A Link? - Psychology Today The Link Between ADHD & Trauma - Medical News Today Why Gabor Mate is Wrong About ADHD & Trauma (Video) - Dr. Russell Barkley Childhood Trauma & ADHD - ADDitude Magazine ADHD & Trauma: Symptoms & Treatments - ADDitude Magazine  