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Author: Shigeki Sensei

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83 Episodes
People have different values. We all have different views of work. After changing jobs, it is best not to reveal your views on work to those around you easily. This is because differences in values may lead to pointless conflicts.
Many Japanese people separate their true intentions from their tatemae statements. (本音と建前)if you work for Japanese company, no matter how much you like your job, it is safe not to tell the Japanese employees around you about it.
Some Japanese companies have terrible corporate cultures. There are companies in Japan where employees are so closely and thoroughly managed that they cannot work independently. In such companies, the president abuses his absolute power and his ideals are imposed on the employees. You may want to change jobs immediately. However, you may be faced with the drama of having to make a living and not being able to change jobs. At such times, a usual approach is to pretend that you have been brainwashed by the company.
At first glance, the work of the general affairs department appears to be easy. This is because, unlike sales people, the employees at general affairs department do not have to be nagged by the bosses about sales quotas. However, the job of general affairs can be a tough one, and some people have the right personality for it.
It is better to join a company that is below your level and have a sense of superiority than to work for a company full of elites and feel an inferiority complex. In the company, employees are evacuated based on relative evaluation. If the employees around you are not good enough, you will be highly valued by your boss, even if your own abilities are not that great. Conversely, if the employees around you are better than you, it is difficult to be highly valued within that organization.
Company drinking parties are fun for the first 30 minutes after they start. This is because I can eat some unusual food, drink a little alcohol, and enjoy the extraordinary experience. But if I stay at the drinking party for longer than that, I will get bored. This is because I have nothing in common with anyone else.
Having a part-time job while you are a student will help you when you work in a company. Part-time work experience is also important to deepen your thinking about work. However, it is best to separate the part time work experience from the work you will do after you enter the workforce.
When changing jobs, work experience is more important than qualifications. Studying for certification exam is great in itself, but that certification is not a good way to appeal to a company.
Japanese salarymen Prefer experience to three meals a day. Empiricism is considered more important than anything else in the company, and things like serious study of something tend to be disregarded. I will talk about the harm that empiricism creates.
I have had an experience of live in part time resort work in yunishikawa onsen. It was harder work than I expected.
Many Japanese businessmen and managers like the field. This is because if you do not know the field, you will not be able to persuade your subordinates when you become their boss. If you want to become a manager in a Japanese company in the future you should understand this concept.
I have worked part time as a mover. It was a very physically demanding job. Physical labor has its good sides, such as the sense of accomplishment and exhilaration after the job is done. I recommend part-time physical labor as a place to think about the meaning of work.
Affection has nothing to do with the outcome of the work itself. Therefore, some people who are good at their jobs can be very arrogant and pompous. On the other hand, in today’s Japanese society, people are expected by society to have high communication skills. It has become such an excessive demand that it is detrimental to human diversity. I believe that people who can do their jobs and are not unfriendly can be the ones who preserve diversity.
Employees are more motivated to work under an attractive president. Human attractiveness is hard to explain in words, but employees sense the present humanity. Employees who work for an attractive president tend to feel happier and are more willing to take an Active role in their work.
The definition of an idea boss with vary from person to person. I’ll believe that trust in people is important. If you don’t trust people, you can’t manage others and they can’t trust you.
When working in the Japanese factory, you need to consider the characteristics of the working environment and behave appropriately for the place.
A long time ago, I had a part-time job at a late night cleaner at a certain first food chain. That part-time job did not require me to communicate with others, so it was an easy job for me. All I had to do was just clean the restaurant.
Have you ever wondered about wearing the uniforms provided by Factory? I felt uncomfortable every time I wore the uniform. I felt as if I had become a uniform person when I wore the uniform.
Japanese companies have Business etiquette for email. If you learn this business etiquette, you will be highly evaluated by Japanese businessmen.
Skills alone are not enough to survive in a company. Because there is no perfectly equal and fair personnel evaluation system in the world. You need to learn how to get along with others besides your skills.