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午休英语 English Break

Author: X_Zero

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clock changedaylight-saving time- the practice of advancing clocks during the lighter months so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn.summer timewinter time (standard time)spring forward - fall back- This term is meant to trigger your memory to set your clocks forward 1 hour in the spring at the start of DST, and 1 hour back in the fall when DST ends.gain 1 hour, lose 1 hour- The expression “lose an hour here, gain an hour there” also describes the start and end of DST.
white people ️black people ️yellow people???Asian peopletanpale
finger 手指little finge/ pinky 小拇指- pinky swear 拉钩ring finger 无名指middle finger 中指index fingle/ forefinger 食指thumb 大拇指- thumb up 点赞
chocolatecocoa beans 可可豆cocoa powder 可可粉cocoa butter 可可脂dark chocolate- produced by adding fat and sugar to the coca mixture- extra-dark chocolatewhite chocolate- formed from a mixture of sugar, cocoa butter and milk solidsmilk chocolate- sweet chocolate that additionally contains milk powder or condensed milkunsweetened chocolate- pure chocolate liquor, also known as bitter or baking chocolate almond 杏仁hazelnut 榛子raisin 葡萄干
suck吮吸- suck the thumb - She was sitting on the grass sucking lemonade through a straw.吞没- The waves came crashing over my head and I could feel myself being sucked under by the currents.糟糕透顶- It sucks!- Man, this job sucks!sucker - They really took advantage of her, she turned out to be a real sucker. 上当受骗的人
bankingwithdraw/ make a withdrawal 取款deposit/ make a deposit 存款- save money 省钱transfer 转账debit card 借记卡credit card 信用卡check 支票balance 余额bank statement 流水单interest rate 利率automatic teller machine 自动取款机PIN = personal identification number 密码- Press/ Enter your pin here please.
(WHO, 3.11)We have therefore made assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.pandemic (疾病)大流行n. a pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease/ adj.- (Nature) Time to use the p-word? Coronavirus enters dangerous new phase.- But there is no need to assume that it is the next pandemic.- But the word pandemic was very much on the minds of the TED community.- But public health officials have also had to consider the risks if the public overreacts to a pandemic declaration.
cataclysm1. a sudden violent change in the earth's surface 2. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune【例句】- The eruption of the volcano was an unexpected cataclysm.- The city has just experienced a cataclysmic flood.- Then followed a comparatively long hiatus due to completely understandable causes resulting from the sociopolitical cataclysms.【近义词】- disaster 普通用词,指大破坏,灾难- misfortune 普通用词,外在因素导致的不幸- calamity 个人的不幸,更严重- catastrophe 语气最强
accessories 饰品jewelry (珠宝)首饰necklace 项链She bought a necklace of crystals.bracelet 手链- Whenever David saw the bracelet, he remembered his promise, and would reassure me that the time was coming soon when he would keep it.ring 戒指(finger ring)- She desires the golden ring for herself.- the Lord of the Rings 指环王earrings 耳饰(耳环)- Her earrings and diamond watch were taken to make it look like a robbery.ear studs 耳钉ear drops 耳坠
如何不卑不亢地拒绝别人?1. I’m good.A:Would you like some coffee?B:I'm good. Thanks.2. I’ll think about it.A:You look so good with it on! I can give a discount if you really want one.B:Thank you, but I'll think about it.3. I’d love to, but...A:Come and join the party!B:I'd love to, but I've had a few things come up.4 I don’t feel like...A:Isn't it time to go to home?B:I don't feel like leaving yet.P.S. 少说 Sorry- Pardon me, please. 没听清- Excuse me. 引起注意- Behind you!
上网课的那点事儿E-learning 在线学习online education 在线教育- Chinese online education companies are stunned at their good fortune.homeschool 在家教育- Millions of parents across China are forced to share space with their children schooling from home as campuses from the elementary to university level extend closures through courses 网课live stream 直播live-streamed lessons 直播课程- Some students are napping while live-streamed lessons play in the background.virtual classrooms 虚拟课堂- Companies need to have high-quality learning platforms to keep students in the virtual classrooms.
女生节!聊聊女生每月那几天的英语表达…menstruation 月经(最正式)period 月经期- I am on my period.- I am having my period.- My period is coming today.- My period is over.- Except that month, her period was late.Aunt Flo 大姨妈- My Aunt Flo is visiting.- My friend has come.- My friend is visiting.sanitary pad(sanitary napkin/ sanitary towel)卫生巾tampon 卫生棉条panty liner(panty shield)护垫
发霉的食物、令人作呕mold 霉菌moldy 发霉的rot 腐烂- Candy will rot your teeth.- A bruised pumpkin rots quickly.nauseating- nausea (n.) 恶心,反胃disgustingunappetizing- Instead of a massive pot of unappetizing-looking soup, you can buy fried chicken with chips or rice. revolting- The bloody scenes in the movie were positively revolting.preservative 防腐剂additive 添加剂- The burger is preservative-free.- I eat only additive-free food.
没门 英语怎么说? No way!1. 没门(口语中坚决否定)- No way, keep him away from me, please.- No way!2. 不会吧!(表示惊讶)= Seriously?- No way!You got the ticket!- No way! That's not a little something. That's, like, $500.3. 没办法(表示否定)- His children and relatives might move away to another city, and there might be no way of earning enough money. - There is no way I can earn a living when I get out, he says. - For the other groups, there was no way to punish people who did not cooperate on the public project.
The Pritzker Architecture Prize 普利兹克建筑奖“You need a client who has a dream, who has an ambition, who has a sense of generosity for the future user. We can’t make architecture without generosity spirit.”architecture 建筑,建筑学architect 建筑师civil engineering 土木工程construction 建设,建造space 空间- Soul of architecture is 地基landscape 景观bearing wall 承重墙general plan = overall plan = general layout总平面图architectural elevation drawing 建筑立面图architectural section drawing 建筑剖面图
underwear 内衣睡衣的各种说法knicker 内裤(女)panty 女式运动短裤panty hose 裤袜,连裤袜lingerie 贴身内衣裤(女用)= women’s underwear and nightclothespants/ underpants/ boxers 内裤(男)briefs 三角裤(男女通用)睡衣nightwearnightdress 女士睡袍nightclothesnightgrown 晚上穿的长袍pyjamas 裤装睡衣
favor 的不同用法favour 英式/ favor 美式n./v. 偏爱;赞成;帮助- Of the two possible plans I favour the first.【in favor of】- I am very much in favor of your proposal. 赞成- My parents are always in favor of all my decisions. 支持- The general opinion is in favor of us. 有利于【do sb. a favor】- Would/ Will you do me a favor?- Please do me a favor by turning off that radio!【beg a favor of sb.】- He urgently begged a favour of me.
“油”的不同说法oil 食用油、机油、润滑油oily 油腻的gasoline 汽油gas (美)汽油;瓦斯petrol (英)汽油- The petrol in the tank is leaking out.- A gasoline engine drives the motorboat.- Stop here to gas up before crossing the desert.diesel 柴油fill up the tank
kind of 的两种用法种,这种,一种,几种- Spending a number of hours together in that kind of environment,I think, can only help improve grit sense of cooperation.- What kind of exercise/ weather/ food do you like?有点儿,表示委婉语气= to some (great or small) extent= sort of = kinda - And these things are kind of funny in their own sort of bobo way. - Sorry but I kind of don’t remember what she said in the meeting.- How’s your new job? Is it better than the last one? - Yes, kind of.
“再见” 在不同场合怎么说Bye-bye! 很小孩子气,一般不说Bye!Good-bye!wave (sb.) good-byekiss (sb.) good-byeSee you next time!See you later!See you tomorrow!See you!See ya!farewella farewell partya farewell dinner