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21 Episodes
关于无人驾驶汽车你了解多少?你的国家在无人驾驶汽车多吗?无人驾驶汽车进入我们的生活你支持吗?How much do you know about autonomous vehicles? Do you have many autonomous vehicles in your country?Do you support the introduction of autonomous vehicles into our lives?
随着生活饮食的改变,全球肥胖率逐渐上升!你知道肥胖除了和饮食运动有关还和什么有关系吗?你知道在你的国家成人肥胖比例是多少吗?With changes in lifestyle and diet, the global obesity rate is gradually increasing! Do you know what else obesity is related to besides diet and exercise?Do you know what is the adult obesity rate in your country?
今天我们一起来聊一聊在你的国家幸福指数高吗?你的幸福感感高吗?幸福感高或者不高的原因是什么?Today, let's talk about whether the happiness index is high in your country? Do you have a high sense of happiness? What are the reasons for high or low happiness?
很多人都会选择养宠物来缓解自己的压力,有养猫的,养狗的,养蛇的。在养宠物的过程中会收获到很多乐趣。你和你的宠物发生了哪些让人印象深刻的故事呢?Many people choose to keep pets to relieve their stress, including cats, dogs, and snakes. You will gain a lot of fun in the process of raising pets. What memorable stories have you had with your pet?
你知道在中国一共有多少辆电瓶车吗?为什么电瓶车在别的国家并没有太流行,但是在我们国家却是一个不可或缺的出行工具呢?你的家里有电瓶车吗?Do you know how many electric scooters there are in China? Why is electric scooter not very popular in other countries, but it is an indispensable means of transportation in our country?Do you have an electric scooter at home?
你的家里养宠物了吗?你喜欢猫还是喜欢狗呢?养宠物可以给我们的生活增添很多乐趣,帮助我们缓解压力!如果你要养一只宠物,你会选择养猫还是养狗呢?在中国现在是有更多的人养猫还是更多人养狗呢?Do you have any pets at home? Do you prefer cats or dogs?Keeping pets can add a lot of fun to our lives and help us relieve stress! If you want to keep a pet, would you choose to keep a cat or a dog? Are there more people owning cats or dogs in China now?
退休年龄一直是一个热门的话题,各个国家的退休年龄也不相同。那么,你知道你的国家退休年龄是多少岁吗?The retirement age has always been a hot topic, and the retirement age varies from country to country.So, do you know what the retirement age is in your country?
关于环保的知识你知道多少呢?在你的国家关于电力方面有哪些可再生资源呢?风能,水能,太阳能....今天我们还要一起来聊一聊关于环保的可再生资源以及关于环保的小知识!How much knowledge do you know about environmental protection?What renewable resources are available in your country regarding electricity? Wind energy, hydro energy, solar energy Today we will also talk about renewable resources for environmental protection and some small knowledge about environmental protection together!
环保一直是一个热门话题,关于环保的知识你知道哪些呢?太阳能,风力,水电等等的可再生资源,你了解多少呢?你的国家又有什么样的环保政策呢?今天我们一起来聊一聊!Environmental protection has always been a hot topic. What knowledge do you know about environmental protection?How much do you know about renewable resources such as solar energy, wind power, hydropower, etc? What kind of environmental policies does your country have? Let's talk together today!
在你的国家看电影贵吗?你平均一年去电影院看几次电影呢?今天我们来聊一聊关于看电影的话题.Is it expensive to watch movies in your country? How many times do you go to the cinema on average per year to watch movies? Today, let's talk about the topic of watching movies
你每天花多少时间去上班?你对你的通勤时间满意吗?快来看看在中国,平均通勤时间是多长吧!How much time do you spend on work every day? Are you satisfied with your commuting time?Come and take a look at the average commuting time in China!
现在很多年轻人都很少看电视了,所以就产生了新的话题,现在我们的家里还需要电视吗?Nowadays, many young people rarely watch TV, which has led to a new topic. Do we still need TV in our homes?
在中国,很多年轻人常常吃外卖,因为它的方便快捷.但是在中国,外卖有什么问题呢,我们一起来看一看吧!In China, many young people often eat takeout because of its convenience and speedBut in China, what are the problems with takeout? Let's take a look together!
在中国,房价越来越贵,所以越来越多的年轻人选择租房。在中国租房是什么样的呢?和你的国家有什么不同吗?In China, housing prices are becoming increasingly expensive, so more and more young people are choosing to rent. What is renting a house like in China? Is there any difference between your country and yours?
中国人说民以食为天,食以安为先.从这句话就能看出食品安全的重要性.但是在中国,食品安全一直以来都是一个大问题.那具体体现在什么方面呢?如果你来中国旅游或者生活,关于中国的食品安全,有什么需要注意的呢?Chinese people say that food is the most important thing for the people, and food safety comes first. This sentence shows the importance of food safetyBut in China, food safety has always been a big issue. What specific aspects do it manifest in? If you come to China for tourism or living, what should you pay attention to about food safety in China?



买房还是买车? 哪一个更重要?不同的人会有不同的选择。在不同的国家也许会有不同的选择。你怎么看呢?





