Claim Ownership


Author: Fly with Lily

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1130 Episodes
Hello everybody, I have a tip and advice that was given to me by life coach Lily to help reach your goals and organize your life. So everybody get a notebook and get a pen and leave the first page blank and put above there, right above there, weekly to-do list. Then get a second page blank and write down monthly to-do list. 大家好,我有一個由生活教練 Lily 給我的建議和技巧,幫助大家達成目標並整理生活。請大家準備一本筆記本和一支筆,將第一頁留白,並在頁面上方寫下「每周待辦事項清單」。接下來,翻到第二頁,這頁也留白,並在上面寫下「每月待辦事項清單」。   Then after that you're going to have 10 (12) empty pages and above each page you're going to write the following headings and dedicate one page to each heading. The first one is going to be career, the second one creativity, the third one community, the fourth one financial, the fifth one adventure, sixth intellectual, seven environment, eight skill, nine spiritual, 10 character, 11 relationships, and 12 health. Now you're going to take your pen and under each heading you're going to write down one goal for each area.   然後你要留出十(二)頁空白頁,每頁上方依次寫下以下標題,每個標題各佔一頁。第一頁是「事業」,第二頁是「創意」,第三頁是「社區」,第四頁是「財務」,第五頁是「冒險」,第六頁是「智力」,第七頁是「環境」,第八頁是「技能」,第九頁是「精神」,第十頁是「品格」,第十一頁是「關係」,第十二頁是「健康」。現在,請在每個標題下寫下一個該領域的目標。   And then under the goal you're going to write down all the steps that you can immediately think of that you can take to achieve the goal. So for instance, for the heading health your goal could be go to the gym daily. And the first action that you write down is search gym in my area and get a gym membership and figure out the price of the gym membership and visit the gym for the first time. 接下來,在目標下方寫出你立刻能想到的所有步驟,這些步驟是幫助你實現目標的。例如,在「健康」這一頁,你的目標可能是「每天去健身房」,那麼你可以寫下的第一個步驟是「搜尋我附近的健身房,辦理健身房會員,瞭解會員費用,並首次拜訪健身房」。​ You can break down each goal into as many small actions that you can think of. Then you're going to take the most urgent actions and you're going to put them in your monthly to-do list and then you're going to sort them into your weekly and daily to-do list. And on your daily to-do list should be the actions that you can immediately take today to reach that goal. 你可以將每個目標分解成你能想到的盡可能多的小步驟。然後,將最急需完成的行動列入「每月待辦事項清單」,再將它們安排到「每周待辦事項清單」和「每日待辦事項清單」。在「每日待辦事項清單」上,應列出你今天可以立即採取的行動,來達成該目標。​   Thank you for listening. 謝謝大家的聆聽。   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程    
0:02 開場介紹,Lily Wong 主持《學英語環遊世界》節目,並介紹嘉賓 Stella。 0:35 Stella 介紹自己,提到她在巴釐島待了兩周,接下來還會在這裡待兩周,並計劃前往 Java 島體驗當地文化。 1:50 Lily 說明 Stella 在志工期間非常受歡迎,並分享了一個關於阿根廷朋友 Mece 的故事。 3:10 Stella 講述與 Mece 在巴釐島西部海灘上發生的故事,並提到他們在海邊欣賞星空的浪漫經歷。 4:30 Stella 回憶自己因為太激動,在海邊奔跑時丟掉了左腳的拖鞋,並描述 Mece 如何勇敢地幫助她找回拖鞋。 6:30 Stella 分享了她與父母之間的關係,特別是她總會在信息中對父母表達愛意。 8:00 Stella 談到東亞父母通常不善於直接表達愛意,但她認為表達愛非常重要,並描述了父母逐漸接受並回應她的「我愛你」的故事。 10:30 Lily 分享自己對 Stella 表達愛意的感觸,並提到她最近受到《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》這本書的啓發。 11:45 Stella 說自己高中時也曾多次讀過這本書,並受到它的啓發,夢想成為一個放羊女孩,享受自由的生活。 12:30 Lily 繼續講述書中的故事,特別是關於少年手持油碗的故事,並聯繫到 Stella 對父母和人生的態度。 14:00 節目結尾,Lily 邀請聽眾留言並感謝他們的收聽。Stella 幽默地說如果聽眾想聯繫她,告訴大海,大海會知道。   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  
Peace begins when clutter ends.' (當雜亂結束時,平靜開始。) Intro: "Welcome to Day 7 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we begin with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and share some personal experiences. The goal is to help you find inner peace and happiness by simplifying your life." 開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天清理雜物挑戰的第7天!每天,我們會從一句啟發人心的名言開始,然後反思一個問題,接著分享一些個人的經歷。這一切都是為了幫助你找到內心的平靜,通過簡化你的生活來提升幸福感。」 Quote: "Today's quote is: 'Peace begins when clutter ends.' (當雜亂結束時,平靜開始。) This quote tells us that by eliminating clutter from our lives, we can create a more peaceful and serene state of mind." 名言: 「今天的名言是:『當雜亂結束時,平靜開始。』這句話告訴我們,通過清除生活中的雜亂,我們可以創造出一個更平靜、更安寧的心境。」 Question: "Today's question is: 'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' (當你看到雜亂的空間時有什麼感覺?你希望有什麼樣的感覺?)" 問題: 「今天的問題是:'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' 『當你看到雜亂的空間時有什麼感覺?你希望有什麼樣的感覺?』」 Femke's Answer: "Today, we have Femke from the Netherlands again, whom I met in Bali. I asked her the question: 'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' Here's what she shared: 'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'" Femke的回答: 「今天,我們再次邀請到來自荷蘭的Femke,她也是我在巴厘島認識的朋友。我問了她這個問題:『當你看到雜亂的空間時有什麼感覺?你希望有什麼樣的感覺?』以下是她的回答: 'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'" 『當我看到雜亂的空間時,它會讓我想到自己有多麼混亂的思緒,還有我生活中的種種混亂。所以,我希望能感覺更加清晰,有更多的清晰感,感覺更有條理,感覺每樣東西都有它的位置,可以很容易地找到東西,而且東西不會太多,保持一種極簡的風格,這樣生活會更輕鬆。』」 Call to Action: "Now, it’s your turn! How do you feel when you see clutter in your home or workspace? How would you like to feel instead? Share your thoughts with us! You can leave your response on our social media or in the comments section of this episode. Let's explore together how decluttering can bring more peace and joy into our lives." 行動呼籲: 「現在,輪到你了!當你看到家裡或工作中的雜亂時,你有什麼感覺?你希望有什麼樣的感覺?分享你的想法吧!你可以在我們的社交媒體上或在這集節目的評論區留下你的回應。讓我們一起探討,如何通過清理雜亂來創造更多的平靜和快樂。」   Special Offer: "If you're ready to take your decluttering journey further and find peace by removing unnecessary clutter, join my online decluttering program. The program includes a detailed PDF guide and group coaching sessions to help you clear the clutter and focus on what truly matters. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!" 特別優惠: 「如果你準備好進一步改變生活,減少不必要的雜亂並找到內心的平靜,歡迎加入我的在線清理雜物課程。課程包括詳細的PDF指南和小組輔導會議,幫助你清除生活中的雜亂,專注於真正重要的事物。請訪問我們的網站了解更多信息並立即註冊!」 Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. Remember, peace begins when clutter ends. Let’s work together to clear the clutter in our lives and welcome more peace. 結尾: 「感謝你今天的收聽。記住,當雜亂結束時,平靜就會開始。讓我們一起努力,清除生活中的雜亂,迎接更多的平靜。明天見,我們的清理雜物挑戰第8天再會!」   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程
Peace begins when clutter ends.' (當雜亂結束時,平靜開始。)    問題: 「今天的問題是:'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' 『當你看到雜亂的空間時有什麼感覺?你希望有什麼樣的感覺?』」 Femke的回答: 「今天,我們再次邀請到來自荷蘭的Femke,她也是我在巴厘島認識的朋友。我問了她這個問題:『當你看到雜亂的空間時有什麼感覺?你希望有什麼樣的感覺?』以下是她的回答: 'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'" 『當我看到雜亂的空間時,它會讓我想到自己有多麼混亂的思緒,還有我生活中的種種混亂。所以,我希望能感覺更加清晰,有更多的清晰感,感覺更有條理,感覺每樣東西都有它的位置,可以很容易地找到東西,而且東西不會太多,保持一種極簡的風格,這樣生活會更輕鬆。』」 單詞記憶: 1. Cluttered (adjective) - 雜亂的,混亂的 2. Clarity (noun) - 清晰,明確 3. Organized (adjective) - 有條理的,整齊的 4. Minimalistic (adjective) - 極簡的,簡約的 5. Easily (adverb) - 容易地,輕鬆地   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  
'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『東西少了,自由多了。』 Intro: "Welcome to Day 6 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we explore a thought-provoking quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share personal stories or experiences. The purpose is to inspire you to find freedom and joy by simplifying your life." 開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天清理雜物挑戰的第6天!每天,我們會探索一句發人深省的名言,反思一個問題,然後分享一些個人故事或經歷。目的是通過簡化你的生活來激勵你找到自由和快樂。」 Quote: "Today’s quote is: 'Less stuff equals more freedom.' (東西少了,自由多了) This quote highlights the idea that by having fewer things, we can experience a greater sense of freedom. It’s a reminder that sometimes, letting go of excess can lead to a more fulfilling life." 名言: 「今天的名言是:'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『東西少了,自由多了。』這句話強調了這樣一個觀點:通過擁有更少的物品,我們可以體驗到更大的自由感。這提醒我們,有時候放下多餘的東西會帶來更充實的生活。」 Question: "Today's question is: 'What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?' (有哪些習慣讓你感到沉重而非振奮?)" 問題: 「今天的問題是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些習慣讓你感到沉重而非振奮?』」 Femke's Answer: "Today, we have a special guest, Femke from the Netherlands, whom I met in Bali. I asked her about the habits that might be weighing her down rather than lifting her up. Here’s what she shared: 'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily consistency, either through writing in a gratitude journal, thinking about specific questions, or meditating. I haven’t been as consistent with these exercises, and that’s something I know I should do more to uplift myself. Secondly, I tend to think about the past and past difficult situations, sometimes even reliving them. It would be more beneficial for me to switch my mindset and focus more on the present and the future, and my to-do list, to help me reach where I want to go, instead of constantly thinking about what has happened in the past. Lastly, I’ve noticed that in my daily routines, like cleaning, eating, or dressing, I often rush through things. This rushing causes me to miss out on being present and appreciating a good meal or a meaningful conversation. I need to be more mindful of the present and truly enjoy the moments in my life.'" 「今天,我們有一位特別來賓,來自荷蘭的Femke,我在巴厘島遇見了她。我問她有哪些習慣可能讓她感到沉重而不是振奮。以下是她的分享: 『對我來說,首先,我每兩周參加一次心理治療,但治療需要每天練習一些練習,並且需要每天保持一致性,比如寫感恩日記、思考特定問題或冥想。我沒有一直堅持這些練習,而這正是我知道應該做得更多來振奮自己的事情。 其次,我有時會思考過去的事情和困難的情況,甚至會重新體驗它們。對我來說,更有益的是轉換心態,多關注當下和未來,還有我的待辦清單,這樣可以幫助我達到我想要去的地方,而不是不斷地思考過去發生的事情。 最後,我注意到在日常生活中,比如打掃、吃飯或穿衣服時,我經常匆匆忙忙。這種匆忙讓我錯過了當下的感受,無法真正欣賞一頓美餐或一場有意義的對話。我需要更多地專注於當下,真正享受生活中的每個時刻。』」 Call to Action: "Now it’s your turn to reflect! What habits in your life might be weighing you down instead of lifting you up? Is there something you could change to feel lighter and more aligned with your true self? Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. We’d love to hear from you and support each other on this journey to a freer and more joyful life." 行動呼籲: 「現在輪到你來反思了!生活中有哪些習慣可能讓你感到沉重而不是振奮?是否有什麼你可以改變的,以便感覺更輕鬆,更符合真正的自我?在我們的社交媒體上或這集節目的評論區分享你的想法。我們很想聽到你的意見,並在這個尋求更自由和快樂生活的旅程中互相支持。」 Special Offer: "If you're ready to take the next step in decluttering not just your physical space but also your habits and routines, join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and group coaching sessions to help you identify and shed what no longer serves you. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!" 特別優惠: 「如果你準備好進一步清理,不僅僅是你的物理空間,還包括你的習慣和日常生活,歡迎加入我的在線清理雜物課程。課程包括詳細的PDF指南和小組輔導會議,幫助你辨別並擺脫不再服務於你的東西。請訪問我們的網站了解更多信息並立即註冊!」 Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. Remember, less stuff equals more freedom. Let’s strive to let go of the things and habits that weigh us down and embrace the ones that lift us up. See you tomorrow for Day 7 of our decluttering challenge!" 結尾: 「感謝你今天的收聽。記住,東西少了,自由多了。讓我們努力放下那些讓我們感到沉重的事物和習慣,擁抱那些能讓我們振奮的。明天見,我們的清理雜物挑戰第7天再會!」   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程
'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『東西少了,自由多了。』 問題: 「今天的問題是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些習慣讓你感到沉重而非振奮?』」 Femke的回答: 'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily consistency, either through writing in a gratitude journal, thinking about specific questions, or meditating. I haven’t been as consistent with these exercises, and that’s something I know I should do more to uplift myself. Secondly, I tend to think about the past and past difficult situations, sometimes even reliving them. It would be more beneficial for me to switch my mindset and focus more on the present and the future, and my to-do list, to help me reach where I want to go, instead of constantly thinking about what has happened in the past. Lastly, I’ve noticed that in my daily routines, like cleaning, eating, or dressing, I often rush through things. This rushing causes me to miss out on being present and appreciating a good meal or a meaningful conversation. I need to be more mindful of the present and truly enjoy the moments in my life.'" 「今天,我們有一位特別來賓,來自荷蘭的Femke,我在巴厘島遇見了她。我問她有哪些習慣可能讓她感到沉重而不是振奮。以下是她的分享: 『對我來說,首先,我每兩周參加一次心理治療,但治療需要每天練習一些練習,並且需要每天保持一致性,比如寫感恩日記、思考特定問題或冥想。我沒有一直堅持這些練習,而這正是我知道應該做得更多來振奮自己的事情。 其次,我有時會思考過去的事情和困難的情況,甚至會重新體驗它們。對我來說,更有益的是轉換心態,多關注當下和未來,還有我的待辦清單,這樣可以幫助我達到我想要去的地方,而不是不斷地思考過去發生的事情。 最後,我注意到在日常生活中,比如打掃、吃飯或穿衣服時,我經常匆匆忙忙。這種匆忙讓我錯過了當下的感受,無法真正欣賞一頓美餐或一場有意義的對話。我需要更多地專注於當下,真正享受生活中的每個時刻。』」   單詞記憶: 1. Consistency (名詞) - 一致性,持續性 2. Gratitude (名詞) - 感恩,感激 3. Beneficial (形容詞) - 有益的,有利的 4. Relive (動詞) - 重溫,再體驗 5. Mindset (名詞) - 思維方式,心態   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  
'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess. 美好生活的秘訣不在於積累更多,而在於減少多餘的東西。 Intro: "Welcome to Day 5 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Every day, we start with an insightful quote, reflect on a meaningful question, and I’ll share my personal experience. The goal is to help you identify areas of your life where you can let go and create space for what truly matters." 開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天簡化生活挑戰的第5天!每天,我們會以一句深刻的名言開始,反思一個有意義的問題,接著我會分享我的個人經歷。目標是幫助你找到生活中可以放下的部分,為真正重要的事物創造空間。」 Quote: "Today’s quote is: 'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.' This quote reminds us that a fulfilling life comes not from gathering more things but from letting go of what we don't need." 名言: 「今天的名言是:'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.『美好生活的秘訣不在於積累更多,而在於減少多餘的東西。』這句話提醒我們,充實的生活不在於收集更多的東西,而在於放下我們不需要的東西。」 Question: "Today's question is: 'What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'" 問題: 「今天的問題是:What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'" 『生活中有哪些活動不再符合你的目標和價值觀?』」 Lily's Answer: "I've been thinking about my diet lately. I'm hoping I can choose to eat healthier snacks like fruits instead of cookies and chocolate. Also, I want to be more mindful when I eat meals, paying attention to what I'm consuming. My goal is to feel lighter and healthier in my diet, just as I want my living space to be clutter-free and peaceful." 「最近我一直在思考我的飲食習慣。我希望能選擇更健康的零食,比如水果,而不是餅乾和巧克力。此外,我想在吃飯時更加有意識,注意自己在吃什麼。我的目標是讓我的飲食也感覺更輕盈和健康,就像我希望我的生活空間保持整潔和平靜一樣。」 Call to Action: "Now it’s your turn! Consider the activities or habits in your life that might not align with your goals or values anymore. It could be certain foods you eat, how you spend your free time, or even the way you manage stress. Think about what you can change to feel more aligned with your true self. Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let’s support each other in our journey to live better and more intentionally." 行動呼籲: 「現在輪到你了!想想生活中那些可能已經不再符合你的目標或價值觀的活動或習慣。可能是你吃的某些食物、你如何度過空閒時間,或者甚至是你管理壓力的方式。想一想你可以做哪些改變,讓自己更符合真實的自我。請在我們的社交媒體上或這集節目的評論區分享你的想法。讓我們在追求更好、更有意義的生活旅程中互相支持。」 Special Offer: "If you’re ready to make bigger changes in your life, join my online Simplify Your Life program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and group coaching sessions that will help you shed the excess and focus on what truly matters. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!" 特別優惠: 「如果你準備好在生活中做出更大的改變,歡迎加入我的在線清理雜物課程。課程包括一個全面的PDF指南和小組輔導會議,幫助你減少過剩,專注於真正重要的事物。請訪問我們的網站了解更多信息並立即註冊!」 Outro: "Thank you for being with me today. Remember, the secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding what’s unnecessary. See you tomorrow for Day 6 of our decluttering challenge!" 結尾: 「感謝你今天的收聽。記住,幸福生活的祕密不在於積累更多,而在於減少不必要的事物。明天見,我們的清理雜物挑戰第6天再會!」 相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程    
'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess. 美好生活的秘訣不在於積累更多,而在於減少多餘的東西。   問題: 「今天的問題是:What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'" 『生活中有哪些活動不再符合你的目標和價值觀?』」 Lily的回答: "I've been thinking about my diet lately. I'm hoping I can choose to eat healthier snacks like fruits instead of cookies and chocolate. Also, I want to be more mindful when I eat meals, paying attention to what I'm consuming. My goal is to feel lighter and healthier in my diet, just as I want my living space to be clutter-free and peaceful." 「最近我一直在思考我的飲食習慣。我希望能選擇更健康的零食,比如水果,而不是餅乾和巧克力。此外,我想在吃飯時更加有意識,注意自己在吃什麼。我的目標是讓我的飲食也感覺更輕盈和健康,就像我希望我的生活空間保持整潔和平靜一樣。」 單詞記憶 1. Accumulate (動詞) - 累積,積聚 2. Excess (名詞) - 過量,多餘 3. Align (動詞) - 對齊,使一致 4. Mindful (形容詞) - 有意識的,注意的 5. Consume (動詞) - 消耗,攝入   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程    
"Hello everyone, I have an exciting update! I’ve decided to change the name of our challenge from the 'Decluttering Challenge' to the 'Simplify Your Life Challenge.' The reason for this change is simple—I’ve realized that the word 'decluttering' is a bit tricky for me to say, and I want to make sure everything is as smooth and simple as possible for all of us. But don't worry, the focus of our challenge remains the same! We are still committed to helping you clear out the unnecessary, create more space, and make room for what truly matters in your life. The 'Simplify Your Life Challenge' is all about finding joy in simplicity and bringing more peace and happiness into your daily life. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can’t wait to continue exploring ways to simplify and enhance our lives together!" "大家好,我有一個令人興奮的更新!我決定將我們的挑戰名稱從『斷捨離挑戰』改為『簡化生活挑戰』。這次更改的原因很簡單——我發現『清理雜物』這個詞對我來說有點難說,我希望能讓所有一切變得盡可能流暢和簡單。 但是請不用擔心,我們挑戰的重點不會改變!我們仍然致力於幫助你清除不必要的東西,創造更多的空間,並為生活中真正重要的事物騰出位置。『簡化生活挑戰』旨在幫助你在簡單中找到快樂,並為你的日常生活帶來更多的平靜和幸福。 感謝你與我一同踏上這段旅程,我迫不及待地想要繼續探索如何簡化和提升我們的生活!"   “Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'  『雜物不過是推遲的決定。』 Intro: "Welcome to Day 4 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we begin with a meaningful quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share my personal thoughts. The goal is to inspire you to think about the things in your life that may be weighing you down and how to let go of them." 開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天清理雜物挑戰的第4天!每天,我們會從一句有意義的名言開始,反思一個問題,然後我會分享我的個人想法。目標是激勵你思考生活中可能會拖累你的事情,以及如何放下它們。」 Quote: "Today’s quote is: 'Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.' This quote encourages us to think about the choices we delay making, which can often lead to clutter in our lives." 名言: 「今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『雜物不過是推遲的決定。』這句話鼓勵我們思考那些我們推遲做出的選擇,這些選擇往往會導致我們生活中的雜亂。」 Question: "Let's explore today’s question: 'Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?'" 問題: 「讓我們來探討今天的問題:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?”『是否有一些你因為內疚或責任而保留的物品?』」 Lily's Answer: "Yes, actually, I have some papers from the health insurance bureau at home. I am responsible for paying a certain amount of money I owe. These papers have codes for me to scan and pay, but now, as I'm writing this, I realize I can actually throw away the papers by just transferring the money to the bank account they provided me. This simple realization shows how sometimes we hold onto things unnecessarily, just because we haven’t made a decision." 「是的,實際上我家裡有一些來自健康保險局的文件。我需要支付一些欠款,這些文件上有一些可以掃描支付的代碼。不過,當我寫這些的時候,我突然意識到,我其實可以直接把錢轉到他們提供的銀行賬戶上,然後把這些文件丟掉。這個簡單的領悟顯示出,有時候我們只是因為尚未做決定而不必要地保留了一些東西。」 Call to Action: "Now it’s your turn! Think about the things you're holding onto because of guilt or obligation. It could be old letters, unused gifts, or documents that you think you need to keep. Take a moment to consider if they are truly necessary or if you can find a way to let go of them. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please share them on our social media platforms or in the comments below this episode. Let's work together to clear the clutter and make room for what truly matters." 行動呼籲: 「現在輪到你了!想想那些你因為內疚或責任而保留的物品。它可能是舊信件、用不上的禮物,或者你覺得需要保留的文件。花點時間考慮它們是否真的必要,或者你是否可以找到一種方法放下它們。我很希望聽到你的想法和經歷。請在我們的社交媒體平台或這集節目的評論區分享。讓我們一起清理雜物,為真正重要的事情騰出空間。」 Special Offer: "If you’re looking for more guidance on how to declutter your space and life, join my online Simplify your Life program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. Together, we can tackle your clutter and create a more peaceful and fulfilling environment. Visit our website to learn more and sign up." 特別優惠: 「如果你需要更多關於如何清理空間和生活的指導,歡迎加入我的在線清理雜物課程。課程包括詳細的PDF指南和小組輔導會議的機會。我們可以一起解決你的雜物問題,創造一個更加平靜和滿足的環境。請訪問我們的網站了解更多信息並註冊。」 Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. Remember, clutter is often just a sign of postponed decisions. Let’s start making those decisions now. See you tomorrow for Day 5 of our Simplify Your Life challenge!" 結尾: 「感謝你今天的收聽。記住,雜物往往只是推遲的決定的標誌。讓我們從現在開始做出那些決定吧。明天見,我們的清理雜物挑戰第5天再會!」
”Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『雜物不過是推遲的決定。』   開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天清理雜物挑戰的第4天!每天,我們會從一句有意義的名言開始,反思一個問題,然後我會分享我的個人想法。目標是激勵你思考生活中可能會拖累你的事情,以及如何放下它們。」 名言: 「今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『雜物不過是推遲的決定。』這句話鼓勵我們思考那些我們推遲做出的選擇,這些選擇往往會導致我們生活中的雜亂。」 問題: 「讓我們來探討今天的問題:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?”『是否有一些你因為內疚或責任而保留的物品?』」 Lily的回答: "Yes, actually, I have some papers from the health insurance bureau at home. I am responsible for paying a certain amount of money I owe. These papers have codes for me to scan and pay, but now, as I'm writing this, I realize I can actually throw away the papers by just transferring the money to the bank account they provided me. This simple realization shows how sometimes we hold onto things unnecessarily, just because we haven’t made a decision." 「是的,實際上我家裡有一些來自健康保險局的文件。我需要支付一些欠款,這些文件上有一些可以掃描支付的代碼。不過,當我寫這些的時候,我突然意識到,我其實可以直接把錢轉到他們提供的銀行賬戶上,然後把這些文件丟掉。這個簡單的領悟顯示出,有時候我們只是因為尚未做決定而不必要地保留了一些東西。」 單詞記憶: Obligation (名詞) - 義務,責任 Bureau (名詞) - 局,辦事處 Responsible (形容詞) - 負責任的 Transfer (動詞) - 轉帳,轉移 Realization (名詞) - 領悟,認識 相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程    
"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow." 「簡化生活,快樂自然增長。」 Intro: "Welcome to Day 3 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I’ll share my own answer. My hope is that these reflections will inspire you to make positive changes in your life." 開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天斷捨離挑戰的第3天!每天,我們會以一句激勵人心的名言開始,然後反思一個引人深思的問題,接著我會分享我的答案。我希望這些反思能激勵你在生活中做出積極的改變。」 Quote: "Today’s quote is: 'Simplify your life and watch your joy grow.' This powerful message encourages us to see the connection between simplicity and happiness." 名言: 「今天的名言是:『簡化生活,快樂自然增長。』這句強而有力的話告訴我們,簡單與快樂之間有著密切的關聯。」 Question: "Let’s dive into today’s question: 'How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'" 問題: 「讓我們來探討今天的問題:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'" 物品上的雜亂如何影響你的心理和情緒狀態?』」 Lily's Answer: "When I was younger, I used to have really cluttered space. I didn’t start to tell the difference until I got older and started living with a boyfriend. My boyfriends were usually tidier than I was, and they taught me a lot about maintaining a clean and tidy environment. Now, I feel great when I stay in a space with less physical clutter. It’s like a weight has been lifted, making me feel calmer and more at peace." 「在我年輕的時候,我的空間總是非常雜亂。直到我年紀稍長,開始和男朋友同住,我才開始注意到差別。我的男朋友們通常比我更愛乾淨,他們教會了我很多關於保持環境整潔的知識。現在,當我待在一個雜物較少的空間裡時,我感覺非常好。這就像是卸下了一個重擔,讓我感到更加平靜和安詳。」 Call to Action: "Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about how physical clutter impacts your mental and emotional well-being. Does it make you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious? Or maybe a clutter-free environment brings you peace and joy? Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let's learn from each other and support one another on this journey to a simpler, more joyful life." 行動呼籲: 「現在輪到你了!花些時間思考一下,物理上的雜亂如何影響你的心理和情緒狀態。它會讓你感到壓力、過於緊張,還是焦慮?或者,乾淨整潔的環境會帶給你平靜和快樂?請在我們的社交媒體上或這集節目的評論中分享你的想法。讓我們一起學習並在這段追求更簡單、更快樂生活的旅程中互相支持。」   Special Offer: "If you're ready to dig deeper and truly transform your space, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. We’ll work together to create a space that brings you joy and calm. Visit our website to find out more and sign up." 特別優惠: 「如果你準備好更深入地探索並真正改造你的空間,我邀請你加入我的在線斷捨離課程。課程包括詳細的PDF指南和小組輔導會議的機會。我們將共同努力,創造一個帶給你快樂和寧靜的空間。請訪問我們的網站flywithlily.com了解更多信息並註冊。」 Outro: "Thank you for tuning in today. Remember, by simplifying our lives, we can watch our joy grow. See you tomorrow for Day 4 of our decluttering challenge!" 結尾: 「感謝你今天的收聽。記住,通過簡化我們的生活,我們可以看到快樂的成長,Simplify your life and watch your joy grow. 明天見,我們的斷捨離挑戰第4天再會!」 相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程    
"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow." 「簡化生活,快樂自然增長。」 開場白: 「歡迎來到我們30天斷捨離挑戰的第3天!每天,我們會以一句激勵人心的名言開始,然後反思一個引人深思的問題,接著我會分享我的答案。我希望這些反思能激勵你在生活中做出積極的改變。」 名言: 「今天的名言是:『簡化生活,快樂自然增長。』這句強而有力的話告訴我們,簡單與快樂之間有著密切的關聯。」 問題: 「讓我們來探討今天的問題:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'" 物品上的雜亂如何影響你的心理和情緒狀態?』」 Lily的回答: "When I was younger, I used to have really cluttered space. I didn’t start to tell the difference until I got older and started living with a boyfriend. My boyfriends were usually tidier than I was, and they taught me a lot about maintaining a clean and tidy environment. Now, I feel great when I stay in a space with less physical clutter. It’s like a weight has been lifted, making me feel calmer and more at peace." 「在我年輕的時候,我的空間總是非常雜亂。直到我年紀稍長,開始和男朋友同住,我才開始注意到差別。我的男朋友們通常比我更愛乾淨,他們教會了我很多關於保持環境整潔的知識。現在,當我待在一個雜物較少的空間裡時,我感覺非常好。這就像是卸下了一個重擔,讓我感到更加平靜和安詳。」 單詞記憶: Cluttered (形容詞) - 雜亂的 Maintain (動詞) - 維持 Environment (名詞) - 環境 Anxious (形容詞) - 焦慮的 Transform (動詞) - 改變,轉變   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  
"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less." 「幸福不是擁有更多,而是需要更少。」 'What items in your home no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose?『你家裡有哪些物品已經不再帶給你快樂或已經失去了它的用途?』」 Lily的回答: "Although I don't have a home or permanent address right now, I can recall a time when I had a lot of clothes and boxes laying around the house, and it really annoyed me. There were also expired items in the kitchen and fridge that I hadn’t noticed until they started taking up unnecessary space."「雖然我現在沒有一個固定的家或永久的住址,但我回憶起曾經在家裡堆滿了很多衣服和箱子,這讓我非常煩惱。廚房和冰箱里還有一些過期的物品,直到它們佔據了不必要的空間才引起我的注意。」 相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程
"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." 「放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間。」   Intro: "Welcome to Day 1 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we'll start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I'll share my own personal answer. I encourage you to think about your own answers and share them with our community." 「歡迎來到我們30天斷捨離挑戰的第一天!每天我們都會以一句激勵人心的名言開始,然後反思一個發人深省的問題,接著我會分享我的個人答案。我鼓勵你們思考自己的答案,並與我們的社群分享。」   Quote: "Today's quote is: 'The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters.' Let this idea guide us as we begin our journey to create a lighter, more fulfilling life." 「今天的名言是:"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." 『你放下的越多,為真正重要的事情留的空間就越大。』 讓這個理念引導我們,開始這段創造更輕盈、更充實生活的旅程。」   Question: "Now, let's reflect on today's question: 'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'" 問題: 「現在,讓我們來反思今天的問題:'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空間是什麼樣子的?它會讓你感覺如何?』」   Lily's Answer: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beautiful touches like plants and flowers. I love the Northern European and bohemian cozy style, which makes me feel both relaxed and inspired." 「對我來說,我理想的居住空間是整潔有序的,每件物品都有它的位置。我希望我的物品保持在最低限度,但也有一些美麗的點綴,比如植物和花朵。我喜歡北歐和波西米亞風格的溫馨感,這讓我感到放鬆和充滿靈感。」 Call to Action: "Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about your ideal living space. What would it look like? How would it make you feel? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your answers on our social media pages or in the comments below this episode. Let's inspire each other to create spaces that truly reflect who we are and what matters most to us." 行動呼籲: 「現在輪到你了!花點時間思考一下你的理想居住空間。它看起來會是什麼樣子?它會讓你感覺如何?我很想聽聽你的想法。歡迎在我們的社交媒體頁面@flywithlily或這集節目的評論/評價中分享你的答案。讓我們互相激勵,創造真正反映我們自己和最重要事物的空間。」   Special Offer: "If you're ready to take your decluttering journey to the next level, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions where we’ll work together to achieve your goals. This program is designed to help you stay on track and make lasting changes. You can find the details and sign up on our website" 特別優惠: 「如果你準備好將你的斷捨離之旅提升到下一個層次,我邀請你加入我的斷捨離團體教練訓練營。課程包含一份全面的PDF指南和參與小組輔導會議的機會,我們將共同努力實現你的目標。這個訓練營旨在幫助你保持進度,並做出持久的改變。你可以在我們的網站上找到詳細信息並註冊。」   Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. I’m excited to continue this journey with you. Remember, the more we let go, the more room we have for what truly matters. See you tomorrow for Day 2 of our decluttering challenge!"   結尾: 「感謝你今天的參與。我很期待與你一起繼續這段旅程。記住,放下越多,為真正重要的事情留的空間就越大。明天見,我們的斷捨離挑戰第二天再會!」   加入我們的社交媒體~ 官方網站 公眾微信ID:Englishfit 官方Line ID @flywithlily
"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." 「放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間。」 What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空間是什麼樣子的?它會讓你感覺如何?』」 Lily的回答: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beautiful touches like plants and flowers. I love the Northern European and bohemian cozy style, which makes me feel both relaxed and inspired." 「對我來說,我理想的居住空間是整潔有序的,每件物品都有它的位置。我希望我的物品保持在最低限度,但也有一些美麗的點綴,比如植物和花朵。我喜歡北歐和波西米亞風格的溫馨感,這讓我感到放鬆和充滿靈感。」 單詞記憶: Ideal (形容詞) - 理想的 Tidy (形容詞) - 整潔的 Belongings (名詞) - 財物,個人物品 Touches (名詞) - 點綴,修飾 Inspired (形容詞) - 受啓發的,有靈感的   加入我們的社交媒體~ 官方網站 公眾微信ID:Englishfit 官方Line ID @flywithlily
"Hello, and welcome to my podcast! I'm Lily, and I'm so excited to share my journey and insights with you. Over the past few months, I've traveled the world with nothing more than a 7-kilo backpack. You might wonder, 'How is that even possible?' Well, it's all about embracing minimalism and focusing on what truly matters. The freedom of having less has made me feel lighter, happier, and more connected to my experiences." 大家好,歡迎來到我的播客!我是Lily,很高興能和你們分享我的旅程和見解。過去幾個月里,我只靠一個7公斤的背包環遊世界。你可能會想,『這怎麼可能?』其實,這一切都是關於擁抱極簡主義,專注於真正重要的事情。擁有更少讓我感覺更加輕鬆、快樂,並且更能投入到每一次的體驗中。 "Imagine waking up every day knowing you have everything you need right by your side, nothing weighing you down. It's a liberating feeling, and it’s transformed my life in ways I never imagined. Now, I want to share this feeling with you."   「想象一下,每天醒來,你知道所有你需要的東西都在身邊,沒有任何負擔。這是一種令人解放的感覺,改變了我的生活,超出我原本的想像。現在,我想和你分享這種感覺。」 "That's why I've created this 30-day declutter challenge. My wish is to help you find fulfillment in what you already have, to free yourself from the unnecessary, and maybe even inspire you to start your own journey. Whether it's a physical journey to new places or an emotional journey to find peace, this challenge is about creating space for what truly matters."   「這就是為什麼我創建了這個30天斷捨離挑戰。我的願望是幫助你在已有的東西中找到滿足,擺脫那些不必要的東西,甚至可能激勵你開始自己的旅程。不論是實際去新的地方旅行,還是心靈上尋求平靜的旅程,這個挑戰都是為了給真正重要的事物創造空間。」 "So, are you ready to start? Ready to feel lighter, more fulfilled, and maybe take a step closer to your dreams? Join me on this 30-day declutter challenge. Let’s make room for happiness together." 「那麼,你準備好了嗎?準備好變得更輕鬆、更滿足,並可能更接近你的夢想嗎?加入我,參加這個30天清理雜物挑戰。讓我們一起為快樂騰出空間。」   "Subscribe now and get ready to transform your life, one day at a time. I can’t wait to start this journey with you." 「現在就訂閱,準備好每天一點點改變你的生活。我迫不及待想和你一起開始這段旅程。」
9月即將進行:30日斷捨離/簡化生活挑戰 加入我們的社交媒體~ 官方網站 (下載挑戰日記!) 公眾微信ID:Englishfit 官方Line ID @flywithlily    
今日格言 Self-awareness makes us better people. —Stephen Covey 自我覺察使我們成為更好的人。—史蒂芬·柯維   Day 30 自我察覺挑戰 How fulfilling is my everyday life? 我對我的每日生活有多滿足/滿意? I would rate my satisfaction with my daily life a 9 out of 10. Compared to my past, my life now includes a vibrant community where I can engage with people who are also traveling and share similar values and volunteer work. This aspect is the most fulfilling and enjoyable part of my life. The missing one point stems from my uncertainty about my ability to continue traveling. This presents a challenge and might be a signal for me to consider whether I can still find satisfaction and fulfillment if I am unable to continue traveling. Life is a journey, and true fulfillment should not solely depend on external circumstances. This will be an area for me to explore and grow. 我觉得如果一到十分我会为我自己打九分,因为和过去的生活相比,我的生活中多了一个社群,我每天可以和同样在旅行和有相近价值观和做志工服务的人聊天和交换意见。这是我最喜欢和满足的部分。缺少的那一分来自于我对自己是否能继续旅行的能力感到有些质疑。这是一个挑战,也可能是在提醒我,如果我不能继续旅行,我是否还能对这样的生活感到满意和满足。因为人生就是一场旅行,真正的满足感不应该依赖外在的物质。这将是我需要探索和成长的一个领域。 「30日自我覺察的挑戰」可以透過以下管道下載 Line的官方帳號是@flywithlily 微信的官方帳號是 Englishfit 回覆「覺察」的英文 awareness 當然也可以透過我的網站 下載過去的現在的所有挑戰   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  
今日格言  Self-awareness is the soul of life. —Dale Carnegie 自我覺察是生命的靈魂。—卡耐基    Day 29 自我察覺挑戰 How much do I prioritize spending time and energy on myself and on my passions? 我是如何將花時間在我的熱情上面放在第一位?    My biggest passions are traveling, meeting new friends, learning languages, and personal growth in mind, body, and spirit. I also love sharing my experiences, so I almost always produce a podcast episode or upload videos to my Meipai channel every day. Currently, I'm doing volunteer work in Bali, where I continue my early morning routine. I exercise, meditate, write in my gratitude journal, and read to nourish my mind, body, and spirit. Afterward, I work on my podcast and language studies. When I don't have work, I actively meet new friends around me and talk about their stories. Therefore, I can say that I am living a very passionate and fulfilling life. 我最大的熱情就是旅行、認識新朋友、語言學習、自我和身心靈方面的成長,同時我也很喜歡分享,所以我幾乎每天都會製作一集播客節目或者將我拍攝的影片上傳到美拍的頻道。我現在也在峇里島做志工旅行,我仍然早早起床,做我的早起儀式,我會運動、打坐、寫感恩日記、和閱讀來滋養我的身心靈,之後開始我的播客工作和學習語言,然後沒有工作的時候,就積極的認識身邊的新朋友們,談論他們的故事,所以我可以說目前過著蠻熱情洋溢的生活中。    More ways to prioritize spending time and energy on yourself and your passions:更多將時間和精力花在自己和熱情上的方式:  1.Set Clear Goals 設立明確目標: Define what you want to achieve in your areas of passion and create a plan to reach those goals.定義你想在熱情領域達成的目標,並制定計劃來實現這些目標。  2.Time Management 時間管理: Allocate specific times in your daily or weekly schedule dedicated to your passions and personal growth. 在每日或每周的時間表中分配專門的時間,用於你的熱情和個人成長。    3.Self-Discipline 自律: Develop routines and habits that support your passions, and stick to them even when it's challenging. 養成支持你熱情的日常習慣和例行公事,即使遇到挑戰也要堅持下去。    4.Balance 平衡: Ensure you have a balance between work, rest, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.確保在工作、休息和帶給你快樂與滿足的活動之間保持平衡。    5.Seek Inspiration 尋找靈感: Surround yourself with people, books, and environments that inspire and motivate you to pursue your passions. 讓自己處於能啓發和激勵你的環境中,比如與你志同道合的人、書籍和環境。    6.Continuous Learning 持續學習: Keep learning and improving in the areas you're passionate about to stay engaged and enthusiastic.在你熱愛的領域中不斷學習和進步,保持積極和熱情。    7.Self-Care 自我照顧: Take care of your physical and mental health to ensure you have the energy and well-being to pursue your passions.照顧好你的身心健康,確保你有足夠的精力和良好的狀態來追求你的熱情。    By implementing these strategies, you can effectively prioritize spending time and energy on yourself and your passions, leading to a more enriched and satisfying life. 通過實施這些策略,你可以有效地將時間和精力優先放在自己和熱情上,從而過上更加充實和滿足的生活。    「30日自我覺察的挑戰」可以透過以下管道下載  Line的官方帳號是@flywithlily 微信的官方帳號是  Englishfit 回覆「覺察」的英文 awareness  當然也可以透過我的網站 下載過去的現在的所有挑戰 ​ 相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  
今日格言 He who knows himself knows the world. —Laozi 知己者,知天下。—老子 Day 28 自我察覺挑戰 How do I recharge, rejuvenate, and replenish my energy? 我如何為自己充電、恢復活力並補充能量? I usually choose to travel, read a good book, take a long nap, eat my favorite foods, and spend time with good friends. 通常我會選擇去旅行、讀本好書、或睡個長長的午覺、吃自己喜歡吃的東西,還有和好朋友在一起。   更多充電和補充能量的方法: 運動 Exercise:參加瑜伽、跑步或簡單的散步等體育活動,可以提升能量水平並改善心情。Engaging in physical activity like yoga, running, or even a short walk can boost your energy levels and improve your mood. 冥想和正念 Meditation and Mindfulness:練習冥想或正念練習有助於清理思緒,減輕壓力,從而提高能量水平。Practicing meditation or mindfulness exercises can help clear your mind and reduce stress, leading to better energy levels. 親近自然 Nature:花時間在大自然中,無論是遠足、去海邊還是坐在公園裡,都能讓人感到很有活力。Spending time in nature, whether it's hiking, going to the beach, or just sitting in a park, can be very rejuvenating. 創意活動 Creative Activities:參與繪畫、寫作或演奏樂器等愛好,能夠提供精神上的休息,並刷新能量。Engaging in hobbies such as painting, writing, or playing an instrument can provide a mental break and refresh your energy. 自我護理 Self-care Routines:花時間進行自我護理活動,如溫暖的沐浴、護膚程序或自我呵護,可以幫助身心充電。Taking time for self-care activities like a warm bath, skincare routine, or pampering yourself can help recharge your body and mind. 斷開連接 Disconnecting:遠離科技和社交媒體的休息時間,有助於減少心理疲勞,提升注意力和能量。Taking a break from technology and social media can help reduce mental fatigue and improve focus and energy. 將這些活動融入你的日常生活,可以幫助你找到更多的平衡,有效地保持能量水平。 「30日自我覺察的挑戰」可以透過以下管道下載 Line的官方帳號是@flywithlily 微信的官方帳號是 Englishfit 回覆「覺察」的英文 awareness 當然也可以透過我的網站 下載過去的現在的所有挑戰   相關網站連結: 暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit Line@官方@flywithlily 免費加入我的30日贏得早起挑戰 申請加入迷你退休營 加入早起俱樂部會員:雲雀實驗室 一對一諮詢服務 我的網站 社交媒體 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帳號 FACEBOOK LINE官方帳號{flywithlily} Instagram 我在好學校的Podcast課程  