Discover汉语普通话 - 天经 -回族版 - 非戏剧化
汉语普通话 - 天经 -回族版 - 非戏剧化
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汉语普通话 - 天经 -回族版 - 非戏剧化

Author: Faith Comes By Hearing

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The HAT Audio New Testament (CNV) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
260 Episodes
耶稣诞生了 - Jesus is born.
耶稣搬家了 - Jesus' family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee.
受施洗的约翰 - Jesus' way is paved by John the baptist.
撒旦考验耶稣 - Jesus is tested by Satan.
耶稣 - 幸福与律法 - Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law.
耶稣 - 浮夸与担心 - Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.
先知与结果 - Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.
耶稣医治了很多人 - Jesus heals many.
耶稣治病马太拜访 - Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.
耶稣派出十二门徒 - Jesus sends out twelve disciples.
耶稣与受施洗的约翰 - Jesus explains his relationship with the baptist.
耶稣管理安息日和魔鬼 - Jesus rules the Sabbath and the demons.
耶稣用比喻讲述天国 - Jesus tells parables about the kingdom.
耶稣创造了食物平息了风暴 - Jesus creates food and calms the storm.
耶稣讲述真诚的重要性 - Jesus teaches about sincerity.
耶稣预测了教会和自己的死亡 - Jesus predicts the church and his death.
耶稣与摩西和以利亚一起出现 - Jesus appears with Moses and Elijah in glory.
耶稣讲述宽恕的重要性 - Jesus teaches about forgiveness.
耶稣讲述离婚及财富 - Jesus teaches about divorce and about riches.
耶稣讲述未来天国国 - Jesus teaches about the coming kingdom.
耶稣进入耶路撒冷 - Jesus enters Jerusalem and is confronted.
耶稣回答有意刁难的问题 - Jesus answers trick questions.
对法利赛人的七个批评 - Jesus pronounces woes on the Pharisees.
的时代结束的迹象 - Jesus predicts the destuction of Jerusalem.
耶稣讲述审判的寓言 - Jesus tells parables about the judgment.
耶稣被逮捕,受到审判 - Jesus is arrested and tried.
耶稣被定罪和钉在十字架上 - Jesus is convicted and crucified.
耶稣从死里复活 - Jesus is raised from the dead.
耶稣的职分开始了 - The ministry of Jesus begins.
马太跟随耶稣 - Matthew follows Jesus.
使徒们被任命 - The apostles are appointed.
农夫母散布道 - The farmer sows the word.
很多人被治愈了 - Various people are healed.
派遣了使徒,奇迹发生了 - The apostles are sent and miracles are performed.
洁净来自内心 - Cleanliness is said to be internal.
4000个家庭得到了食物 - Four thousand families are fed by one small lunch.
仆人为大 - The servant is the greatest.
很难拯救富人 - It is hard for the rich to be saved.
人们欢迎耶稣来到耶路撒冷 - Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem.
律法师问问题 - Teachers of the Law question questions.
耶路撒冷和地球后来被毁灭 - Jerusalem and later the earth will be destroyed.
犹太人逮捕并审判了耶稣 - The Jews arrest and try Jesus.
罗马人逮捕并审判了耶稣 - The Romans arrest and try Jesus.
妇女们发现了一个空墓 - The women discover an empty tomb.
预言了耶稣的诞生 - The birth of Jesus is foretold.
耶稣真的诞生了 - The birth of Jesus is fulfilled.
约翰让人民为天国做好准备 - John prepares people for the kingdom.
撒旦耶稣摊牌了 - Satan has his showdown with Jesus.
门徒被叫来 - The first disciples are called.
任命了十二门徒 - The twelve apostles are appointed.
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