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코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

Author: The Korea Herald

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영문 시사뉴스를 쉽게 설명해주는 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트. 영어신문을 통해 새로운 데일리 뉴스와 영어 학습을 동시에.

656 Episodes
진행자: 간형우, Devin Whiting NewJeans' activities under Ador concluded: What’s next? 기사 요약: 기존 소속사 어도어와 계약해놨던 활동을 대부분 마친 뉴진스, 향후 어떻게 활동 이어갈 수 있을까 [1] With NewJeans having wrapped up most of their schedules fixed by Ador as of Monday, all eyes are on their next steps. Following the group’s notification to terminate their exclusive contracts with the agency last November, no newly negotiated activities have been planned. terminate: 종료하다 exclusive: 독점적인 [2] NewJeans concluded their major commitments under Ador with an appearance at an awards ceremony in Fukuoka, Japan, on Sunday. While a few advertisement obligations remain, the group has completed all other engagements overseen by Ador’s management. conclude: 끝내다 commitment: 약속한 일, 책무 obligation: 의무 engagement: (업무상·공적인) 약속, 업무 [3] This development follows the members’ announcement on Nov. 28, last year, when they declared their intention to terminate their contracts with Ador. declare: 선언하다 intention: 의도 [4] “We will continue to honor our preexisting schedules and advertisements as planned. We have no intention of causing harm to others through our contract termination,” member Danielle stated at a press conference. preexisting: 기존의 기사 원문:
South Korea to build 4 museums in Sejong by 2028 진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer 기사 요약: 문체부 '박물관·미술관 진흥 기본계획에 따라 세종 국립박물관단지에 2028년까지 박물관 4개 추가 건립될 예정이.다 [1] Four new museums will be established in the National Museum Complex of Korea in Sejong by 2028, while a National Museum Storage Facility cluster will be created in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, to better manage cultural assets. establish 설립[설정]하다 cultural asset 문화재 [2] The projects are part of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism's four-year plan aimed at expanding the country's museum and art gallery infrastructure while improving cultural heritage management and accessibility, announced Thursday. aimed at ~을 목표로 한 accessibility 접근 (가능성), 이해하기 쉬움 [3] The Culture Ministry also announced plans to reform the art donation tax payment system, which allows individuals to pay inheritance tax using cultural properties or artwork instead of cash. The revised system aims to broaden the range of eligible works of art. tax payment system 납세 시스템 eligible …을 가질[할] 수 있는 [4] The new museum expansion plan sets out three main goals -- making museums and galleries central spaces for enjoying national culture, revitalizing local culture and regional tourism and advancing future-oriented cultural institutions accessible to all. revitalize 새로운 활력을 주다, 재활성화시키다 future-oriented 미래 지향적인 기사원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
[KHExplains] What falling won means for Korea 진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer 기사 요약: 원화 가치 한 달 새 5% 추락이 국내에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴본다. The Korean won continues to struggle with sharp devaluation against the dollar as the country is pressured by rising tensions in local politics and the reshaped global trade environment. struggle with ~으로 고심하다, 씨름하다 tension (필요·이해의 차이로 인한) 긴장[갈등]   On Friday, the won's value against the greenback touched 1,486.7 won during intraday trading. It was the first time the won-dollar exchange rate had hit the 1,480 won bar in nearly 16 years since reaching 1,488.5 won on March 16, 2009, amid the global financial crisis. greenback (미국 달러의) 지폐 intraday 하루 동안에 일어나는 (일중)   The weakening of the Korean won puts pressure on import prices, including energy. For Korea, a country heavily dependent on energy imports, this leads to higher prices of all goods. Higher prices lead to reduced domestic consumption, weighing the economy down. dependent on …에 의존하고 있는. weigh down ~을 짓누르다   Under such circumstances, consumer price growth, which in the past three months has stabilized at the 1 percent range, could spike -- putting pressure on the Bank of Korea to cut its policy rate, which currently stands at 3 percent. While the central bank projected consumer prices to rise by 2 percent next year, the strong dollar could agitate the growth. project 예상[추정]하다 agitate (마음을) 뒤흔들다[불안하게 만들다]   기사원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
Will Yoon be caught up in yet another scandal? 진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: 지난 대선 당시 윤석열 대통령 선거대책본부에서 활동했던 '건진법사'가 2018년 불법 정치자금을 받은 혐의로 검찰에 체포됐다. [1] A shaman reportedly close to President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife, was arrested by the prosecution Tuesday in connection with political funding allegations, drawing attention to whether the case will turn up new allegations related to the presidential couple. * Shaman: 무당 * In connection with: ~와 관련되어 * Draw attention to: 이목을 끌다 * Turn up: 나타내다 [2] The authorities clarified that the investigation involving Jeon was unconnected to any investigations into Yoon. But allegations that Yoon and Jeon were connected surfaced during his presidential campaign. Some have speculated that the shaman played a significant behind-the-scenes role, effectively acting as the de facto leader of Yoon's campaign team. * Clarify: 명확하게 하다 * Involve: 관련시키다 * Unconnected: 관련이 없는 * Surface: 수면으로 올라오다 * Speculate: 추측하다 * De facto: 실질적인 [3] The People Power Party had denied the allegation, saying Jeon was not involved in an advisory role of the networking subcommittee. The party also announced that Jeon worked as a manager for part of a Buddhist organization under the Jogye Order and is not a shaman. * Deny: 부인하다 * Allegation: 주장 * Advisory role: 자문 역할 * Announce: 발표하다 기사 전문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
Night of chaos: Inside Yoon’s Cabinet in hours before declaration 진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: 국무위원들이 기억한 12월 3일 계엄령 선포가 터진 그날은 어땠을까? 이들의 증언을 바탕으로 알아보기. [1] Public accounts from Cabinet members at the National Assembly have exposed a troubling picture of President Yoon Suk Yeol's Dec. 3 martial law declaration: One of a clandestine and illegitimate decision that bypassed nearly the entire Cabinet, silenced its opposition, and violated due process. * Expose: 드러내다 * Troubling: 우려스러운 * Clandestine: 은밀한 * Bypass: 우회하다 [2] The hours before Yoon's late-night announcement were chaotic, with most Cabinet members kept in the dark. Below is a look at the time leading up to and after the declaration, based on their accounts. * Chaotic: 혼돈 상태인 * In the dark: 아무것도 모르는 * Lead up to: ~에 이르다 * Account: 증언 [3] After witnessing armed soldiers storming the National Assembly on television, smashing windows as they forced their way in, all Cabinet ministers submitted their collective resignations to Prime Minister Han Duck-soo on Dec. 4. * Witness: 목격하다 * Storm: 난입하다 * Smash: 박살내다 * Force one’s way: 억지로 밀고 나가다 [4] "I was personally stunned by the announcement as well. The last time martial law was imposed in Korea was 1979, when I joined the Foreign Ministry," Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul said during a press briefing for foreign media in Seoul on Wednesday. "Never did I imagine that it would be declared again 45 years later, in the Korea of 2024." * Stun: 놀라게 하다 * Impose: 시행하다 * Join: 합류하다 * Declare: 선언하다 기사 전문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
Safe, orderly protests highlight Korea's mature democracy 진행자: 홍유, Chelsea Proctor   기사요약: 윤석열 대통령의 계엄령 선언 이후, 수많은 사람들이 참가한 시위가 평화롭고 질서 있게 진행되었으며, 이는 한국 민주주의의 성숙함을 보여준다.   [1] President Yoon Suk Yeol declaring martial law on Dec. 3 sparked demonstrations across the nation attended by tens of thousands of people. Despite the high turnout, however, the rallies remained peaceful, with no reports of violence or tension. demonstration: 시위 turnout: 참가자의 수   [2] The crowds were remarkably diverse, ranging from teenagers and young adults to families with young children and pet owners with their dogs. Participants interviewed by The Korea Herald consistently reported feeling no concerns about safety and witnessing no incidents. remarkably: 놀랍게도 consistently: 지속적으로   [3] Among them was a couple who brought their seven-year-old daughter and four-year-old son to a rally on Dec. 11, three days before parliament voted to impeach Yoon. The parents appeared untroubled by any risks. untroubled: 마음이 어지러워지지 않은   [4] The protests demanding the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye, which took place from late 2016 into early 2017, saw millions of participants calling for Park’s ouster over a corruption scandal. Similarly, the Cho Kuk demonstrations in 2019 attracted large crowds, both in support of and against the controversial former justice minister, over allegations of impropriety. ouster: 축출 corruption: 부패 impropriety: 부적절한 행동   기사원문:
After impeachment vote, companies shift to tackling Trump-era challenges 진행자: 홍유, Chelsea Proctor   기사요약: 탄핵 투표가 끝난 후 주요 기업들은 미국의 트럼프 행정부 재임 하에 예상되는 글로벌 경제 변화에 대비하고 있다.   [1] South Korea’s parliament voted to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol on Saturday, marking the culmination of over a week of intense political turmoil following Yoon’s botched attempt to impose martial law on Dec. 3. culmination: 정점 turmoil: 혼란 botched: 잘못하거나 잘못 계획되어 실패한   [2] While the impeachment awaits a final ruling by the Constitutional Court, observers note that the National Assembly’s decision has alleviated some of the uncertainty that clouded the market in recent weeks. alleviate: 완화하다 uncertainty: 불확실성   [3] Korea’s major conglomerates are now turning their attention to preparing for broader global economic challenges, particularly navigating policy shifts expected under a second Donald Trump administration in Washington. conglomerate: 대기업 administration: 행정부   [4] “The political uncertainty hasn’t completely disappeared, but companies don’t have much time, as the new US administration takes office in January,” said an industry source who requested anonymity. “Significant changes under Trump are anticipated, and the recent political turmoil has left many firms unprepared to address these potential changes in economy and trade." anonymity: 익명   기사원문:
K-democracy? Lawmakers flooded with protest texts after impeachment boycott 진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel 기사 요약: 윤석열 대통령 탄핵 소추안에 대해 국민의 힘 의원들 대다수가 투표를 보이콧 하면서 "탄핵 찬성해라"는 시민들 문자 폭탄 이어져 [1] Lawmakers from the ruling People Power Party have faced a barrage of protest text messages after an impeachment motion against President Yoon Suk Yeol was scrapped due to their decision to boycott the vote. barrage of: 빗발치는 scrap: 폐기하다 [2] PPP lawmakers have been struggling to deal with an endless stream of text messages, according to local reports, Monday. Some lawmakers have complained that their batteries don’t last more than two hours without a backup even with fully charged phones. Just before and after the impeachment vote on Saturday, observers reported seeing staff handing out fully charged portable batteries to lawmakers at the national assembly. stream of: 계속 이어지는~, ~물결 [3] This overwhelming influx of messages began in earnest Thursday, when the PPP declared its official stance against impeachment, just two days before the motion was put to a vote on Saturday. On that same day, phone numbers of ruling party lawmakers were widely circulated online, prompting online users to flood them with thousands of text messages. overwhelming: 압도적인 밀어닥침, 유입 in earnest: 본격적으로, 진지하게 [4] Posts on social media platforms like X urged citizens to take action, with messages such as, "Let’s start a collective action and send text messages to PPP lawmakers so that they can vote for impeachment.” take action: ~에 대해 조치를 취하다 collective action: 집단행동 기사 원문:
Power struggle intensifies among investigative bodies over Yoon Suk Yeol’s martial law case 진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel 기사 요약: 12.3 계엄령 선포 관련 주요 인물들 및 내란죄 등에 대한 수사에 대해 경찰, 검찰, 공수처 등이 수사권에 대한 혼선 계속돼 [1] The investigation into President Yoon Suk Yeol’s controversial December 3 martial law declaration has descended into a jurisdictional tug-of-war among South Korea’s prosecutorial, police and anti-corruption agencies, raising concerns about the investigation's clarity and efficiency. martial law: 계엄령 descended into: ~로 내려가다, (나쁜 상황 속으로) 서서히 빠져들다 jurisdictional: 사법권의 tug-of-war: 줄다리기, 주도권 다툼 [2] At the heart of the dispute is the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials, which rejected a request from the prosecutor’s office to hand over all cases related to the martial law declaration. Instead, the CIO invoked its legal authority under the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials Act to demand that the prosecution transfer overlapping cases to the CIO. invoke: 법, 규칙 등을 들먹이다 overlapping: 겹치는, 중복되는 [3] Prosecutors, however, maintain that they had proposed a joint investigation with the CIO, a claim the CIO disputes. Both agencies remain at an impasse, with the prosecution and police reportedly reviewing the legal grounds for the CIO’s transfer request. impasse: 교착 상태, at an ~ grounds: 법적 근거, 당위성   원문:
진행자: 김혜연, Chelsea Proctor (643) Comic book cafes: Korea's nostalgic escape for all ages  [1] Comic book cafes in Korea hold a cherished spot in many hearts, offering a nostalgic escape to the imaginative simplicity of childhood and a retreat from the stresses of adult life. cherished 소중히 여기다, 아끼다 retreat 후퇴[철수/퇴각]하다   [2] Until the 1990s, before the advent of smartphones, comic book cafes were a haven for teenagers seeking entertainment and stress relief. While attention has shifted to multimedia on mobile devices, these cafes remain a haven for many and have evolved to cater to diverse interests. advent 도래, 출현 haven 안식처, 피난처   [3] For some, comic book cafes offer escapist fantasy. For others, they are a place to snack and relax. Couples seeking romance enjoy the date-friendly ambiance and the chance for a fancy drink, while for the budget-conscious, they serve as an affordable place to rest overnight. escapist 현실 도피주의자 ambiance 환경, 분위기   [4] For older individuals, these spaces evoke nostalgia for days spent reading romance comics or martial arts novels in the musty comic book cafes of yesteryear. evoke (감정·기억·이미지를) 떠올려 주다[환기시키다] martial art 무협, 무술[무도] yesteryear 지난날, 왕년   기사 원문:
진행자: 김혜연, Chelsea Proctor (642) At this Starbucks, you need ID: Franchise opens store with view of North Korea 기사 요약: 민간인 출입이 제한된 DMZ 인근에 위치한 스타벅스 김포애기봉생태공원점 [1] South Koreans can now sip their Starbucks while taking in the rarest of views -- the shadowy realm of a forbidden land, North Korea. At a just-opened store, with seating for around 40 patrons, the glass walls frame panoramic vistas of Kaepung-gun and Songaksan in the North Korean city of Kaesong. forbidden 금지된 patron (특정 상점·식당 등의) 고객 vista (아름다운) 경치, 풍경   [2] It is located within the Jogang Observatory in the South Korean border city of Gimpo, part of the 154-meter-high Aegibong Peace Ecopark. This vantage point lies just 1.4 kilometers from the North, with the Jo River separating the two Koreas. border city 국경도시 vantage (무엇을 지켜보기에) 좋은, 유리한 위치   [3] Baek Hye-soo, a Gimpo resident in her 40s, came early for a morning coffee on Friday, becoming the very first customer on its opening day. "I feel like I could swim to the other side of the river between these two lands,” she said. “This isn’t just another Starbucks launch. It’s infused with a sense of historical weight.” launch 시작[개시/착수]하다 infused 스미다[영향을 미치다]   [4] With a line of visitors waiting outside and baristas hustling to keep up with the demand, a family of three -- parents in their 40s and their 7-year-old daughter -- managed to snag a round table. "It hits differently that my little daughter can see North Korea from such a familiar and comfortable place like Starbucks," said the mother, surnamed Kim. hustling 혼찹한, 분주한 snag (흔히 다른 사람보다 먼저) 잡아[낚아]채다 기사 원문:
진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor ‘BYD will set no sales target in Korean debut year’ 기사 요약: 류쉐량 BYD 아시아태평양 영업사업부 사장 “내년 한국 출시 첫 해 판매 목표량 세우지 않을 것” [1] Chinese electric vehicle maker BYD will not focus on sales volume when it debuts in the Korean passenger car market early next year, the EV giant’s Asia Pacific head says. passenger car: 승용차   [2] “We will not set a sales target for our first year (in Korea), “said Liu Xueliang, general manager of BYD Asia Pacific auto sales division, in a group interview with Korean reporters at BYD’s headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Wednesday. headquarters: 본사   [3] “Our hope is to give Korean customers hands-on experience with BYD EVs. We think that Korea’s EV penetration rate can reach a top global level with a little bit more effort. The EV share of newly sold vehicles has already hit 9.6 percent in the Korean market …Korean customers have a high level of understanding for EVs.” hands-on experience: 실제 체험 penetration rate: 보급률   [4] Liu revealed that the Chinese brand signed partnerships with six Korean dealership firms in the Korean market. The official launch will take place in January with the announcement of the locations of its showrooms across the country. reveal: 공개하다   기사 원문:
진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor Jung's paternity reveal exposes where S. Korea stands on out-of-wedlock children 기사 요약: 정우성과 문가비 사이에서 태어난 아들이 조명한 혼외자에 대한 사회적 시각 [1] Actor Jung Woo-sung’s recent admission that he fathered a child with model Moon Ga-bi has reignited conversations in South Korea about societal attitudes toward children born out of wedlock. reignite: 다시 불을 지피다 wedlock: 결혼   [2] While Jung pledged to fulfill his responsibilities as a father without pursuing marriage, the public response has been largely critical, highlighting the nation’s deeply conservative stance on non-traditional family structures. pledge: 약속하다 fulfill: 이행하다   [3] Many online users criticized Jung for his decision not to marry Moon. One commenter on the nation’s largest search engine Naver labeled him a “selfish do-badder” for avoiding marriage while fulfilling his sexual desires, garnering 1,053 likes. label: 꼬리표를 붙이다 do-badder: 양아치   [4] Another remarked, “He never dated but got a baby. He doesn’t want to get married but wants to raise the child. That’s nonsense.” This comment received 500 likes. remark: 발언하다   기사 원문:
진행자: 박준희, Devin Whiting What is South Korea’s 4B movement? 기사 요약: 여성 생식권 문제가 화두였던 미국 대선에서 트럼프 전 대통령이 승리하자 유권자들 사이에서 한국의 비 연애, 결혼, 출산 성관계 운동이 주목받고 있다. [1] Emerging around 2018, the "4B" movement is a voluntary female celibacy movement, encouraging women to refuse heterosexual marriage, childbirth, dating or sex with men. The term "4B" comes from bihon (no marriage), bichulsan (no childbirth), biyeonae (no dating) and bisekseu (no sex), with "bi," or "B," meaning "no." Essentially, 4B advocates for women to disengage from relationships with men entirely. * Emerge: 생겨나다 * Celibacy: 독신주의 * Encourage: 독려하다 * Advocate: 지지하다 [2] Though Trump, who faced a civil trial for sexual abuse last year, has said he would veto a federal abortion ban, he has supported the right of states to choose to ban or limit abortion access after the overturning of Roe v Wade. He has also taken credit for nominating the judges who made the ruling possible. * Face: 직면하다 * Support: 지지하다 * Overturn: 뒤집다 * Take credit for: 뭔가에 대한 공을 가져가다 [3] His election, and the precarious fate of abortion rights in America, spurred some American women to consider the 4B movement, according to multiple reports. Posts on social media platforms like X reflect this mindset, with comments such as, "American women, looks like it’s time to get influenced by Korea’s 4B movement," and, "It’s time we join the movement. Men will NOT be rewarded, nor have access to our bodies." * Precarious: 불안정한 * Spur: 자극하다 * Consider: 고려하다 *Reward: 보상하다 [4] The 4B movement gained traction in Korea due to widespread dissatisfaction with a deeply rooted patriarchal culture seen as beyond repair. Its origins are linked to the sustained challenges faced by women during rapid economic modernization, which has underscored enduring gender inequality, particularly among younger women, according to observers. * Gain traction: 주목받다 * Dissatisfaction: 불만 * beyond repair: 고칠 수 없는 * Link to: 연관된 기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 박준희, Devin Whiting Student backlash erupts as Dongduk Women's University weighs coed future 기사 요약: 최근 동덕여대 교무위원회가 남녀공학 전환을 논의한다는 사실이 알려지면서 여자대학의 존치 필요성에 대한 찬반 논쟁이 다시 불 붙었다. [1] Dongduk Women's University, one of South Korea’s seven remaining women’s colleges, is weighing a possible shift to coeducation, a move igniting opposition among students who warn it could erode the institution’s mission of championing women’s empowerment and diminish women’s representation in society. * Remaining: 남아 있는 * Weigh in on (something): 무언가에 무게를 두다 * Ignite: 불이 붙다 * Erode: 악화시키다 * Champion: ~를 위해 싸우다 [2] The student council wrote in a statement, “We are wholly against the coeducational transition that contradicts the founding purpose of the university, which was established with the goal of empowering women.” * Wholly: 완전히 * Against: 반대하다 * Transition: 전환 * Contradict: 부정하다 [3] Students at Dongduk Women's University expressed concerns that transitioning to a coeducational system could marginalize female voices in a society where gender discrimination remains prevalent. * Marginalize: 차별하다 * Discrimination: 차별 * Prevalent: 만연해 있다 [4] Dongduk Women's University alumna Shin said, "Why does a women's university have to become coed? The people who favor the change should first look up the true meaning behind the establishment of the university." The founding philosophy of Dongduk Women's University is driven by the principle of building a nation through the education of women. * Alumna: 여자 졸업생 * Favor: 찬성하다 * Founding: ~에 기반한 * Driven by: 움직여지다 기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn   Chubby banana milk bottle eyes national heritage listing 기사 요약: 빙그레가 가공우유 제품 '바나나맛우유' 단지 모양 용기의 국가등록문화유산 등재를 추진한다.   [1] For over half a century, yellow banana-flavored milk has held a special place in Korean culture, gracing supermarket shelves as a nostalgic favorite across generations. Now, its maker, Binggrae Co., aims to elevate the beloved drink’s status even further. grace: 꾸미다 nostalgic: 향수어린   [2] The Korean dairy maker said Sunday that it is launching an effort to have the chubby shape of its top-selling drink’s bottle included on the state-registered cultural heritage list. chubby: 통통한 cultural heritage: 문화 유산   [3] It is currently gathering data to apply for eligibility review by the Korea Heritage Service, the state-run agency responsible for designating new additions to the national cultural heritage list. eligibility: 적임 designate: 지정하다   [4] The agency’s Cultural Heritage Committee designates an item as national cultural heritage when it holds historical significance, is over 50 years old, and is deemed worthy of preservation and use for future generations. significance: 중요성 deem: 여기다   기시원문:
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn   Deer incidents put Seoul's southern suburbs on alert 기사 요약: 경기 수원시에 이어 의왕시에서도 도로에 사슴이 나타나 소방당국에 포획됐다.   [1] Residents south of Seoul are watching their step as another deer incident has put local authorities on high alert, just days after attacks left two people injured. watch one's step: 신중하게 행동하다   [2] A deer was spotted late Saturday on a roadway in Uiwang, Gyeonggi Province, prompting an immediate response from fire officials. The emergency call came in around 11:55 p.m. from a resident fearing possible vehicle collisions with the animal, local authorities said. prompt: 촉발하다 collision: 충돌   [3] Two emergency vehicles carrying eight personnel responded to the scene. After an hourlong pursuit, authorities managed to capture the deer alive shortly after midnight. City officials took custody of the animal, and no injuries or property damage were reported. pursuit: 좇음 custody: 보호권   [4] The incident raised concerns coming just days after a more aggressive deer wreaked havoc in nearby Suwon, Gyeonggi Province. wreak: 초래하다 havoc: 큰 혼란   기사원문:
'Pongpongnam' row exposes South Korea's gender divide 진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: 네이버 웹툰 공모전에서 여성을 비하하고 성차별을 강화하는 혐오 표현을 담은 웹툰이 1차 심사를 통과하면서 논란, "퐁퐁남"이라는 개념어가 남편의 경제력에 ‘무임승차’하려고 결혼한 여성에게 배신당한 서사, 일명 ‘설거지론’에 쓰이면서 여성의 모든 행동에 성적인 혹은 이기적인 의도가 있다는 왜곡된 사고와 편견을 부채질한다는 비판 일어 [1] While expressing disparagement of the opposite sex in a show of hatred has long ailed South Korea, the severe gender conflict took a turn for the worse after a cartoon recently came under fire for misogyny. disparagement: 경멸 ail: 괴롭히다 misogyny: 여성혐오 / misandry 남성 혐오 [2] The three-story webtoon, "Pong Pong Man From Another World," uploaded to Naver Webtoon last month, is a story that revolves around a 39-year-old man named Park Dong-soo who faces a series of hardships after witnessing his wife's affair, which later leads him to question his place in life. revolve around: ~을 중심으로 돌아가다 [3] Although the plot may look similar to other stories, the webtoon is based on the "dishwashing" theory of women apparently laundering their history by tying the knot with a financially stable man purely for money, leading to a loveless marriage. The theory reflects a deep misogynistic belief that women exploit men for economic gain, while men trapped in these relationships are "domestic." dishwashing: 접시 씻기 laundry: 세탁물/ money laundry exploit: 부당하게 이용하다, 착취하다 [4] Proponents of the idea -- mostly men -- refer to married men as "pongpongnam," which is a derogatory term based on a Korean dish detergent brand to reference unattractive husbands or male breadwinners as "slaves" used to make money. The webtoon drew fire from women-focused online communities after it passed the first round of judging for Naver Webtoon's web novel contest late last month, and the controversy shows little sign of abating. derogatory: 경멸하는, 비판적인 abate: 약화시키다, 약해지다 기사 원문:
Child rapist’s relocation sparks controversy, fear 진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: 조두순이 새롭게 이사한 집 5분 거리에 초등학교가 있다는 사실 밝혀지면서 주민들의 불안이 고조되고 있어 ,경찰은 인군 순찰 강화로 불안 잠재우려하지만 효과 미비하다는 반응 커 [1] Cho Doo-soon, notorious for one of the most shocking crimes in South Korean history, has once again sparked public outrage and concern after his recent move to a new residence. notorious: 악명 높은 outrage: 격분, 분노 [2] Cho, who was released from prison in December 2020 after serving 12 years for raping an 8-year-old girl, has relocated from his previous home in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, to a nearby neighborhood. His move to a new residence, located just 2 kilometers away from his previous home, has stoked fears and controversy among nearby residents once again. stoke: 감정을 부추기다, 돋우다 [3] Since Cho's release four years ago, his presence in Ansan has been a source of anxiety, leading to angry demonstrations and anonymous death threats. Residents have expressed their fears of his recidivism, given Cho's brutal criminal history. Despite measures in place to monitor him, many felt uneasy about having a convicted child rapist living nearby, especially with families and children in the vicinity. recidivism: 상습적 범행, 재범 uneasy: 불안한, 우려되는 vicinity: 부근, 인근 [4] Police installed a monitoring system at his home and added 35 surveillance cameras, brighter streetlights and police booths in Cho’s neighborhood to both monitor his movements and deter people who have threatened his safety. deter: 그만두게 하다, 단념시키다 기사 원문:
진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor Korea to regulate cross-border trading of crypto 기사 요약: 정부, 가상자산 악용 사례 막기 위해 관련 외국환거래법 개정안 내년 하반기 시행 추진 [1] The Korean government is to tighten the monitoring of cross-border trading of virtual assets, including cryptocurrency, through a revised law set for enactment by the latter half of 2025. tighten: 더 엄격하게 하다 revise: 변경하다 enactment: 입법 latter: 후자의, 후반의   [2] According to the ministry, as the cross-border trading of virtual assets increases, illegal transactions, including those with the purpose of tax evasion and money laundering, have also been on the rise. transaction: 거래 evasion: 회피 laundering: 돈 세탁   [3] Foreign exchange-related crimes totaling 11 trillion won ($8 billion) took place from 2020 to July, according to the Korea Customs Service. Of the amount, those involving virtual assets were worth 9 trillion won, or around 80 percent. foreign exchange: 외화   [4] Under the new regulations, virtual asset service providers, including crypto exchanges, will be required to register with authorities beforehand to conduct cross-border trading of virtual assets, the ministry said. register: 등록하다 beforehand: 사전에   기사 원문:
Comments (10)


한분소리조정이 안됐어요

Mar 23rd

Seonghoon Kang

여성 한 분 목소리가 너무 작게들려요

Mar 12th


혜연 기자님 도입부에 배경지식 설명해주시는거 되게 좋아요! 단어도 자세하게 설명해주셔서 듣기에 유익합니다ㅎㅎ

Aug 25th


잘들었습니다! 감사합니다(목소리 및 영어기사쓰기 팁도 큰 도움이되었습니다)

Mar 21st


목소리가 너무작아용

Mar 13th

니의 하루주

북마크 기능은 없나요?!

Mar 3rd


매주 잘 듣고있습니다

Oct 9th


대본은 어디서 보나요?

Jun 8th
Reply (1)

Jihyun Kim

대본이랑 단어가 있어서 좋네요!감사합니다

May 17th