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코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

Author: The Korea Herald

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599 Episodes
진행자: 최정윤, Elise Youn  IV drips: A quick energy shot for overworked Koreans [1] “Feeling burnt out? You’ve come to the right place,” the doctor said during my consultation at a clinic in Yeouido, Seoul's financial district, before prescribing what he called a “garlic injection.” * prescribe: 처방을 내리다 n. prescription / 규정,지시하다 (stipulate) [2[ As an average South Korean national, I am used to eating tons of garlic, but I wasn’t quite ready to have it injected into my veins. It turned out that the “garlic injection” wasn't actually a shot of garlic extract or anything similar. It's a colloquial expression for an intravenous infusion therapy of vitamins that has a hint of a garlic scent. *colloquial: 구어의, 일상적 대회의 *intravenous: 정맥으로 들어가는 [3] The prescription for me was a mix of B vitamins, vitamin C and an antioxidant called glutathione, which he said should help boost my energy and reduce fatigue. When asked how long the fatigue treatment would last, the doctor said that it would depend on my workload. “For people who have a lot of work, the effect may disappear in two to three days, and for others, it could last for as long as a week.” *antioxidant: 산화방지제, 방부제 *fatigue: 피로   [4] I came out of the clinic feeling rejuvenated, not knowing if it was the nap or the IV that helped. The treatment cost 110,000 won ($80). In South Korea, where medical care is highly accessible and affordable, primary care clinics offer IV therapy consisting of diverse nutrient cocktails, billing them as “Cinderella" shots, “placenta” shots, and “white jade” shots for anti-aging, curing hangovers, boosting immunity or even promoting glowing skin. *rejuvenated: 다시 젊어보이는, 활기를 되찾는 (juvenile: 청소년의, 유치한) *bill:~를 ~로 홍보/묘사하다 기사 원문:
진행자: 최정윤, Elise Youn No. of mosquitoes unusually high in June [1] Amid a relentless heat wave sweeping across South Korea, Seoul has seen a significant surge in its mosquito population over the past two weeks, turning a seasonal nuisance into a widespread concern. *relentless: 가차 없는, 끈질긴 (relent: v. 포기하고 동의하다, 누그러지다) *nuisance: 골칫거리, 성가신 사람(것/일) / public nuisance: 사회적 골칫거리 [2] According to the Seoul Mosquito Forecast System, the average mosquito activity index in the capital city has increased to the highest level of 100 in its four-tier system for two consecutive weeks since June 2. *consecutive: 연이은 [3] The highest level of "unpleasant" means outdoor mosquito larval habitats are 50 to 100 percent formed. It is also defined by when five to 10 mosquitoes are seen penetrating indoors at night in areas where the concentration of freestanding houses is high, or when a person gets more than five mosquito bites during an outdoor activity at night, assuming that one remains in place for 10 to 15 minutes. *larval: 유충, 애벌레 *penetrate: 관통하다, 침투하다 [4] During the same period a year ago, the mosquito activity index averaged 65.6. "Unlike last year, it has rained a lot since early spring and the temperature has remained high, which has created the conditions for mosquitoes to live in puddles and other places early on," said Kim Dong-gun, an associate professor at Sahmyook University's Smith College, who is in charge of mosquito forecasting in Seoul. *in charge of: ~맡아서, 담당하는 기사 원문:
진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer Sales of warehouse stores rise amid high dining-out costs 기사 요약: 외식 물가 상승으로 인한 반사 이익으로 매출 증가 겪는 대형마트들 [1] Warehouse stores in Korea have seen a rise in sales, drawn by bulk sizes of fresh ingredients at lower prices as people opt for cooking at home rather than eating out, amid increasing prices. *warehouse store: 창고형 매장 (대형마트) *bulk: 큰, 대부분 *opt for ~ : ~을 선택하다   [2] From January through April, sales of Traders Wholesale Club, the warehouse-type discount store owned by E-mart, increased by 8.6 percent, according to the company on Sunday. *discount: 할인하다, 무시하다 *own: 소유하다, 자신의, 직접 ~한   [3] In contrast, both E-mart’s discount stores and its no-frills No Brand stores experienced a decline in sales, with decreases of 1 percent and 7.8 percent, respectively, over the same period. *no-frills: 꼭 필요한(기본적인) 요소만 있는 *respectively: 각각   [4] Sales per Traders store, in particular, stood at 53.3 billion won ($38.6 million), almost twice those of E-mart stores, which recorded 29.6 billion won during the same period. This gap increased from last year’s 19.2 billion won. Currently, there are 22 Traders stores and 133 E-mart stores in Korea. *in particular: 특히 *gap: 틈, 차이   기사 원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer Faker makes history again with Hall of Legends induction 기사 요약: 리그오브레전드 '전설의 전당' 초대 헌액자에 등극한 ‘페이커’ 이상혁 [1] South Korean esports legend Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, an undisputed superstar in the world of competitive gaming, etched his name as the first-ever inductee to the Hall of Legends at The Shilla Seoul in Jung-gu, central Seoul, Thursday. *undisputed: 반박의 여지가 없는 *etch: 식각하다, 아로새기다, 뚜렷이 새기다 *inductee: (스포츠, 예술의 전당 등이) 헌액자, (군대) 징집병, 신병, (조직의) 초년생   [2] “With his mastery of League of Legends, Faker inspired millions of esports fans across the globe and brought numerous contributions to the sport. We sincerely congratulate Faker for this stunning achievement and hope for great performances in the future,” Oh Sean, head of Asia-Pacific Riot Games Esports, said in his congratulatory remarks during the Hall of Legends ceremony. *mastery: 숙달, 통달 *inspire: 영감을 주다 *numerous: 많은 *stunning: 굉장히 멋진(아름다운), 깜짝 놀랄   [3] Hall of Legends is the League of Legends hall of fame that was introduced by Riot Games, the company behind the title, this year. *hall of fame: 명예의 전당   [4] While expressing his gratitude for the first Hall of Legends title, the 28-year-old player shared that he does not wish to dwell too much on his record. *gratitude: 고마움, 감사 *dwell on ~ : ~을 곱씹다. 기사 원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn Star dog trainer faces workplace bullying claims 기사 요약: 유명 반려견 훈련사 강형욱, 자신을 둘러싼 갑질·폭언 등 논란에 대해 전면 반박 [1] Celebrity dog trainer Kang Hyung-wook and his dog training business Bodeum Company are facing criticism for allegedly mistreating employees. * Face criticism: 비평을 마주하다 * Mistreat: (사람·동물을) 학대[혹사]하다 [2] According to several reviews on Job Planet, an online recruitment and job search platform, Kang and his wife Susan Elder, who serves as the company executive, surveilled employees' work messages that were sent using an instant messaging app, used violent language, gaslighted employees, and asked them to run excessive errands on their days off. * Serve: 지내다 * Surveil: 감시하다 * Violent language: 폭언 * Errand: 심부름, (다른 사람을 대신해서 해 주는) 일 [3] "I quit here and got mental therapy due to panic disorder, anxiety disorder and depression," they wrote. "My mind has been devastated by the continuous gaslighting, blasphemy of character and continuous work requests after hours." * Quit: (직장·학교 등을) 그만두다 * Due to: ~때문에 * Devastated: 엄청난 충격을 받은 * Blasphemy: 신성 모독 [4] Another former employee accused Kang of berating her with harsh comments like "Stop breathing. It's such a waste for you to breathe. You're worse than pests, just crawl away. Just drop dead." * Former: 과거, 예전의 * Accuse: 혐의를 제기하다 * Berate: 질책하다 * Worse than: ~보다 못하다 기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn 기사 요약: 입양에 대한 편견을 갖고 있는 사회에게 가족은 꼭 피로 맺어지지 않고 사랑으로 맺어진다는 메시지를 전한 입양가족들 [1] When Jeon Sung-shin, 45, was looking to expand her family without going through childbirth again, she met her then 50-day-old daughter at an orphan care center 11 years ago. * Expand: 확장하다 * Go through: ~을 거쳐가다 * Childbirth: 출산 * Orphan: 고아 [2] Jeon fell in love with her at first sight and knew adoption would be a beautiful way to build her family. Growing up with the family, Jeon's youngest daughter is now in the sixth grade and is a promising tennis player. * At first sight: 첫눈에 * Adoption: 입양 * Build: 짓다, 만들어 내다 * Promising: 유망한, 촉망되는 [3] But Jeon said rearing her hadn't always been easy, mainly because adoption still carries so much stigma, especially in a country where the "primacy of blood" had been of paramount importance under the Confucian ideology. * Rearing: 양육 * Stigma: 낙인, 오명 * Paramount: 다른 무엇보다 가장 중요한, 최고의 * Ideology: 이념 [4] "Unlike Western countries, Koreans often tend to refer to somebody's birth mother when talking about who is really their family. But the biological parent has no custody over the child because all the rights are transferred to the adoptive parent," Jeon underscored. * Tend to: ~하는 경향이 있다 * Biological parent: 생부모 * Custody: 양육권 * Transfer: 이전하다 기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
[From the Scene] Korean Air's new operations center highlights full commitment to safety 기사 요약: 합병 앞둔 대한항공, 전면 개편한 종합통제센터 (OCC) 최초 공개  [1] Korean Air has unveiled its newly revamped Operations and Customer Center after 23 years, emphasizing the airline's increased focus on risk management in light of variables such as the merger with Asiana Airlines and the introduction of newer aircraft. revamp 개조[수리]하다 variable 변화를 줄[변경할] 수 있는   [2] "Air operations are possible only when real-time communications, from transportation to operation to cabin maintenance, are smoothly organized and seamlessly prepared," said Korean Air President Woo Kee-hong during press conference held Thursday morning at the company's headquarters in Gimpo. "The public often regards 'service' as the core of airline operations, but more than 80 percent of Korean Air's 20,000 employees are involved in ‘safety’ related mission. This shows our high level of awareness and technological prowess in safe operations," Woo added. maintenance 유지, 보존, 간수 prowess 기량[솜씨]   [3] The company showcased key facilities for safe operation throughout the conference, including the OCC, maintenance hangars, cabin training centers and aviation medical centers. As of May, Korean Air has a fleet of 161 aircraft, including 138 passenger planes and 23 cargo planes, servicing 110 cities in 39 countries. hangar 격납고 fleet 함대, 선단   [4] Korean Air is awaiting the last approval from US authorities for its merger with Asiana Airlines, Korea's second-largest domestic carrier. If granted, of which the airline expects to be decided by the end of this year, the merger could position Korean Air as one of the world's top ten mega-carriers, according to industry reports. await (…을) 기다리다 carrier 항공사, 수송[운송]회사 [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
'Gimflation’ in S. Korea as dried seaweed prices grow on rising global demand 진행: 김혜연, Paul Kerry 기사 요약: '국민 반찬' 김 물가 상승에 더욱 커진 밥상 물가 부담 [1] Dried seaweed or gim, a staple dish nicknamed "rice thief" for its perfect pairing with rice, is seeing considerable popularity globally these days. staple 주된, 주요한 pairing 한 쌍, 짝을 짓기 [2] In recent years, gim's deliciousness, coupled with its nutrient content and recognition as a food source beneficial to ocean ecosystems, has captivated taste buds worldwide, making its way into an unexpected array of dishes, served in salads, broths, casseroles, pizza and even occasionally sprinkled on ice cream. beneficial 유익한, 이로운 captivate …의 마음을 사로잡다[매혹하다] [3] Yet, despite the gim industry seeing a heyday here, ordinary people in Korea fear that the country’s humble, yet always satisfying trio on a table -- a bowl of white rice, kimchi and seasoned dried seaweed -- may one day no longer be considered a modest meal. heyday 전성기, 한창때 modest 겸손한, 수수한 [4] In May, the average retail price of gim, in its most basic form roasted with no seasoning, is up over 80 percent from a year ago. Earlier this month, the Korean government lifted tariffs on imports of both dried and seasoned seaweed to stabilize local gim prices, effective until Sept. 30, after which the seaweed harvesting season begins. roasted 구운 harvesting 수확, 거둬들이기 기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn   Seoul rolls out W250b package in bid to lure foreign talent   기사요약: 서울시는 5년간 2천506억원을 투입해 외국인 인재와 기업을 유치하고 이들의 안정적인 정착을 돕는 외국인주민 정책 마스터플랜을 발표했다.   [1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced Monday its plans to invest 250.6 billion won ($184.8 million) over five years to attract foreign talent and businesses and to help them adjust to the city. *adjust: 적응하다 (=adapt)   [2] The plan, announced in a press briefing, comes amid an increase in the overall number of foreign nationals residing in the city. According to the city government, there are around 440,000 residents of foreign nationality, accounting for 4.7 percent of the city’s total population. *account for: (부분·비율을) 차지하다   [3] The city’s project is focused on attracting around 1,000 foreign nationals with master’s or doctoral degrees in science and engineering, in cooperation with top universities in Seoul, Oh Se-hoon, the city's mayor said. Ten universities with majors in high-tech fields will be selected to receive financial support of up to 1.5 billion won annually for three years by 2025, he added. *in cooperation with: …와 협력[협동]하여 *annually: 일년에 한 번   [4] “The key behind Seoul’s plan is to attract foreign talent and to create an inclusive, multicultural society to boost the city’s global competitiveness,” said Oh, during Monday’s press briefing. *inclusive: 폭넓은, 포괄적인 (↔exclusive) *competitiveness: 경쟁력, 경쟁적인 것   기사원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn   Mystery deepens after hundreds of cat deaths in S. Korea   기사요약: 최근 고양이들이 신경질환 등 증상을 보이다 급사했다는 신고가 잇따랐지만 원인이 밝혀지지 않아 반려인들이 불안감을 호소하고 있다.   [1] A wave of unexplained cat deaths has sparked a dispute between pet owners and authorities in South Korea, with owners unconvinced that the pet food thought to be at the center of the controversy was not to blame. *dispute: 분쟁, 분규; 논란, 논쟁 *controversy: 논란   [2] According to local animal activist groups Life and Myoeon, a total of 513 cases of cats displaying similar symptoms -- acute neuromuscular diseases, high fever, elevated liver enzymes and kidney failure -- have been documented as of May 12. Of the affected animals, 181 have died. *symptom: 증상 *acute: (질병이) 급성의   [3] The activists, citing owners, claimed that all affected felines have consumed cat food made by a single manufacturer from January to April this year. The manufacturer accused is a contract-based producer behind nearly 30 pet food products from various brands. *felines: 고양이, 고양잇과 동물 *manufacturer: 제조자 [사]   [4] The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, however, found no correlation between the deaths and the suspected cat food in its investigation. It tested over 50 pet food samples currently available, including those suspected by cat owners, for 78 toxic substances, seven viruses and two types of parasites and germs. *correlation: 연관성, 상관관계   기사원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Seoul transit pass for travelers to be available starting July 기사 요약: 서울시, 오는 7월 중 기후동행카드 단기권인 '관광권'을 출시해 내·외국인 관광객들에게 맞춤형 서비스를 제공할 계획 [1] Seoul's all-inclusive transit pass, the "Climate Card," will soon be available for short-term use by visitors to Korea starting in July, the Seoul Metropolitan Government said Sunday. *inclusive: 포함된 *term: 용어, 기간   [2] The city's initiative to introduce a short-term pass, available for one, two, three, five, and seven days, is geared towards enhancing the user experience through its affordable pricing. *initiative: 계획, 진취성, 자주성 *be geared towards: ~에 맞게 맞춰지다 *enhance: 향상시키다 *affordable: 감당할 수 있는   [3] City officials explained that the pass is estimated to cost around 20,000 won ($15) for a five-day duration. *estimate: 추정하다, 추산하다 *duration: 기간, 지속   [4] This presents a more cost-effective option compared to the cash-only daily pass provided by Tmoney for foreign tourists, which is priced at 15,000 won for one day, including a 5,000 won deposit with a 500 won service fee. *cost-effective: 비용 효율이 높은, 가성비가 좋은   기사 원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot ‘Monk’ DJ spreading Buddhism goes global 기사 요약: ‘아시아 대세’된 뉴진스님 윤성호, 아시아로 불교 문화 전파 가속화 [1] A South Korean DJ-comedian in a Buddhist monk’s robe is making strides in Korea and abroad with the backing of Korea’s largest Buddhist sect that has employed him as part of its outreach to wider audiences. *monk: 수도승 *make strides: 큰 발걸음을 내딛다 or 장족의 발전을 하다 *outreach: 봉사활동, 사회공헌활동   [2] Yoon Seong-ho, the DJ known as the Ven. New Jean, will close the three-day Lotus Lantern Festival on Sunday, with an electronic dance music performance echoing Buddhist verses. The show is set in front of Jogyesa, the main temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. *echo: 울림, 메아리, ~소리로 가득하다, 반복하다   [3] Sunday’s event will mark the second time the DJ brings the annual lantern festival to an end. Interest in the deejaying “monk” has spread beyond Korea. *bring ~ to an end: ~를 끝내다   [4] Yoon will perform in Hong Kong on May 17, followed by another performance on July 13 in Taiwan -- where Yoon’s first overseas performance was staged on April 27. *overseas: 해외의, 외국의   기사 원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 최정윤, Paul Kerry Pandemic left Korea more depressed than before: report 기사 요약: 정부가 코로나 위기단계를 가장 낮은 수준인 '관심 단계'로 하향 조정한 가운데 우리나라 성인들이 팬데믹 시기 기점으로 크게 우울해졌다는 조사 결과 나와 [1] The South Korean government downgraded the COVID-19 crisis level to the lowest level on May 1, but a recent report indicates that the years of the pandemic have nonetheless left a lasting mark on people here in the form of depression. * indicate: 나타내다, 보여주다 * lasting: 영속적인, 지속적인 [2] According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency's report on depression in South Korea, 7.3 percent of the adult population experienced depression in 2023. The study was conducted on 230,000 adults across the country, and defined depression as "experiencing at least two weeks of severe depression that caused a hindrance to their daily lives." * hindrance: 방해, 장애물 [3] The portion of those who have experienced depression had been trending downward before the COVID-19 outbreak to mark 5 percent in 2018, which was the lowest figure in the previous 10 years. The figure rebounded to 5.5 percent in 2019 and 5.7 percent in 2020, before jumping a full 1 percentage point to mark 6.7 percent in 2021, 6.8 percent in 2022 and then a 10-year high of 7.3 percent in 2023. * rebound: 다시 튀어오르다, 되돌아오다 [4] "It appears that mental health worsened as the COVID-19 pandemic went on, and even after resuming normal everyday life, we suspect that the country has still not fully recovered," the report said. * resume: 다시 시작하다, 재개하다, 돌아가다 기사 원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 최정윤, Paul Graham Debate rages over ‘overly fatty’ samgyeopsal 기사 요약: 온라인 떠들썩하게 한 '비계 삼겹살' 논란에 제주도 내 돼지고기 전문 식당 70여 곳을 대상으로 현장 조사를 나서고 농림축산식품부는 소포장 삼겹살에서 겉지방층 1cm 이하로 관리하라는 등의 '삼겹살 품질관리 매뉴얼' 제정돼 [1] As much as "samgyeopsal," the quintessential Korean pork belly cut, translates to three-layered meat, its deliciousness hinges on the perfect balance of fat and meat. This balance delivers a satisfyingly chewy texture bursting with juicy, meaty flavor. * quintessential: 전형적인, 가장 대표적인 * hinge on: ~에 달려있다 (depend/ be contingent upon) [2] In online forums in South Korea now, a heated debate is underway over just how much fat is too much in fat-rich samgyeopsal, as people share their experiences of being served cuts they deem “overly fatty” at restaurants. * be underway: 진행 중이다 * deem: ~로 여기다, 생각하다 [3] The debate was sparked by an online post on the website Bobaedream last week. An anonymous user posted photos of sizzling Jeju black pig samgyeopsal at a Jeju Island restaurant. The poster claimed the cuts have a "98 percent fat content." For two servings of the fatty pork cuts and one bottle each of soju and beer, the bill was around 150,000 won ($109), the person claimed. * spark: 불꽃, v) 촉발시키다, 유발하다 [4] The fatty samgyeopsal controversy prompted a response from Gov. Oh Young-hun of the island province of Jeju, renowned for its black pork cuts. At a press conference Thursday, he announced the provincial government's internal review to assess the necessity for stricter management of the livestock sector. * prompt: 즉각적인, 지체 없는, v) 촉발하다 기사 원문:   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer [KH Explains] No more 'Michael' at Kakao Games 기사 요약: 사내 영어이름 사용 대신 한글 본명에 '님' 호칭 도입한 카카오게임즈 Kicker: Amid major reform push at Kakao, game developer affiliate moves to stop using English names in office *reform push 개혁 촉구 *affiliate 계열사 [1] Kakao Games has decided to scrap using English names among its employees, becoming the first Kakao affiliate to backtrack on the IT front-runner’s attempt to make a more bottom-up working environment with open communication. *scrap 폐기하다, 버리다 *backtrack (의견 등을) 철회하다 [2] Kakao Games CEO Han Sang-woo, whose English name is Michael, announced the decision in a meeting with employees on April 17, noting that there had been confusion as its workers had to use English names inside the company but went by their Korean names for external communication. *confusion 혼란, 혼동 *external 외부의 [3] Instead of using English names, Han said the employees will now add “nim” at the end of each other’s Korean name when addressing one another. Nim is an honorific suffix used in the Korean language to show respect. Compared to adding nim at the end of hierarchically ranked job titles, adding it to the end of employee names shows respect to individuals in an egalitarian manner. *honorific 존경을 나타내는, 경칭의 *egalitarian 평등주의(자)의 [4] Kakao Games said the exact timing for the implementation of the new name system has not been determined yet, adding that the employees have already been using both English names and the nim suffix for Korean names. *implementation 새 제도 이행, 시행 *suffix 접미사 기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer [Herald Interview] Mistakes turn into blessings in street performance, director says 기사 요약: 2024 궁중문화축전 연출 일부를 맡은 송재성 감독이 인터뷰에서 공개한 올 해 프로그램의 재미   [1] Where to draw the line separating the audience from actors in a street performance is tricky for any director. Some are wary of seeing the script derailed by indulging too much into on-the-spot impromptu interaction with spectators. *draw the line 한계를 정하다, 구분 짓다 *tricky 힘든 [까다로운], 교묘한 *indulging (특정한 욕구·관심 등을) 채우다, 충족시키다   [2] But not so for Song Jae-sung. The director oversees various shows scheduled at Gyeongbokgung this week as part of the annual Seoul festival promoting five palaces from the Joseon era (1392-1910). The nine-day K-Royal Culture Festival, now in its 10th year, kicked off Saturday, organized by the Cultural Heritage Administration. *oversee 감독하다 *promote 촉진하다, 홍보하다   [3] The added weight of having to pull off the festival’s signature shows at the main palace Gyeongbokgung, crucial in shaping the event’s overall perception, did not seem to daunt Song. He had his reasons. *pull off -을 소화하다 *crucial 중대한, 결정적인 *daunt 겁먹게[기죽게] 하다   [4] “One distinction I draw when it comes to stage and street performances is that for the street, the boundaries separating the spectators and actors are less clear. Something unexpected happens and we roll with it,” Song said in an interview with The Korea Herald last week. “There are no mistakes because mistakes are part of the show. And there’s the fun.” *boundary 경계[한계](선), 분계선 *spectator 관중, 방청객, 구경꾼 기사 원문:⁠⁠   [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰) : 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Culture Ministry, KTO unveil Hallyu-themed tours 기사 요약: 문체부-관광공사, 해외 방문객 대상으로 한국 콘텐츠에 기반한 관광상품 7종 선보인다 [1] The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization are looking to woo Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern tourists with new Hallyu-themed tour packages. *woo: 구애하다   [2] “Despite the rising popularity of Korean content, some travel destinations have not been promoted properly due to their low accessibility and intellectual property rights. We have been discussing such issues and have assisted local travel agencies and content creators to sign a memorandum of understanding for greater travel experiences that can satisfy passionate Hallyu fans,” the ministry’s latest press release said. *accessibility: 접근 *memorandum of understanding: 양해 각서 (MOU)   [3] “The new tourism products will be heavily promoted in Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates, who have all been big Korean culture fans,” it added. *promote: 촉진하다, 홍보하다, 승진시키다   [4] A total of seven Korean content-themed tours will be offered to tourists from these locations, including four day-trip programs in Seoul and its suburbs, two one-night trips to Busan or Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, and a three-day trip to Gangwon Province. *suburb: 교외   기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Korea's food inflation surges to third-highest in OECD 기사 요약: 2월 식료품·음료 물가상승률 7% 기록한 한국, 2년 3개월 만에 OECD 평균 넘어섰다 [1] South Korea's food inflation spiked to 6.95 percent in February, the third-highest among member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. *inflation: 물가 상승율, 부풀리기 *spike: 급등하다, 못   [2] The OECD statistics for February announced Sunday reveal that Korea ranks third among 38 OECD member countries in terms of food and non-alcoholic beverage inflation, trailing only Turkey with 71.12 percent and Iceland with 7.52 percent. *in terms of ~: ~의 면에서는 *trail: 자국, 산길, 끌다, 따라가다, 지고 있다   [3] This marks the first time in over two years that Korea's food inflation has exceeded the OECD average since November 2021, currently registered at 5.32 percent. *exceed: 넘다, 넘어서다   [4] The global increase in food prices began after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, compounded by high energy prices and severe drought. *compound: 복합체, 악화시키다, 혼합하다 *severe: 극심한 *drought: 가뭄   기사 원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Kakao joins AI Alliance, promotes safe, responsible AI 기사요약: 카카오는 인공지능(AI) 연구·개발의 개방형 혁신과 인공지능 생태태 확장 협력을 위해 출범한 글로벌 오픈소스 커뮤니티 ‘인공지능 얼라이언스’(AI Alliance)’에 가입했다. [1] Korean IT giant Kakao joined AI Alliance, the global open-source community dedicated to the responsible development of artificial intelligence, becoming the first Korean firm to do so, the company said Friday. *dedicated to: ~에 전념하는, 헌신하는 [2] “We will work together with the AI Alliance to establish an open AI ecosystem meeting the global standard for the open, responsible and safe development of AI technology,” Kakao AI Safety Leader Kim Kyung-hoon said. “We will take on the social responsibility as a digital tech firm, and make continuous efforts to strengthen AI ethics.” *social responsibility: 사회적 책임 [3] Kakao has actively supported the ethical development of the rising technology, being the first Korean firm to announce its algorithm ethics in 2018. The company launched the industry's first tech ethics committee in July 2022 and released a report on technology ethics for the joint community in 2023. Kakao also operates a team dedicated to the value of AI ethics. *ethical: 윤리적인 *committee: 위원회 [4] In joining the AI Alliance, Kakao said it will work to spread the global AI ethics standard in Korea, while also advocating for Korea's AI standards internationally. Newly introducing the Chief AI Officer position in the company, Kakao said it will also systematically push for new AI initiatives in the coming years. *advocate: (공개적으로) 지지하다 *initiative: (특정한 문제 해결/목적 달성을 위한 새로운) 계획 기사원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Korea to cut no. of teachers amid diminishing student numbers 기사 요약: 출생에 따른 학령인구 감소가 본격화하면서 신규교사 채용 규모가 축소된 데 이어 '예비 교사'를 길러내는 교육대학교 정원까지 줄어들게 됐다. [1] Amid administrative efforts to increase the annual enrollment quota for medical schools that sparked the mass walkout of doctors across the country, the government said it would reduce the number of school teachers going forward, citing a decline in student numbers. *administrative: 관리(행정)상의 *enrollment: 입학; 등록 *walkout: 파업 [2] The enrollment quota for teachers' colleges, which has remained unchanged for 13 years, will be reduced by 12 percent, the Education Ministry said. The reduction plan comes amid rising concerns over the employment of teachers, as the number of graduates from teaching colleges exceeds the number of teaching places available at elementary schools. *employment: 고용, 취업 *exceed: (특정한 수량을) 넘다 [3] The number of newly hired teachers this year declined by over 50 percent compared to 2014, but the enrollment quota for related universities has remained stable over the same period. The acceptance rate for the appointment of new teachers fell to 43.6 percent this year, down from 63.9 percent in 2018. *related: (…에) 관련된 *acceptance: (제의 등을) 받아들임 [수락] [4] This "appointment crisis" comes as more than 150 elementary schools across the nation had no new first graders enrolling this year. Some 369,000 children enrolled at elementary school this year, the lowest number of new first graders since the government started recording such statistics in 1970. *statistics: 통계 기사원문: [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독] 아이튠즈(아이폰): 네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): 팟빵 (안드로이드):
Comments (10)


한분소리조정이 안됐어요

Mar 23rd

Seonghoon Kang

여성 한 분 목소리가 너무 작게들려요

Mar 12th


혜연 기자님 도입부에 배경지식 설명해주시는거 되게 좋아요! 단어도 자세하게 설명해주셔서 듣기에 유익합니다ㅎㅎ

Aug 25th


잘들었습니다! 감사합니다(목소리 및 영어기사쓰기 팁도 큰 도움이되었습니다)

Mar 21st


목소리가 너무작아용

Mar 13th

니의 하루주

북마크 기능은 없나요?!

Mar 3rd


매주 잘 듣고있습니다

Oct 9th


대본은 어디서 보나요?

Jun 8th
Reply (1)

Jihyun Kim

대본이랑 단어가 있어서 좋네요!감사합니다

May 17th