"Sunlight" by Thom Gunn
Mea culpa: Several times I refer to "Sunlight" as "Sunshine." Blame it on the LSD (which was called "Orange Sunshine").
Text of poem here
Topics discussed in this episode include:
-Let me know what you think I should teach!
-On The Morning Of Christ's Nativity by John Milton
-The Gas Poker by Thom Gunn
-The Movement
-Syllabics as gateway drug
-Lucy In the Sky With Demanding Forms
-Thom Gunn, Renaissance man
-Golding's Metamorphoses
-Philosophical religions
-A cursory and woefully incomplete history of Platonism
-Adonais by that son-of-a-Bysshe Percy Shelley
-An Essay On Man by Alexander Pope
-Plato's Symposium (see the famous Diotima section)
-Christmas Day 2023 was the day I learned the sun was green
-Sunday Morning by Wallace Stevens
-A song of experience in search of deeper innocence
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My favorite poetry podcasts for:
Sharp thoughts and cutting truths (Matthew): Sleerickets
Lovely introspection and sensitive reflection (Alice): Poetry Says
The landscape of Ohioan poetry (Jeremy): Poetry Spotlight
Supported in part by The Ohio Poetry Association
Art by David Anthony Klug
List of the most common metrical feet:
Iamb: weak-STRONG (u /)
Trochee: STRONG-weak (/ u)
Anapest: weak-weak-STRONG (u u /)
Amphibrach: weak-STRONG-weak (u / u)
Dactyl: STRONG-weak-weak (/ u u)
Cretic: STRONG-weak-STRONG (/ u /)
Pyrrhic: weak-weak (u u)
Spondee: STRONG-STRONG (/ /)