DiscoverX22 Report[DS] Will Increase Attacks, Stage Is Set,People Are Seeing That [DS] Is The Real Threat – Ep. 3452
[DS] Will Increase Attacks, Stage Is Set,People Are Seeing That [DS] Is The Real Threat – Ep. 3452

[DS] Will Increase Attacks, Stage Is Set,People Are Seeing That [DS] Is The Real Threat – Ep. 3452

Update: 2024-09-164


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<figure id="attachment_23302" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-23302" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignleft">[DS] Will Increase Attacks, Stage Is Set,People Are Seeing That [DS] Is The Real Threat<figcaption id="caption-attachment-23302" class="wp-caption-text">Click On Picture To See Larger Picture</figcaption></figure>Job cuts are accelerating, the people realizing that the economy is worse than initially thought. The rest of the country is about to wake up. Elizabeth Warren pushing the Fed to do a cut that is 75bps. The people are now seeing that they don’t have to be a slave in the [CB] system. The [DS] carried out another assassination attempt on Trump, the attacks will increase, they are panicking, they are desperate. The stage is set. The people are now seeing that the [DS] is the real threat to democracy. The [DS] is now moving into pushing war, to distract from all of their crimes. This will fail, the people see who the true enemy really is.


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  •   Trump is sending to the American people? The money belongs to the people, not the government. They are not entitled to any of our hard earned money. The government has no right to the money that you earn. You are free to do whatever you want with your money and don’t need the government’s approval. The government does not “allow” you to work so that you can have the privilege of giving them your money.

  • You are not debt slaves or serfs. The people have the power, not the government. Trump is showing the people that he is going to starve the beast. He’s going to continue to propose more “no more taxes on….” as we get closer to the election. Trump is waking up the American people to the theft that they have endured their entire lives while also exposing the government’s complete corruption.

  • The democrats are trapped. What will they do? Condemn Trump for allowing middle class Americans to keep more of their hard earned money by saying it will raise the government debt? That clearly helps Trump focus the argument on who owns the money.

  • The American people or the government. That’s a huge win for Trump. Or will they join Trump like Kamala recently did by announcing that she too is for no tax on tips. Trump wins if they do that too. They would only be helping him educate the American people on the fact that our money belongs to us. Period. Win/Win. So what are some possible tax cuts coming that Trump might announce next?

  • I’m not sure, but it sure does seem like this is a planned roll out that will help Americans understand that federal taxes are unconstitutional and going away in his new administration. The Rothschilds controlled global debt system is being dismantled before our eyes and the enemy has no way to stop what’s coming. Power back to the people.


Geopolitical/Police State


Cyber Attacks

False Flags


  •  the recordings he had made. The transcripts are even wors than the affidavit.

JUST IN: Meta Scrubs Trump Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh’s Facebook Page, X Suspends His Account – Both Pages Littered with Pro-Ukraine Propaganda

<figure id="attachment_1211114" class="wp-caption alignnone" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-1211114"><figcaption id="caption-attachment-1211114" class="wp-caption-text">Trump assassin Ryan Routh Facebook</figcaption></figure>

  • Meta scrubbed Trump would-be assassin Ryan Routh’s Facebook page and X suspended his account.

  • Shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm as the former president was playing a round of golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff.

  • Ryan Wesley Routh pushed the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at Trump’s golf course before Secret Service agents fired at him.

  • Sniper nest: Go-Pro, AK-47, backpack found on perimeter of Trump golf club in Florida



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  • “For his efforts, Routh was awarded a

    Law Enforcement OSCAR by the Greenaboro chapter of the International Union of Police Association. A statue shaped like an ACADEMY AWARD rests on the mantle of his living room. Routh received the Oscar for being Citizen of the Year.”

Trump Assassination Suspect Donated 19 Times to Democrats

  • The suspect apprehended for reportedly attempting to kill former President Donald Trump on Sunday has a history of donating to Democrat political campaigns.

  • Beginning in the 2020 election cycle in which ultimately Trump battled Joe Biden for the presidency, Ryan Routh of Hawaii made 19 donations to Democrats through ActBlue, the Democrats’ fundraising platform, according to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by Breitbart News.

  • Routh’s 19 donations were small — the largest only $25 to Beto for America, a political action committee supporting Beto O’Rourke’s ill-fated presidential run — and totaled $144.40. Those donations supported Democrat candidates as diverse as Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, and Tom Steyer.

  • <iframe loading="lazy" class="bnn-if-tweet optanon-category-C0005" src="" width="560" height="260" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-btlnk="" data-rx="1" data-otc="5" data-bnewh="696px" data-mce-fragment="1"></iframe>


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The Background on the Alleged Suspect in New Trump Assassination Attempt Is Something Else

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[DS] Will Increase Attacks, Stage Is Set,People Are Seeing That [DS] Is The Real Threat – Ep. 3452

[DS] Will Increase Attacks, Stage Is Set,People Are Seeing That [DS] Is The Real Threat – Ep. 3452

X22 Report