[ELM#910] School District Administrators are Guiding the Ship of Educational Excellence
I thought I understood my responsibilities when I assumed my first leadership position as an Assistant Principal. Why? Because I had served in leadership positions while I was in the Army. In addition, I was a highly effective teacher; therefore, I thought I was prepared to be a great Assistant Principal.
This podcast delves into the pivotal role of administrators, including principals and superintendents, as stakeholders in the school district. They provide leadership, set strategic goals, and collaborate with other stakeholders to shape the vision and direction of the entire educational community.
“When students are led well, they learn well.”
Website: http://www.kimdmoore.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimdmoore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EducationalLeader
The views shared in the Educational Leadership Moment are solely mine and do not reflect the positions of my employer or any entity within the local, state, or federal government sectors.