[ELM#915] State and Federal Governments Provide Support to School Districts
Early in my educational career, I was a member of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) advocacy organization. Through a grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, the organization’s mission was to expand STEM education access to non-traditional students. One primary function was advocating with federal legislators and policymakers in Washington, DC.
In today’s podcast we’ll discuss the partnership activities between government bodies and school districts that ensure national coherence, equity, and excellence in education delivery.
“When students are led well, they learn well.”
Website: http://www.kimdmoore.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimdmoore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EducationalLeader
The views shared in the Educational Leadership Moment are solely mine and do not reflect the positions of my employer or any entity within the local, state, or federal government sectors.