[binary] NimbusPwn, a CLFS Vulnerability, and DatAFLow (Fuzzing)
Links and vulnerability summaries for this episode are available at: https://dayzerosec.com/podcast/nimbuspwn-a-clfs-vulnerability-and-dataflow.html
A few vulnerabilities from a TOCTOU to an arbitrary free, and some research into using data-flow in your fuzzing.
[00:00:18 ] Spot the Vuln - Where's it At?
[00:03:44 ] Nimbuspwn - A Linux Elevation of Privilege
[00:08:38 ] Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) Logical-Error Vulnerability [CVE-2022-24521]
[00:15:32 ] Arbitrary Free in Accusoft ImageGear ioca_mys_rgb_allocate
[00:25:31 ] Commit Level Vulnerability Dataset
[00:28:44 ] DatAFLow - Towards a Data-Flow-Guided Fuzzer
The DAY[0] Podcast episodes are streamed live on Twitch (@dayzerosec) twice a week:
- Mondays at 3:00 pm Eastern (Boston) we focus on web and more bug bounty style vulnerabilities
- Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern (Boston) we focus on lower-level vulnerabilities and exploits.
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