愛玩客不藏私!臺灣私房旅點秘境大公開 // ft. 老外看臺灣 吳鳳
Ep. 12: Fascinating Taiwan
Passionate about Taiwan? You’re in good company with hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, Rifat Karlova (吳鳳), an actor, author, and Golden Bell Award-winning host. Hear about the first impression this naturalized Taiwanese from Turkey had of Taiwan, his ways of determining the best destinations and foods for visitors, and his ideas on how to tell the world about all Taiwan has to offer. Then discover whether go local, wanderlust, and live your life to the utmost are Tim, Paz, and Rifat’s pet peeves or cat’s meows!
scholarship – (n.) 獎學金
Students from other countries who would like to study at a university in Taiwan should look into the generous scholarships that the Taiwanese government offers.
charismatic – (adj.) 充滿個人魅力的
The speakers she finds charismatic are deeply enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the topic they want to share yet consider their audiences and are open to learning.
follower – (n.) 支持者、擁護者
With his boundless enthusiasm for exploring all things Taiwanese and sharing his adventures, it’s no wonder that Rifat has so many followers on social media.
prolong – (v.) 延長、拖延
Tourists may think they’ll be able to see and do everything in Taiwan in one brief visit, but they’ll find its offerings so rich that they’ll prolong their trip or plan their next one.
teamwork – (n.) 協作、合作
Any project aiming to have a significant impact on boosting the number of tourists visiting Taiwan would benefit from solid teamwork across borders.
Hosting provided by SoundOn