🎧 AI needs a new philosophy of product development.
Hi, it’s Charley, and this is Untangled, a newsletter about technology, people, and power.
Last week, I published an essay about what humans can do that AI systems cannot. One such thing? Meaning making! So what would it look like to put meaning-making at the center of AI product development? That’s the conversation I had with Vaughn Tan, professor at University College London’s School of Management, who writes the great newsletter The Uncertainty Mindset. We discuss:
* What’s at stake in shifting the question from “Can AI systems produce outputs that look like outputs from humans,” to “What can humans do that AI systems cannot?”
* Meaning-making: what it is, the different types, and why it matters.
* How to center meaning-making in AI product development.
* What makes for a good question — and how to start asking better ones in the context of AI.
Okay, that’s it for now.
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