DiscoverThe Rachel Maddow Show'All the alarms going off all at once': Trump leans into extremism as election approaches
'All the alarms going off all at once': Trump leans into extremism as election approaches

'All the alarms going off all at once': Trump leans into extremism as election approaches

Update: 2024-09-106


This podcast delves into the alarming trends within the Republican Party, highlighting their increasing embrace of authoritarianism and its potential impact on American democracy. The episode begins by examining the congratulatory messages sent by China and Russia to Kim Jong-un on his birthday, highlighting the "dictators' club" and their shared interest in undermining democracy. The podcast then analyzes Donald Trump's recent campaign rhetoric, focusing on his praise for dictators, threats of violence, and promotion of conspiracy theories. This rhetoric is connected to a broader trend of autocratic tendencies within the Republican Party, which is further exemplified by the resurgence of Holocaust denial within the party. The episode emphasizes the unprecedented stakes of the 2024 election, warning of the potential dangers posed by the Republican Party's platform of violence, authoritarianism, and Holocaust denial. It then focuses on efforts to intimidate voters and suppress voting in Arizona, featuring an interview with Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, who discusses the state's efforts to ensure safe and fair elections. The podcast concludes by discussing Russia's ongoing efforts to interfere in the 2024 election, including the Kremlin's alleged financial support for pro-Trump influencers and the indictment of a former Trump campaign adviser. It highlights the film "From Russia with Lev," which explores Russia's interference in the 2020 election.


The Republican Party's Embrace of Authoritarianism

This podcast explores the growing threat to American democracy posed by the Republican Party's embrace of authoritarianism, including praise for dictators, threats of violence, and the promotion of conspiracy theories like Holocaust denial.

The Dictators' Club and the Undermining of Democracy

The podcast examines the congratulatory messages sent by China and Russia to Kim Jong-un on his birthday, highlighting the "dictators' club" and their shared interest in undermining democracy.

Trump's Autocratic Leanings and the Republican Platform

The podcast analyzes Donald Trump's recent campaign rhetoric, focusing on his praise for dictators, threats of violence, and promotion of conspiracy theories. This rhetoric is connected to a broader trend of autocratic tendencies within the Republican Party.

Holocaust Denial and its Implications for Democracy

The podcast discusses the resurgence of Holocaust denial within the Republican Party, linking it to Trump's association with Kanye West and other figures promoting anti-Semitic views. It explores the dangerous consequences of Holocaust denial, including its connection to anti-democratic sentiments.

The Stakes of the 2024 Election

The podcast emphasizes the unprecedented stakes of the 2024 election, highlighting the Republican Party's platform of violence, authoritarianism, and Holocaust denial. It warns of the potential dangers posed by this platform to American democracy.

Election Intimidation and Voter Suppression in Arizona

The podcast focuses on the efforts to intimidate voters and suppress voting in Arizona, particularly the American Conservative Union's plan to monitor ballot drop boxes. It features an interview with Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, who discusses the state's efforts to ensure safe and fair elections.

Russia's Election Interference Efforts

The podcast discusses Russia's ongoing efforts to interfere in the 2024 election, including the Kremlin's alleged financial support for pro-Trump influencers and the indictment of a former Trump campaign adviser. It highlights the film "From Russia with Lev," which explores Russia's interference in the 2020 election.



A system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose authority is not limited by a constitution or other legal restraints.

Dictators' Club

A term used to describe the informal alliance between authoritarian leaders who share a common interest in undermining democracy and promoting their own power.

Holocaust Denial

The denial or minimization of the Holocaust, the systematic genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II. It is a form of anti-Semitism and historical revisionism.

Voter Intimidation

The use of threats, coercion, or other tactics to discourage or prevent people from voting. It is a form of voter suppression and a violation of democratic principles.

Election Interference

The act of foreign governments or individuals attempting to influence the outcome of an election through various means, such as hacking, disinformation campaigns, or financial support for candidates.


A type of synthetic media that uses artificial intelligence to create realistic-looking videos or images of people saying or doing things they never actually did. They can be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading disinformation or damaging reputations.


  • Why are China and Russia sending birthday greetings to Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea?

    China and Russia are sending birthday greetings to Kim Jong-un because they are part of a "dictators' club" that shares a common interest in undermining democracy and promoting their own power. They see North Korea as an ally in this effort.

  • What are some of the concerning aspects of Donald Trump's recent campaign rhetoric?

    Trump's recent campaign rhetoric is concerning because it includes praise for dictators, threats of violence against political opponents, and promotion of conspiracy theories. These actions suggest a dangerous shift towards authoritarianism and a disregard for democratic norms.

  • What are the implications of Holocaust denial for American democracy?

    Holocaust denial is dangerous because it promotes anti-Semitism, historical revisionism, and a conspiracy theory that undermines trust in democratic institutions. It also creates a climate of fear and intolerance, which can lead to violence and extremism.

  • What steps are being taken in Arizona to ensure safe and fair elections?

    Arizona is taking steps to ensure safe and fair elections by providing training and resources to election officials, incorporating artificial intelligence and deepfakes into training exercises, and working with the media to combat disinformation.

  • How is Russia attempting to interfere in the 2024 election?

    Russia is attempting to interfere in the 2024 election by allegedly providing financial support to pro-Trump influencers and by using state-controlled media to spread disinformation. They are also trying to undermine trust in the democratic process and sow discord among American voters.

Show Notes

Plus, More information seen as key weapon to combat Trump election subversion

In Channel
MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024

MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024



Table of contents









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'All the alarms going off all at once': Trump leans into extremism as election approaches

'All the alarms going off all at once': Trump leans into extremism as election approaches