DiscoverOn Point | Podcast'We are underreacting to how serious this moment is'
'We are underreacting to how serious this moment is'

'We are underreacting to how serious this moment is'

Update: 2024-06-051


This episode of On Point explores the growing trend of Republican lawmakers refusing to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election, raising concerns about the health of American democracy. The show features interviews with Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar of Nevada, who discusses the impact of this rhetoric on election officials and the integrity of elections in his state. The episode also includes interviews with Republican pollster Sarah Longwell and historian Ruth Ben Ghiat, who provide historical context and analysis of the current situation. They argue that this rhetoric is part of a larger effort to delegitimize democratic institutions and create an environment where violence is seen as a legitimate means of achieving political goals. The episode concludes with a discussion of the potential for violence in the 2024 election, highlighting the concerns of election officials and the need for increased security measures.



This Chapter introduces the topic of the podcast, which is the growing trend of Republican lawmakers refusing to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election. The podcast will explore the impact of this rhetoric on election officials and the health of American democracy.

Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar

This Chapter features an interview with Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar, who discusses the impact of Republican rhetoric on election officials in his state. He describes the challenges of running elections in an environment where there is widespread distrust and misinformation about the electoral process. Aguilar also discusses the increase in lawsuits and FOIA requests targeting election officials, which he believes are intended to harass and intimidate them.

Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar (Part 2)

This Chapter continues the interview with Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar, who discusses the efforts being made to ensure the safety of election workers and the integrity of elections in Nevada. He highlights the bipartisan efforts to protect election workers and the importance of voter education in combating misinformation.

Republican Lawmakers' Refusal to Commit to Accepting Election Results

This Chapter examines the statements of several Republican lawmakers who have refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election. The podcast highlights the justifications used by these lawmakers, such as claims of widespread fraud and concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. The chapter also explores the potential impact of this rhetoric on the health of American democracy.

The Threat of Violence in the 2024 Election

This Chapter focuses on the threat of violence in the 2024 election, highlighting the concerns of election officials and the need for increased security measures. The podcast features interviews with Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who describes the threats she and her staff have faced since the 2020 election. Benson also discusses the steps being taken to protect election officials and ensure the safety of elections in Michigan.

Historical Context and Analysis

This Chapter provides historical context and analysis of the current situation, drawing parallels between the rhetoric of Republican lawmakers and the tactics used by authoritarian regimes in the past. The podcast features interviews with historian Ruth Ben Ghiat, who discusses the dangers of delegitimizing democratic institutions and the potential for violence to become a legitimate means of achieving political goals.

The Rule of Law and the 2024 Election

This Chapter explores the question of the rule of law in the context of the 2024 election. The podcast examines the statements of Republican lawmakers who have expressed skepticism about the integrity of the electoral process and their willingness to follow the rule of law. The chapter also discusses the impact of this rhetoric on the trust in democratic institutions and the potential for a decline in democratic norms.

Is Business Broken?

This Chapter features a preview of a recent episode of the podcast "Is Business Broken?" which explores the challenges of businesses considering risks related to ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors. The preview highlights the importance of understanding the timeframe of these risks and the need for businesses to take a long-term perspective on climate change.


2024 Election

The upcoming United States presidential election scheduled for November 2024. This election is expected to be highly contested, with significant political and social implications for the country.

Republican Party

One of the two major political parties in the United States. The Republican Party is generally considered to be center-right on the political spectrum, with a focus on limited government, individual liberty, and free markets.

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States (2017-2021). Trump is a controversial figure who has been a major force in American politics for several decades. He is known for his populist rhetoric, his attacks on traditional political norms, and his divisive policies.

American Democracy

The system of government in the United States, which is based on the principles of representative democracy, individual rights, and the rule of law. American democracy is characterized by free and fair elections, a separation of powers, and a system of checks and balances.

Election Integrity

The concept of ensuring that elections are conducted fairly and accurately, free from fraud or manipulation. Election integrity is a crucial component of a healthy democracy, as it ensures that the will of the people is reflected in the outcome of elections.

Voter Fraud

The illegal act of casting a ballot in an election without being eligible to do so. Voter fraud is a rare occurrence in the United States, but it is often used as a justification for restricting voting rights or undermining the legitimacy of elections.

January 6th Insurrection

The attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, by a mob of supporters of then-President Donald Trump. The insurrection was an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and prevent the certification of Joe Biden's victory.


A form of government in which a single person or a small group of people hold absolute power and control over the state. Authoritarian regimes are characterized by suppression of dissent, restrictions on individual freedoms, and a lack of accountability.


A far-right, authoritarian ideology that emphasizes nationalism, militarism, and the suppression of individual rights. Fascist regimes are typically characterized by a strong cult of personality, a single-party state, and a focus on national unity and power.

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

A set of standards used to evaluate the sustainability and ethical practices of companies. ESG factors include environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance. Investors are increasingly considering ESG factors when making investment decisions.


  • What are the concerns about the health of American democracy raised in this episode?

    The episode highlights concerns about the health of American democracy due to the growing trend of Republican lawmakers refusing to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election. This rhetoric undermines trust in democratic institutions, creates an environment of distrust and misinformation, and potentially fuels violence.

  • How are election officials being impacted by the rhetoric surrounding the 2024 election?

    Election officials are facing increased pressure, harassment, and threats due to the rhetoric surrounding the 2024 election. They are dealing with a surge in lawsuits and FOIA requests, which are often intended to intimidate and distract them from their duties. This environment creates a sense of anxiety and dread for election officials, making it difficult to perform their jobs effectively.

  • What historical parallels are drawn in the episode to illustrate the dangers of the current situation?

    The episode draws parallels between the current situation and the rise of authoritarian regimes in the past. The rhetoric of Republican lawmakers is compared to the tactics used by fascist leaders who sought to undermine democratic institutions and create an environment where violence was seen as a legitimate means of achieving political goals.

  • What are the potential consequences of the current trend of Republican lawmakers refusing to commit to accepting election results?

    The potential consequences of this trend are significant. It could lead to a decline in trust in democratic institutions, an increase in political polarization, and a rise in violence. It could also make it more difficult to hold free and fair elections in the future, undermining the very foundation of American democracy.

  • What steps are being taken to address the concerns about the safety of election officials and the integrity of elections?

    Election officials are taking steps to protect themselves and ensure the safety of elections. These steps include passing laws to make it a crime to threaten or harass election officials, developing rapid response systems, and conducting tabletop exercises with law enforcement to prepare for potential attacks on election facilities.

  • What is the role of the media in addressing the concerns about the health of American democracy?

    The media plays a crucial role in informing the public about the challenges facing American democracy. It is important for the media to report accurately on the statements of politicians, to provide context and analysis of the current situation, and to hold those in power accountable for their actions.

  • What can citizens do to protect American democracy?

    Citizens can play an active role in protecting American democracy by staying informed about current events, engaging in civic discourse, and participating in the electoral process. They can also support organizations that are working to defend democratic institutions and promote civic engagement.

  • What is the significance of the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors in the context of business and climate change?

    ESG factors are becoming increasingly important for businesses as investors and consumers demand greater transparency and accountability on environmental and social issues. Businesses that fail to address ESG concerns may face reputational damage, financial penalties, and difficulty attracting investors and customers.

  • What are the challenges of addressing climate change in the context of business and politics?

    Addressing climate change presents significant challenges for businesses and politicians. It requires a long-term perspective, significant investment, and a willingness to make difficult decisions. It also involves navigating complex political issues and balancing the interests of different stakeholders.

  • What is the role of the Meirotra Institute for Business, Markets, and Society at BU Quest?

    The Meirotra Institute for Business, Markets, and Society at BU Quest is a research and education center that focuses on the intersection of business, economics, and society. The institute conducts research on a wide range of topics, including climate change, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility.

Show Notes

A supporter of Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump hold up signs while he delivers remarks during a campaign event on November 11, 2023 in Claremont, New Hampshire. (Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
Comments (1)

cindy sergent

If you asked that question in any sport and one side refused to accept the outcome of the competition, it's disqualifying. Period.

Jun 10th








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'We are underreacting to how serious this moment is'

'We are underreacting to how serious this moment is'