*EXTRACT* from The Third doorway to Nibbana — CONTEMPLATION OF MIND (cittanupassana)
Welcome back to the Sutta Meditation Series Podcast.
A short extract from the FULL Dhamma session on "The Third Doorway to Nibbana" or Pleasant Practice with Slow Realisation on 5 October 2023.
This extract is a brief explanation on the contemplation of mind (cittānupassanā), which is the third establishment of mindfulness as set out by the Buddha in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta (MN 10).
The Buddha encouraged us to contemplate the mind as mind. It is fundamentally about understanding our mind states - how they come to arise and how they pass away. We have already learned enough from our sutta meditations to understand how to develop this practice. When we establish mindfulness regarding the mind and insight into the true nature of the mind, we would not cling to the mind.
I referred to this Dhamma part in our recent live session on "How to be the best among the best" based on the Sekha-paṭipadā Sutta (MN 53), when we examined the good quality of mindfulness (one of the 15 caranadhamma) in the trainee's path of practice.
For the FULL Dhamma session on the Third Doorway to Nibbana - https://tinyurl.com/yu52259m (video) or https://tinyurl.com/yem5zr2c (audio)
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Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai