DiscoverAwakening Conversations013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings
013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings

013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings

Update: 2024-06-11


In this episode, Ayu Sophia shares her cosmic awakening story and her experiences with extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings. She explains the concept of the soul and the soul group, and how her particular soul group comes in during times of great transition to help awaken and guide others. Ayu discusses the importance of understanding the bigger picture and our relationship with Mother Earth. She also talks about her early spiritual experiences and her journey of self-discovery, which included out-of-body experiences and encountering beings in different dimensions. Ayu then delves into her cosmic awakening, where she connected with ETs and learned about the true nature of humanity and the planet. She emphasizes the importance of healing and activating our DNA to fulfill our potential as a species. Ayu concludes by sharing a channeled message from the Arcturians about the ongoing ascension process.


  • The soul is part of a soul group that comes in times of great transition to help awaken and guide others.
  • Understanding the bigger picture and our relationship with Mother Earth is important for our awakening and evolution.
  • Early spiritual experiences can be confusing, but they can eventually make sense and lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.
  • Exploring different perspectives and listening to other beings can provide valuable insights and help us reconsider our beliefs.
  • We are in a critical window of opportunity to raise our frequency and shift into a new level of light for the next cycle of energy. 
  • Spiritual awakening can happen at a young age and lead to encounters with beings in different dimensions.
  • Disillusionment with mainstream media can lead to a deeper spiritual path.
  • Cosmic awakening involves connecting with ETs and learning about humanity's true nature and potential.
  • Healing and activating our DNA are essential for our individual and collective evolution.
  • The ongoing ascension process involves shifting our vibrational frequency and embodying more light.
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013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings

013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings

Kate Megee & Amanda Richardson-Meyer