DiscoverMedical Medium Podcast058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?
058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

Update: 2024-05-30


This episode of the Medical Medium podcast delves into the complex world of chemical sensitivities, a condition that affects many people and often leads to misdiagnosis. Anthony William, the Medical Medium, explains that chemical sensitivities arise from an overburdened liver, which is unable to filter out toxins effectively. This overload can be caused by a combination of factors, including pathogens like viruses, toxins, poisons, and heavy metals. When the liver reaches its limit, it releases a spill of toxins into the bloodstream, leading to a wide range of symptoms, including nervous system issues, skin problems, and swelling. The episode highlights the challenges faced by individuals with chemical sensitivities, including social stigma, difficulty finding understanding from loved ones, and the constant fear of triggering reactions. The episode also addresses the misconception that chemical sensitivities are solely caused by food, emphasizing that the root cause lies in the liver's inability to process toxins. The episode concludes with practical tips for managing chemical sensitivities, including dietary changes, liver cleansing techniques, and the importance of avoiding harmful toxins. The episode also emphasizes the importance of seeking proper medical guidance and avoiding detox programs that may further harm the liver.


Introduction: Chemical Sensitivities and the New Normal

This Chapter introduces the topic of chemical sensitivities, highlighting the prevalence of health struggles in modern society and the importance of seeking answers. It emphasizes that living with symptoms has become the new normal and encourages listeners to explore the Medical Medium podcast for solutions.

Chemical Sensitivities: A Common Struggle

This Chapter delves into the concept of chemical sensitivities, explaining how certain smells, ingredients, and environmental factors can trigger reactions in individuals. It describes the various symptoms associated with chemical sensitivities, including nausea, shortness of breath, skin reactions, and more. The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing chemical sensitivities, as they can significantly impact daily life.

Understanding Chemical Sensitivities: The Liver's Role

This Chapter explores the underlying causes of chemical sensitivities, focusing on the role of the liver. It explains that chemical sensitivities occur when the liver becomes overburdened with toxins, pathogens, and heavy metals, leading to a spill of these substances into the bloodstream. The chapter details the various factors that contribute to liver overload, including viruses, toxins, poisons, and heavy metals. It also discusses the impact of liver overload on nutrient conversion and methylation, leading to nutrient deficiencies and various health issues.

Chemical Sensitivities and Dental Care

This Chapter addresses the specific challenges faced by individuals with chemical sensitivities in the context of dental care. It highlights concerns related to latex gloves, fluoride treatments, and numbing agents. The chapter emphasizes the importance of open communication between patients and dentists to ensure safe and comfortable dental experiences.

Beyond Food: The Root Cause of Chemical Sensitivities

This Chapter debunks the misconception that food is the primary cause of chemical sensitivities. It explains that while food can trigger reactions, the root cause lies in the liver's inability to process toxins effectively. The chapter emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying liver issues to manage chemical sensitivities effectively.


Chemical Sensitivities

A condition characterized by adverse reactions to various chemicals, including fragrances, cleaning products, pesticides, and even certain foods. These reactions can manifest as a wide range of symptoms, including skin rashes, headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues. Chemical sensitivities are often linked to an overburdened liver and can significantly impact daily life.

Liver Overload

A condition where the liver, the body's primary detoxification organ, becomes overwhelmed with toxins, pathogens, and heavy metals. This overload can lead to a spill of these substances into the bloodstream, causing various health issues, including chemical sensitivities, autoimmune disorders, and chronic fatigue.


Microscopic organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, that can cause disease. Pathogens can contribute to liver overload by inhabiting the liver and releasing toxins into the bloodstream. Common pathogens associated with liver issues include Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viruses.

Heavy Metals

Toxic elements, such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium, that can accumulate in the body over time. Heavy metals can damage the liver, impair detoxification processes, and contribute to various health problems, including chemical sensitivities, neurological disorders, and autoimmune diseases.

Liver Detox

The process of removing toxins, pathogens, and heavy metals from the liver. Proper liver detoxification is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing the development of chemical sensitivities and other health issues. Liver detox can be supported through dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and specific supplements.

Medical Medium

A term used to refer to Anthony William, a self-proclaimed medical medium who claims to receive information about health and healing from a spiritual source. William's teachings focus on the importance of addressing the root causes of illness, particularly through dietary changes and liver cleansing.

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

A common virus that can cause infectious mononucleosis (mono) and is associated with a wide range of chronic illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders. EBV can also contribute to liver overload and chemical sensitivities.

Celery Juice

A popular health drink promoted by the Medical Medium, believed to have numerous health benefits, including liver cleansing, reducing inflammation, and supporting digestion. Celery juice is often recommended for individuals with chemical sensitivities and other health issues.

Lemon Water

A simple and effective beverage for supporting liver detoxification and flushing out toxins. Lemon water is often recommended as part of a morning routine to promote overall health and well-being.

Heavy Metal Detox

A process aimed at removing heavy metals from the body, often involving dietary changes, supplements, and other therapies. Heavy metal detox is particularly important for individuals with chemical sensitivities, as heavy metals can contribute to liver overload and exacerbate symptoms.


  • What are chemical sensitivities and what causes them?

    Chemical sensitivities are reactions to various chemicals, often triggered by an overburdened liver unable to filter toxins effectively. This overload can be caused by pathogens, toxins, poisons, and heavy metals.

  • What are some common symptoms of chemical sensitivities?

    Symptoms include nausea, shortness of breath, skin reactions, tremors, anxiety, aches and pains, mystery rashes, and more. These symptoms can be confusing and lead to misdiagnosis.

  • Why are people with chemical sensitivities often told they're crazy?

    Their symptoms are often dismissed as psychosomatic or exaggerated, leading to social stigma and difficulty finding understanding from loved ones.

  • Is food the main cause of chemical sensitivities?

    No, while food can trigger reactions, the root cause lies in the liver's inability to process toxins. Addressing liver health is crucial for managing chemical sensitivities.

  • What are some tips for managing chemical sensitivities?

    Tips include removing gluten, eggs, dairy, and corn from the diet, incorporating lemon water and celery juice, avoiding overt fats in the morning, and considering a heavy metal detox.

  • What is the role of the liver in chemical sensitivities?

    The liver is the body's primary detoxification organ. When it becomes overloaded with toxins, it can release a spill of these substances into the bloodstream, leading to various symptoms, including chemical sensitivities.

  • What are some common pathogens that can contribute to liver overload?

    Common pathogens include Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viruses. These pathogens can inhabit the liver and release toxins into the bloodstream.

  • How can I support my liver health and detoxify my body?

    Support liver health through dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and specific supplements. Consider incorporating lemon water, celery juice, and a heavy metal detox into your routine.

  • What are some misconceptions about chemical sensitivities?

    One misconception is that chemical sensitivities are solely caused by food. Another is that detoxing is the only solution, when addressing liver health is crucial.

  • Where can I find more information about chemical sensitivities and liver health?

    The Medical Medium podcast and books offer detailed information on these topics, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes of illness.

Show Notes

There are people who are chemically sensitive without knowing it. They are completely unaware that some of their symptoms are stemming from an overload of pathogens and toxins that are stationed in their liver, causing random spills at random times, while chemicals from a variety of places and other sources are triggering more and more symptoms and conditions. Oftentimes, people who are chemically sensitive have inflammation of the nerves, including the vagus nerves, which can torment people greatly because they are confused, lost and don’t have any ability to know what is causing their neurological symptoms. Doctors are more open to a patient suffering from chemical sensitivities compared to the olden days not so far in the past, when a patient was routinely criticized and ostracized for complaining about their symptoms worsening, when they felt they were exposed to a variety of toxic substances or what they felt were allergens. In this chemical sensitivities episode, you will learn the causes of chemical sensitivities and tips for putting these sensitivities behind you so you can move on...

In this episode…
• Discover the many different symptoms that people with chemical sensitivities can suffer from.
• Learn the difference in how chemically sensitive persons were treated/understood back in the day versus present day.
• Discover the two types of chemically sensitive people.
• Learn how the tipping of the scales can make a huge impact on whether chemical sensitivities are felt or not, and what can tip those scales.
• Uncover the reasons for a sluggish & overworked liver.
• Discover where these chemicals that are produced by chemical companies end up inside the body.
• Discover what happens when the liver holds on to metals, pathogens, neurotoxins and other garbage, and where it all goes.
• Uncover why most chemical sensitivity issues and symptoms are central nervous system based.
• Learn how people can develop mental conditions from their chemical sensitivities.
• Discover how the dentist’s chair can impact chemically sensitive individuals.
• Learn how the use of food as a suppressant to toxins and as a comfort mechanism can randomly stop working for a person one day.
• Discover the dangers of “detox” sellers and why they target chemically sensitive individuals.
• Learn how new exposures can halt someone’s progress.
• Discover important tips for those who are chemically sensitive.

All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

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058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

Anthony William