1.7: Live & Let's Spy
Commander Jetpack rescues a mysterious man from peril in the skies before meeting his yet-more-mysterious partner and battling peril beneath the waves!
Commander Jetpack
David J. Loehr
Wilhelm Aluminum - Making a better future by making the future better.
Ahoyhoy - An amazing artificial intelligence that answers the questions you want to ask.
Show Notes & Links
Written by David J. Loehr
Directed by Serenity Caldwell
Produced and edited by Jason Snell
Original music by Christopher Breen
- Moises Chiullan as Announcers
- Andy Ihnatko as Commander Jetpack
- Karen Pike as Miss
- Shannon Sudderth as Cookie
- Erika Ensign as Bettie
- Tiffany Arment as Stevie
- Jason Snell as Newsman
- John Siracusa as Johnny Onnaspot
- Dan Moren as John Burr
- Serenity Caldwell as Felicity
- David Sparks as Doctor Ecks
Commercial interruptions featuring Steve Lutz, David J. Loehr, Lex Friedman, Myke Hurley, Karen Pike, and Dave Wiskus.
- Philip Michaels, your announcer
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