10. Rewiring The Way We Interpret Failure: Attributional Retraining
In episode 10 of the podcast, hosts Dr. Shyam Barr and Rory McCaughey continue discussing failure (from Ep. 9) and specifically look at a fundamental process for explaining failure.
Could failure actually make us better learners long term?
Do you want to understand the nuances of interpreting failure and success?
Do you want to help learners manage failure better?
Do you want to develop knowledge to inform more impactful feedback conversations?
If the answer is YES to any of these questions, then start listening!
All the above and more in less than 20 minutes!
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Show References:
Sandra Graham & April Z. Taylor (2022) The power of asking why?:
Attribution retraining programs for the classroom teacher, Theory Into Practice, 61:1, 5-22, https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2021.1932160
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