#101. Alicia's breech baby and c-section to Raff
At 35 weeks Alicia discovered her baby was breech and this significantly changed her birth journey.
She shares with us her thoughts and feelings and how she navigated what came next. Alicia shares her difficult decision to have an ECV and how that procedure was for her.
When baby didn't turn Alicia needed to face more challenges and I love how she takes control of the few things she had control of - including standing her ground with the elective c-section date.
And the ultimate result was of her baby choosing her birthday as Alicia went into labour prior to the c section date.
You'll hear about her amazing magical moments in the lead up to and during her birth which make this a very positive birth story.
To learn more about tools and techniques you can use in any and every type of birth, head to www.positivebirths.co.nz.