#109. Alex's home VBAC to Nellie
“The most positive thing is how in tune I am with my body
and how it didn't just stop at birth. It's now, it's a lifelong thing.”
Alex’s story is the epitome of the transformation that is
possible at this stage of life.
Dealing (or rather, not dealing) with grief through her first
pregnancy, Alex had a difficult birth and postpartum with Lucy, and once pregnant again decided she needed to have a different experience.
She worked through her challenges with help and support and within a few months became a changed woman – empowered, educated and confident about
her body’s ability to birth.
She sidestepped the system when they told her that baby
could be “big”, she sought the help of a doula and ended up with the best possible outcome - a home VBAC.
The newly regained trust in her body is overflowing into her relationship with baby and as she beautifully wrote in an email shortly after baby Nellie arrived: “ I am in awe of what I was capable of - we are all capable, given the tools and support.”
If you too have trauma / grief / anxiety / negative emotions you’d like to work through for the preparation for your next birth, please reach out to find out
more. As a certified hypnotherapist I help mothers to move through these emotions to feel calm, confident and empowered (like Alex) for their next birth.
Send me an email helen@positivebirths.co.nz
Alex mentions in this episode the support from @kristinwhite.birtheducator
and @springwithsarah
To find out more about the range of course and support
options see www.positivebirths.co.nz