DiscoverThe Jordan Harbinger Show1106: Amanda Ripley | The Secrets to Surviving an Unthinkable Disaster
1106: Amanda Ripley | The Secrets to Surviving an Unthinkable Disaster

1106: Amanda Ripley | The Secrets to Surviving an Unthinkable Disaster

Update: 2025-01-21


Want to survive a disaster? The Unthinkable author Amanda Ripley explains why knowing your neighbors matters more than hoarding supplies.

What We Discuss with Amanda Ripley:

  • Contrary to popular belief, people rarely panic in disasters. Instead, the biggest challenge is often lethargy and denial — people tend to freeze or remain passive rather than exhibit chaotic behavior. This denial phase can be deadly as it delays taking necessary action.

  • In most disasters, the people who save lives are regular civilians, not first responders (who often can't arrive quickly enough). However, this dynamic is being threatened by declining trust — not just in institutions, but between neighbors and community members.

  • Our risk assessment is driven more by emotion ("dread") than rational calculation. This explains why people often fear the wrong things — like choosing to drive instead of fly, even though driving is statistically much more dangerous.

  • In disasters, humans experience significant sensory and cognitive impairments: vision can narrow by up to 70%, people can temporarily lose sight or hearing, and time perception becomes distorted. This is why having prior training and clear protocols is crucial.

  • The good news is that disaster response skills can be learned through simple, practical steps: Practice box breathing (4 counts in, hold 4, out 4, hold 4) to stay calm under stress, take free CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training in your area, and create basic emergency plans like identifying exits in buildings you frequent. These small preparations can make a huge difference in a crisis.

  • And much more...

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1106: Amanda Ripley | The Secrets to Surviving an Unthinkable Disaster

1106: Amanda Ripley | The Secrets to Surviving an Unthinkable Disaster

Jordan Harbinger