111. 5 Questions Every Alpha Male Needs to Answer
"You’re not controlling enough. I don’t mean controlling other people–I mean controlling yourself.” We confront the tension between strength and vulnerability, revealing how finding our identity can pave the way to more fulfilling relationships. If you want to be a better man who takes control of his life in a way that helps others, this episode is for you.
Key Takeaways:
- Is it bad to be an alpha male? Is it bad to NOT be an alpha male?
- Where fulfillment and success divide
- How telling the truth can change your relationships and your business
- Do you always need to be accomplishing something?
Explore the delicate dance between control and surrender in leadership from a Christian perspective. Wally and I dissect the societal myths surrounding alpha males, contrasting them with faith-based interpretations that value humility and a servant's heart. By sharing our personal journeys, we shed light on the struggle of seeking external validation versus finding genuine fulfillment.
With the support of the ISI Brotherhood, we highlight how a community can be a catalyst for transformation, encouraging alpha males to address confidence issues and break free from self-sabotaging habits.
Iron Sharpens Iron Community: https://isibrotherhood.com/community
What Do I Want Challenge: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/whatdoiwantchallenge
If you want to hear more speakers like this every month and be with the guys on the call, join the Iron Sharpens Iron Community today: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/isi-community
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View From The Top Website: https://isibrotherhood.com
The ISI Newsletter: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/newsletter
Big A’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronwalkerviewfromthetop/