#115 Moments that mark you (Hollywood movie pt. 2)
You know when something very unpleasant, or on some rare occasions it's a pleasant thing, but most often it's unpleasant, something happens that marks you for life. Those moments feel like something we just want to forget when we're right in the middle of it. But if we take some time and process what actually happened, and why it felt so unpleasant, that moment can give you very powerful information. It can help you get better, it can guide you to make better choices, do more of what's right and refrain from doing what's wrong. In this episode I share two examples of moments that have marked me; one where I was the one who was attacked, check out episode 43 for the full story, and the other where I am the one (hopefully) making an impact on another person, check out episode 110 for the full story. When was the last time something happened in your life that, looking back, you can see how it is a moment that marked you? Schedule some time to reflect to capture these moments, and make sure you capture the lesson they carry. #momentsthatmarkyou