#115. Miscarriage chat with Arlene
To acknowledge Baby Loss Awareness week this episode is a chat with Arlene about her miscarriage at 10 weeks pregnant which occurred only 10 days prior to us talking.
Arlene graciously speaks of how she is feeling mentally,
emotionally and physically at this point in time, her choice and conviction to stay away from any medical assistance and how she is already able to look at the miscarriage from a broader perspective, as she shares the silver linings of the magnificence of her body and what she’s gained from this experience.
Experienced with working with woman with trauma, Arlene shares her wisdom about the benefits of feeling feelings and moving through her emotions.
If you too have experienced a miscarriage, a loss, a
traumatic event, and like support on your healing process, please feel free to reach out to me to find out more about how I work and what I do with trauma
informed hypnotherapy techniques.
You can also find my free miscarriage healing relaxation
track on www.positivebirths.co.nz/miscarriage-healing/
Mentioned in this episode is the valuable resources from www.miscarriagematters.org.nz