DiscoverPlant-Powered People Podcast117. The Evolution of Vegan with VegNews Magazine Co-Founder Colleen Holland
117. The Evolution of Vegan with VegNews Magazine Co-Founder Colleen Holland

117. The Evolution of Vegan with VegNews Magazine Co-Founder Colleen Holland

Update: 2024-06-01


Michelle Cain and Tony Okamoto welcome Colleen Holland, publisher and co-founder of Veg News, to the Plant-Powered People podcast. Colleen shares her story of becoming vegan almost 30 years ago, highlighting the limited vegan options and the lack of awareness about factory farming back then. She discusses the evolution of Veg News from a newspaper to a magazine and then to a digital-first brand, emphasizing the importance of reaching a broader audience. Colleen reflects on the impactful changes in the vegan movement, crediting social media, entrepreneurship, and legislation as key drivers. She also emphasizes the importance of documentaries in raising awareness about the ethical and environmental implications of food choices. Colleen shares her personal journey towards healthier vegan living and encourages listeners to find their own path, emphasizing progress over perfection. The episode concludes with Colleen providing information on how to connect with Veg News and her personal blog, Healthy Vegan.


Introduction and Sponsors

This Chapter introduces the Plant-Powered People podcast, hosted by Michelle Cain and Tony Okamoto. They welcome Colleen Holland, publisher and co-founder of Veg News, as a guest. The chapter also features advertisements for Seed and Live On Labs, highlighting their products and benefits for gut health and nutrient absorption.

Colleen Holland's Journey to Veganism

This Chapter delves into Colleen's personal journey to veganism. She shares her experience growing up with a preference for side dishes over meat, her discovery of vegetarianism in college, and her decision to go vegan after learning about the dairy industry and factory farming. Colleen describes the limited vegan options available in the early days and how the opening of a Whole Foods Market near her parents' house marked a turning point in her access to plant-based products.

The Evolution of Veg News

This Chapter focuses on the history of Veg News, Colleen's vegan publication. She explains the magazine's origins as a newspaper in 2000, its transition to a glossy magazine in 2003, and its subsequent shift to a digital-first brand. Colleen highlights the importance of reaching a broader audience through mainstream media and the role of design and marketing in rebranding veganism as a positive and accessible lifestyle.

The Evolution of the Vegan Movement

This Chapter explores the evolution of the vegan movement from Colleen's perspective. She reflects on the early days, the emergence of new products and companies, and the increasing mainstream acceptance of veganism. Colleen credits social media, entrepreneurship, and legislation as key drivers of the movement's growth and emphasizes the role of documentaries in raising awareness about the ethical and environmental implications of food choices.

Advice for Vegans and Veg Curious Individuals

This Chapter offers advice for individuals at all stages of their plant-based journey. Colleen encourages listeners to embrace progress over perfection, find their own path, and enjoy the process. She suggests starting with a few favorite recipes, exploring local vegan restaurants, and connecting with a community, whether in person or online.

Colleen's Healthy Vegan Blog

This Chapter focuses on Colleen's personal blog, Healthy Vegan. She explains the inspiration behind the blog, which stemmed from her desire to prioritize healthier living after years of indulging in the growing vegan food scene. Colleen shares her approach to healthy vegan living, emphasizing the importance of sleep, mindful eating, and physical activity. She also recommends a chocolate avocado mousse recipe from her blog.

Closing Remarks and Resources

This Chapter concludes the interview with Colleen Holland. Michelle and Tony express their gratitude for her insights and contributions to the vegan movement. They provide information on how to connect with Veg News, Colleen's Healthy Vegan blog, and her new website, Vegan The episode ends with a reminder to check out the sponsors, Seed and Live On Labs, and a call to action for listeners to leave a review on Apple Podcast and support the show on Patreon.


Veg News
Veg News is an award-winning international vegan media company founded in 2000 by Colleen Holland. It encompasses a flagship magazine, digital properties, podcast events, books, and global vacations. Veg News is known for its positive and celebratory approach to veganism, showcasing the lifestyle's diverse aspects, including food, travel, and fashion. It has played a significant role in rebranding veganism as a mainstream and accessible lifestyle.

Colleen Holland
Colleen Holland is the publisher and co-founder of Veg News, a leading vegan media company. She has been vegan for nearly three decades and has witnessed the evolution of the plant-based movement firsthand. Colleen is a passionate advocate for veganism and has dedicated her career to promoting the lifestyle through Veg News and her personal blog, Healthy Vegan. She is known for her positive and inclusive approach to veganism and her commitment to reaching a broader audience.

Veganism is a philosophy and way of life that seeks to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. Vegans abstain from consuming animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. They also avoid using products derived from animals, such as leather, wool, and silk. Veganism is often motivated by ethical concerns about animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and personal health.

Plant-Based Movement
The plant-based movement encompasses a wide range of individuals and organizations promoting the consumption of plant-based foods and reducing or eliminating animal products from their diets. This movement is driven by various factors, including ethical concerns about animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and health benefits. It has gained significant momentum in recent years, with increasing availability of plant-based alternatives and growing awareness of the impact of animal agriculture.

Social Media
Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, have played a significant role in the growth and visibility of the vegan movement. They provide a platform for sharing information, recipes, and personal experiences, connecting individuals with like-minded communities, and promoting vegan businesses and products. Social media has democratized access to vegan content and empowered individuals to share their stories and advocate for animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and plant-based living.

Factory Farming
Factory farming is an intensive system of animal agriculture that involves raising large numbers of animals in confined spaces. It is often criticized for its negative impacts on animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and public health. Factory farms are associated with overcrowding, poor sanitation, and the use of antibiotics and hormones. The practice has been a major focus of animal rights activists and advocates for plant-based diets.

Documentaries have played a crucial role in raising awareness about the ethical, environmental, and health implications of food choices. Films like "Forks Over Knives" and "What the Health" have brought the plant-based lifestyle to a wider audience, highlighting the potential benefits of a plant-based diet for human health and the planet. Documentaries have been instrumental in sparking conversations about animal welfare, factory farming, and the impact of our food system on the environment.

Healthy Vegan
Healthy veganism emphasizes the importance of consuming a balanced and nutritious plant-based diet that supports overall health and well-being. It goes beyond simply avoiding animal products and focuses on incorporating a variety of whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, and nuts. Healthy veganism promotes mindful eating, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep to optimize health and vitality.


  • What inspired Colleen Holland to start Veg News, an all-vegan publication?

    Colleen was passionate about veganism and felt there was a lack of positive media representation of the lifestyle. She wanted to create a publication that celebrated the vegan lifestyle in all its aspects, including food, travel, and fashion.

  • How has Veg News evolved over the years, and what were the key turning points in its growth?

    Veg News started as a newspaper in 2000, transitioned to a glossy magazine in 2003, and has become a digital-first brand in recent years. Key turning points include getting on newsstands, reaching a broader audience through mainstream media, and embracing digital platforms to connect with a global audience.

  • What are some of the most impactful factors that have shifted society towards kindness and made changes in the food system?

    Colleen identifies social media, entrepreneurship, legislation, and documentaries as key drivers of the vegan movement's growth. Social media has democratized access to information and empowered individuals to share their stories, while entrepreneurs have created innovative plant-based products and businesses. Legislation has played a role in promoting vegan options and reducing animal exploitation, and documentaries have raised awareness about the ethical and environmental implications of food choices.

  • What advice does Colleen have for individuals at all stages of their plant-based journey?

    Colleen encourages listeners to embrace progress over perfection, find their own path, and enjoy the process. She suggests starting with a few favorite recipes, exploring local vegan restaurants, and connecting with a community, whether in person or online.

  • What is Colleen's approach to healthy vegan living, and what are some of the key tenets she shares on her blog, Healthy Vegan?

    Colleen emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sleep, mindful eating, and physical activity for overall health and well-being. She encourages a balanced and nutritious plant-based diet that includes a variety of whole foods and limits processed and less healthy options.

  • What are some of the resources Colleen recommends for those interested in learning more about veganism and connecting with the community?

    Colleen recommends checking out Veg News, her Healthy Vegan blog, and her new website, Vegan She also encourages listeners to explore local vegan restaurants and connect with online communities.

Show Notes

Gain inspiration and insight as Colleen Holland, co-founder of VegNews Magazine, shares how by putting her energy into her passion, she was able to reach the world and watch it change and tell the story today of how the vegan scene has evolved over the past three decades. 

Your Hosts: Toni Okamoto (founder of Plant-Based on a Budget) & Michelle Cehn (founder of World of Vegan)

Thanks for tuning in to the Plant-Powered People Podcast! Be sure to subscribe at to get our podcast e-mail newsletters. 


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117. The Evolution of Vegan with VegNews Magazine Co-Founder Colleen Holland

117. The Evolution of Vegan with VegNews Magazine Co-Founder Colleen Holland

Toni Okamoto + Michelle Cehn