119. STOP Eating Your Way to Chronic Illness | HomeSteadHow
This episode was recorded on July 5th, 2024.
Kerry Mann, creator of HomeSteadHow and the inspiring documentary "Healing Humanity: The Power of a Proper Human Diet," is a passionate advocate for transforming lives through health decisions. Once severely overweight and restricted by numerous health issues, including IBS, sleep apnea, arthritis, and congestive heart failure, Kerry discovered the power of a proper human diet and has since reversed his conditions, gained resilience, and possesses a renewed joy for life. In addition to being a proud father and a small-town theater owner, Kerry now enlightens others with miraculous and unbelievable narratives of individuals who have regained their health through dietary change.
Find more from Kerry:
Healing Humanity: https://healinghumanity.movie/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHXjZagCrWdnkkx1rlpuqVg
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