DiscoverAware & Aggravated131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)
131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)

131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)

Update: 2024-06-02


This episode of "What Would Leo Do?" dives into a range of relationship issues, offering Leo's unique perspective and advice. The episode begins with a listener's concern about a fake progressive influencer at their university. Leo advises against publicly calling them out, emphasizing that social media is a game where people often present a curated version of themselves. He encourages listeners to understand that online personas don't always reflect reality and to avoid getting caught up in the drama of exposing others. The episode then moves on to a listener's dilemma about encountering their ex at the gym. Leo suggests switching gyms or going at a different time, highlighting the emotional attachment and motivation that can come from wanting to impress or outdo an ex. He also explores the power play of intentionally avoiding the ex, potentially leaving them wondering why they're not showing up. The episode continues with a discussion about cheating, with Leo stating that once someone cheats on you, they're always a cheater in your mind, even if they've learned and grown. He emphasizes the difficulty of fully recovering from betrayal and the lingering doubts that can arise. The episode then delves into a listener's experience with a partner who pulls away when they try to communicate consistently, only to bombard them with messages when they take a step back. Leo explains that this behavior suggests an attachment to intermittent reinforcement, a pattern that can be emotionally addictive. He advises the listener to consider whether they're willing to deal with this inconsistency or if they'd prefer a more stable relationship. The episode also addresses a listener's frustration with friends who bailed on a night out but hung out together later without inviting them. Leo acknowledges the validity of their feelings but advises against lashing out, suggesting instead that they approach the situation with humor or a direct conversation. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and finding friends who value their presence. The episode then explores a listener's feeling of loneliness and depression despite making efforts to improve themselves. Leo acknowledges that the self-improvement advice often promoted online isn't always realistic or fulfilling. He encourages the listener to re-evaluate their goals and find what truly brings them joy and fulfillment. The episode concludes with a series of questions about love languages, boundaries, and dealing with partners who don't meet their emotional needs. Leo offers direct and sometimes harsh advice, emphasizing the importance of recognizing when someone isn't capable of meeting your needs and the need to prioritize your own well-being. He also discusses the importance of setting boundaries and communicating clearly about what you need in a relationship. Throughout the episode, Leo shares his personal experiences and insights, offering relatable advice and encouraging listeners to prioritize their own happiness and well-being.


Fake Progressive Influencer

This Chapter discusses a listener's concern about a fake progressive influencer at their university. Leo advises against publicly calling them out, emphasizing that social media is a game where people often present a curated version of themselves. He encourages listeners to understand that online personas don't always reflect reality and to avoid getting caught up in the drama of exposing others.

Dealing with Exes at the Gym

This Chapter explores a listener's dilemma about encountering their ex at the gym. Leo suggests switching gyms or going at a different time, highlighting the emotional attachment and motivation that can come from wanting to impress or outdo an ex. He also explores the power play of intentionally avoiding the ex, potentially leaving them wondering why they're not showing up.

Cheating and Trust

This Chapter delves into a discussion about cheating, with Leo stating that once someone cheats on you, they're always a cheater in your mind, even if they've learned and grown. He emphasizes the difficulty of fully recovering from betrayal and the lingering doubts that can arise.

Intermittent Reinforcement in Relationships

This Chapter explores a listener's experience with a partner who pulls away when they try to communicate consistently, only to bombard them with messages when they take a step back. Leo explains that this behavior suggests an attachment to intermittent reinforcement, a pattern that can be emotionally addictive. He advises the listener to consider whether they're willing to deal with this inconsistency or if they'd prefer a more stable relationship.

Dealing with Friends Who Bail

This Chapter addresses a listener's frustration with friends who bailed on a night out but hung out together later without inviting them. Leo acknowledges the validity of their feelings but advises against lashing out, suggesting instead that they approach the situation with humor or a direct conversation. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and finding friends who value their presence.

Self-Improvement and Fulfillment

This Chapter explores a listener's feeling of loneliness and depression despite making efforts to improve themselves. Leo acknowledges that the self-improvement advice often promoted online isn't always realistic or fulfilling. He encourages the listener to re-evaluate their goals and find what truly brings them joy and fulfillment.

Love Languages and Boundaries

This Chapter concludes with a series of questions about love languages, boundaries, and dealing with partners who don't meet their emotional needs. Leo offers direct and sometimes harsh advice, emphasizing the importance of recognizing when someone isn't capable of meeting your needs and the need to prioritize your own well-being. He also discusses the importance of setting boundaries and communicating clearly about what you need in a relationship.


What Would Leo Do?

A podcast hosted by Leo, a self-proclaimed "relationship expert" who offers advice on various relationship issues, often with a blunt and humorous approach. The podcast is known for its relatable content and Leo's unique perspective on love, communication, and navigating the complexities of relationships.

Intermittent Reinforcement

A psychological principle where a behavior is reinforced inconsistently, leading to a strong desire for the reward and a sense of addiction. In relationships, this can manifest as a pattern of inconsistent communication or attention, creating a sense of excitement and uncertainty. This can be emotionally addictive for some individuals, leading to a desire for the chase and the dopamine rush associated with the unpredictable nature of the relationship.

Love Languages

A concept developed by Gary Chapman, describing five different ways people express and receive love: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Understanding your own love language and that of your partner can help improve communication and strengthen the relationship by ensuring that both partners feel loved and appreciated in ways that resonate with them.

Cancel Culture

A social phenomenon where individuals or groups are publicly condemned and ostracized for perceived offensive or harmful actions or statements. This can involve online shaming, boycotts, and attempts to remove individuals from positions of influence. Cancel culture has been a subject of debate, with some arguing that it is a necessary tool for holding people accountable for their actions, while others argue that it can be used to silence dissenting voices and create a culture of fear and self-censorship.

Social Media

A collection of online platforms and services that allow users to create and share content, connect with others, and engage in various forms of online interaction. Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, influencing communication, culture, and the way people interact with the world. It has also raised concerns about privacy, misinformation, and the impact on mental health.


A neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in reward, motivation, and pleasure. It is released in the brain when we experience something enjoyable or rewarding, creating a sense of satisfaction and encouraging us to repeat the behavior. Dopamine is also involved in addiction, as repeated exposure to certain stimuli can lead to a decrease in dopamine levels, requiring more of the stimulus to achieve the same level of pleasure.


The ability to affect the thoughts, feelings, or behaviors of others. In the context of social media, influencers are individuals who have built a large following and use their platform to promote products, brands, or ideas. They can exert significant influence over their audience, shaping their opinions and purchasing decisions.

Relationship Dynamics

The patterns of interaction and communication that characterize a relationship. These dynamics can be influenced by various factors, including personality traits, communication styles, and past experiences. Understanding the dynamics of a relationship can help identify areas for improvement and foster healthier communication and interaction.

Emotional Needs

The fundamental desires and requirements that contribute to a person's emotional well-being. These needs can vary from person to person but often include a sense of belonging, security, love, and validation. Meeting a partner's emotional needs is essential for building a healthy and fulfilling relationship.


The practice of engaging in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This can include activities such as exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, spending time in nature, and engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy. Self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in life and coping with stress and challenges.


  • What is Leo's advice for dealing with a fake progressive influencer?

    Leo advises against publicly calling them out, suggesting that social media is a game where people often present a curated version of themselves. He encourages listeners to understand that online personas don't always reflect reality and to avoid getting caught up in the drama of exposing others.

  • How does Leo suggest dealing with an ex at the gym?

    Leo suggests switching gyms or going at a different time, highlighting the emotional attachment and motivation that can come from wanting to impress or outdo an ex. He also explores the power play of intentionally avoiding the ex, potentially leaving them wondering why they're not showing up.

  • What is Leo's opinion on cheating?

    Leo believes that once someone cheats on you, they're always a cheater in your mind, even if they've learned and grown. He emphasizes the difficulty of fully recovering from betrayal and the lingering doubts that can arise.

  • What does Leo say about intermittent reinforcement in relationships?

    Leo explains that intermittent reinforcement can be emotionally addictive, creating a desire for the chase and the dopamine rush associated with the unpredictable nature of the relationship. He advises the listener to consider whether they're willing to deal with this inconsistency or if they'd prefer a more stable relationship.

  • How does Leo suggest dealing with friends who bail on plans?

    Leo acknowledges the validity of their feelings but advises against lashing out, suggesting instead that they approach the situation with humor or a direct conversation. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and finding friends who value their presence.

  • What is Leo's advice for someone feeling lonely and depressed despite self-improvement efforts?

    Leo acknowledges that the self-improvement advice often promoted online isn't always realistic or fulfilling. He encourages the listener to re-evaluate their goals and find what truly brings them joy and fulfillment.

  • What does Leo say about love languages and boundaries in relationships?

    Leo emphasizes the importance of recognizing when someone isn't capable of meeting your needs and the need to prioritize your own well-being. He also discusses the importance of setting boundaries and communicating clearly about what you need in a relationship.

  • What is Leo's perspective on the role of social media in relationships?

    Leo believes that social media can create a distorted view of reality and that people often present a curated version of themselves online. He encourages listeners to be aware of this and to avoid getting caught up in the drama of exposing others.

  • How does Leo define healing?

    Leo distinguishes between daily emotional fluctuations and true healing. He believes that simply feeling better after a bad day isn't healing, but rather a temporary shift in mood. True healing involves deeper work on oneself and a transformation of beliefs and perspectives.

  • What is Leo's overall message about happiness and well-being?

    Leo emphasizes that happiness is not a constant state and that it's normal to experience ups and downs. He encourages listeners to accept their full range of emotions and to prioritize their own well-being, even if it means setting boundaries and making difficult decisions.

Show Notes

In this episode of WWLD (What Would Leo Do) he hits on everything from exposing fake people on social media, catching a cheater, when to cut people off, giving second chances, and the truth about happiness.




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131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)

131. Exposing Fake TikTokers & Signs A Man Isn't YOUR Man (WWLD)