17: How heavy metals ruin sleep
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally.
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Client Testimonial
My client Todd said:
“I am happy to report my 4th consecutive night of only getting up once. Yay.”
Show Notes
Heavy metals could be causing your sleep problems.
I’ve seen this recently in many of my clients. They have high levels of mercury, aluminum, copper, lead and arsenic as well as others.
In this episode, you’ll find out:
What heavy metals are and how they get into our bodies
How heavy metals affect the body and your sleep
How to test for heavy metals
Why it’s important not to overlook heavy metals if you can’t sleep
If you've done other testing and haven’t solved your sleep problem, this could be the missing test. You can address gut health, hormone balance and everything else, but if you also have heavy metal toxicity then you won’t get better.
We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.