184: Should You Show Your Face On Camera In Your YouTube Videos
184: Should You Show Your Face On Camera In Your YouTube Videos
This week's episode is all about the topic of "Do you have to show your face on camera in your YouTube videos to see success".
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Dusty Porter
P.O. Box 7028
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TubeBuddy Express Giveaway Details:
If you want to enter yourself in the giveaway for some TubBuddy swag, don't forget to go on over to our iTunes Page for the podcast and leave us a review and then email us at tubebuddyshow@gmail.com
Here is the equipment I recommend for Starting On YouTube On A Budget:
Blue Yeti Microphone
Logitech C920 Webcam
OBS Streaming Software
Listen To My Other Shows Here:
YouTube Creators Hub — A podcast focused on helping you with your Online Video presence. Each week, I interview an online video creator and chat with them about their strategies and journey as it relates to growing their YouTube channel.