DiscoverRaising Well Nourished Kids2. Are food rewards harming your kids’ relationship with eating well? The psychology behind this.
2. Are food rewards harming your kids’ relationship with eating well? The psychology behind this.

2. Are food rewards harming your kids’ relationship with eating well? The psychology behind this.

Update: 2024-02-26


This podcast episode discusses the impact of using food rewards on children's relationship with food and their intrinsic motivation. It highlights the negative effects of rewards on self-esteem and behaviour, as well as the importance of setting boundaries and meeting children's needs. The conversation emphasises the dangers of extrinsic motivation and the benefits of developing intrinsic motivation in children. It also explores the link between rewards and anxiety in children and provides alternative strategies for encouraging healthy eating habits. The episode concludes with a discussion on avoiding negative emotions and manipulation in relation to food and the importance of maintaining perspective and reflecting on parenting strategies.


  • Using food rewards can negatively impact children's relationship with food and their intrinsic motivation.
  • Setting boundaries and meeting children's needs is crucial for their sense of security and well-being.
  • Extrinsic motivation, driven by external rewards, can hinder children's development of intrinsic motivation.
  • Rewards can lead to anxiety and a reliance on external validation in children.
  • Educating children about food and involving them in decision-making can support healthy eating habits.
  • Avoiding negative emotions and manipulation in relation to food is important for fostering positive associations.
  • Maintaining perspective and reflecting on parenting strategies can lead to positive changes in children's eating habits.

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2. Are food rewards harming your kids’ relationship with eating well? The psychology behind this.

2. Are food rewards harming your kids’ relationship with eating well? The psychology behind this.

Georgia Harding & Jane Faulkner