207. Core Strength, Controversy in a Gel's Calorie Total, Track Coaching Takeaways, Ketones and Hormones, Big Hope, and Coaching AI!
We gathered liquid courage (chugging from a gallon of chocolate milk) for this great episode! The main training topic comes from the world of track, where athletes are probing the limits of human physiology. Because the margins separating athletes on the track are so small, there are takeaways for all endurance performance. Raise the ceiling to raise the floor! Yes, raising the roof is making a comeback like it's 2002 again.
We also talked about the ongoing controversy about an energy gel's nutrition label, and whether the actual carbohydrate total is lower than stated. It's a conversation that stumbles toward enlightenment while careening into a few ditches along the way, trying to balance love and accountability. This conversation also includes our first ever sound effect. Big time! The gel controversy may not be awesome, but it's definitely interesting.
And we had some of the best topics to fill out the episode! Other topics: big hope for the bundle of cells, our core work routines and how we think about core training for athletes, a small-but-important study on ketones and reduced testosterone, aerobic v. mechanical adaptations, upcoming updates to Strava including an AI coaching feature, more AI thoughts, and hot takes.
This episode is a wild journey! Grab your personal gallon of chocolate milk and let's ride.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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