DiscoverStrong. Confident. His. with Kim Dolan Leto209. Behind The Scenes and Something NEW: A Look Into The Fit God’s Way Course & Community
209. Behind The Scenes and Something NEW: A Look Into The Fit God’s Way Course & Community

209. Behind The Scenes and Something NEW: A Look Into The Fit God’s Way Course & Community

Update: 2024-05-14


Today I’m so excited to share an “Only God” Moment! I’ve been super blessed and busy working on a NEW project, Sister-friend, and today I finally get to share it with you! This is a special day. I’m launching the brand new Fit Sisters in Christ Community and Membership  and it's off of social media!

I have two of the sweetest Fit Sisters in Christ on the show today. Meet Jennifer and Sharla! They are sharing their experience inside the Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course and the New Fit Sisters in Christ Community.

In the world we live in, we need a Christian community. This Scripture shows us that when we come together we are better for it!

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17 )

Being vulnerable, I understand what it feels like to do fitness alone, and in a worldly way. I sucked it up and tried to eat perfectly and work out harder but all I ever felt was a never-ending cycle of not good enough.

If you feel alone on your fitness journey, if you feel like you’re the only one who has this struggle, and you don’t have support or anyone to talk to, I want to invite you to become a Fit Sister in Christ.

If you could use support, prayer, and accountability off of social media, where you can come as you are and be loved on and feel safe? This is your space!

Fit Sister in Christ is a Christian community of women who are on their journey to get Fit God’s Way and know their worth in Christ.

When you become a member of Fit Sister in Christ, you will get 

  • 1 Live Message, Q&A, and Prayer Call a Month 

  • Weekly Encouragement

  • Exclusive Monthly Fit God's Way Guide

  • Member Spotlight, How she did it!

  • Accountability

  • Community

God is with us on our fitness journey and He never meant for us to do it alone. Join Fit Sisters in Christ by going to

I hope to see you there!

Remember You are Strong. Confdient. His.

Kim Dolan Leto

Links mentioned in this epsidoe:

Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course 

Fit Sisters in Christ Community

In Channel








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209. Behind The Scenes and Something NEW: A Look Into The Fit God’s Way Course & Community

209. Behind The Scenes and Something NEW: A Look Into The Fit God’s Way Course & Community

Kim Dolan Leto