DiscoverThe Metabolism, Muscles and Mindset Podcast217: (Don't) Lose Weight Fast! - The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss Diets
217: (Don't) Lose Weight Fast! - The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss Diets

217: (Don't) Lose Weight Fast! - The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss Diets

Update: 2024-06-12


The Science Behind Why Fast Weight Loss Isn't the Answer

Host and Obesity Expert, Ali Novitsky MD, is thrilled to be back with you today. If you saw the title "Lose Weight Fast," you might be wondering what's going on with Dr. Ali these days. Rest assured, nothing has changed - today's episode is all about why losing weight fast is not a good idea. If you're struggling to believe that slower weight loss is better, you're in the right place.

The Misconception of Rapid Weight Loss

We live in a society that conditions us to believe faster is better, especially when it comes to weight loss. We're promised happiness, better relationships, and an overall better life if we lose weight quickly. However, this is far from the truth. Fast weight loss is not a great goal because it doesn't align with the journey of adopting a healthy lifestyle. Sustainable weight loss happens naturally over time.

Muscles and Mindset Program Announcement

Before diving deeper, Ali has an exciting announcement. On June 17th, she's launching the Muscles and Mindset program. This year-long program offers three new workouts every week, tailored to different fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner needing chair support or an advanced athlete, there's something for everyone. The program is incredibly affordable, and you can get on the waitlist through the link in the show notes.

Why Fast Weight Loss is a Bad Idea

Physical Disservice

Fast weight loss can be physically detrimental. When you lose weight quickly, you often lose muscle mass along with fat, which lowers your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This makes it harder to lose more weight and easier to gain it back. Additionally, rapid weight loss can leave you feeling weak, dehydrated, and generally unwell.

Emotional Disservice

Emotionally, fast weight loss can be devastating. Hunger can make you moody and anxious, disrupting your emotional stability. This is because our biological response to hunger is to increase anxiety and restlessness, driving us to find food.

Mental Disservice

Mentally, losing weight quickly doesn't allow for the necessary mindset changes. You won't develop a better relationship with your body or food in just 30 days. Sustainable weight loss requires time to establish new thinking patterns and habits.

Personal Experience with Quick Fix Diets

Dr. Ali shared her personal journey with dieting, starting from the age of six. She went through numerous diets, including an extreme 800-calorie diet at the age of 12, which led to rapid weight loss and subsequent weight gain. Her experience underscores the importance of a sustainable, long-term approach to weight loss.

Optimal GLP-1 Weight Loss Program

For those on GLP-1 medications, Dr. Ali offers the Optimal GLP-1 Weight Loss Program. This program combines medication management with nutrition, exercise, and mindset coaching. It's designed to help you maintain muscle, lose body fat, and build a supportive community.

Transform® 8.0 for Women Physicians

If you're a woman physician, check out Ali's Transform® 8.0 program, starting on July 9th. They offer a scholarship application to make this program accessible. Optimizing your health can significantly benefit your patients, and Ali is here to support you in that journey.


In summary, fast weight loss is not the answer. Sustainable, long-term weight loss is the way to go. We're living longer, and it's never too late to start your journey to better health. Thank you for joining Ali Novitsky MD today, and until next time, take care!


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In Channel








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217: (Don't) Lose Weight Fast! - The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss Diets

217: (Don't) Lose Weight Fast! - The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss Diets

Ali Novitsky, MD