#2189 - Dennis Quaid

#2189 - Dennis Quaid

Update: 2024-08-1514


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics, starting with Chris's recent gospel album "Fallen" and his journey into acting. He discusses the changing landscape of Hollywood, from the rebellious spirit of the 70s to the politically correct environment of today. Chris expresses concern about the spread of misinformation, the weaponization of the judicial system, and the growing influence of tech oligarchy, particularly Google. He highlights the censorship of his film "Reagan" on Facebook and the potential for a cover-up surrounding the assassination attempt on Trump. The conversation then shifts to the dangers of transgender ideology, the rise of "woke ideology," and the potential for social contagion. Chris questions the sudden increase in transgender identification, particularly among Hollywood children, and expresses concern about the use of puberty blockers and other drugs on children. He believes that the only way to overcome the current divisions in society is through open dialogue and reasoned debate. The podcast also explores the legacy of MK Ultra, the potential for government manipulation, and the dangers of AI weaponry. Chris discusses the government's meddling in information distribution, the politicization of medicine, and the denial of excess deaths related to COVID-19 vaccines. He criticizes the hypocrisy of vaccine mandates and the role of cable news in dividing the country. The conversation then turns to the shooting incident at the Trump rally, examining the security breaches, the shooter's weapon, and the lack of information available to the public. The speakers speculate about the shooter's mental state and the potential for government experimentation with psychoactive drugs. They discuss the JFK assassination and the potential for CIA involvement, as well as the dangers of the military industrial complex. The podcast concludes with a discussion of the Reagan film, the American dream, and the future of America. The speakers emphasize the importance of remembering the past and the potential for America to regain its greatness. They encourage viewers to watch the Reagan film and reflect on the country's history.


The Gospel Album, Acting Career, and Hollywood's Transformation

The podcast begins with Chris discussing his gospel album "Fallen" and his journey into acting. He contrasts the rebellious spirit of Hollywood in the 70s with the politically correct environment of today.

Political Polarization, Censorship, and Misinformation

Chris discusses the growing political polarization in Hollywood and the dangers of censorship and misinformation. He shares his experiences with attempts to cancel him and highlights the weaponization of the judicial system against political opponents.

Tech Oligarchy, Google's Manipulation, and the Dangers of Ideological Capture

Chris discusses the growing influence of tech oligarchy, particularly Google, and its ability to manipulate search results. He argues that search results should be completely unbiased and that Google's manipulation of information should be illegal. He also expresses concern about the ideological capture of tech companies and its threat to democracy.

The Assassination Attempt on Trump and the Lack of Transparency

Chris discusses the recent assassination attempt on Trump and the lack of transparency surrounding the investigation. He questions the lack of media coverage and the failure to provide information about the shooter's motives and background. He compares the situation to the assassination of JFK and expresses concern about the potential for a cover-up.

The Dangers of Government Intervention and the Importance of Individual Responsibility

Chris emphasizes the dangers of government intervention and the importance of individual responsibility. He cites Ronald Reagan's famous quote about the nine most terrifying words, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." He believes that people in positions of power are motivated by self-interest and that the government should not be trusted to solve all problems.

The Dangers of Transgender Ideology and the Denial of Biological Science

Chris expresses concern about the growing influence of transgender ideology and the denial of biological science. He argues that allowing biological males to compete in women's sports is unfair and undermines the achievements of female athletes. He emphasizes the importance of respecting individual choices while also upholding the principles of fairness and scientific truth.

The Social Contagion of Transgender Identity and the Influence of Hollywood

Chris questions the sudden increase in transgender identification, particularly among Hollywood children. He suggests that this may be a result of social contagion and the positive reinforcement that transgender individuals receive. He expresses concern about the use of puberty blockers and other drugs on children and the potential for long-term harm.

Government Meddling in Information Distribution and the Dangers of Tech Censorship

Chris discusses the government's meddling in information distribution, particularly through tech companies. He highlights the revelations from Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, which exposed the extent of censorship of conservative voices and the suppression of legitimate news stories. He argues that this censorship is dangerous and that there are no laws in place to prevent it.

The Denial of Excess Deaths and the Dangers of Ideological Commitment

Chris expresses concern about the denial of excess deaths that have occurred since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. He believes that people are unwilling to acknowledge the potential harm of the vaccines because they have become ideologically committed to their efficacy. He cites the data from insurance companies and the work of Peter McCullough, who has linked the mRNA vaccines to an increase in cancer.

The Assassination Attempt on Trump and the Potential for Civil War

Chris reflects on the assassination attempt on Trump and the potential for civil war if he had been killed. He questions the lack of a thorough investigation and the possibility of a cover-up. He compares the situation to the assassination of JFK and expresses concern about the dangers of political violence.

The Legacy of MK Ultra and the Potential for Government Manipulation

Chris discusses the legacy of MK Ultra, a CIA program that conducted mind control experiments on people in the 1960s. He believes that these experiments have continued and that the government may be using similar techniques to manipulate individuals. He questions the lack of information about the shooter's background and the possibility that he was under the influence of drugs or mind control.

The Shooting Incident, Security Breaches, and the Lack of Transparency

The conversation shifts to the recent shooting incident, questioning the security breaches that allowed the shooter to access the roof. The speakers express frustration with the lack of information and transparency surrounding the incident.

The Shooter's Mental State, Lack of Toxicology Report, and Government Experimentation

The speakers discuss the possibility of the shooter's suicide run and the lack of a toxicology report, which they find concerning given the availability of such reports in other cases. They speculate about the possibility of the shooter being under the influence of psychoactive drugs, referencing government experimentation and the potential for drugs to distort reality.

The JFK Assassination, Conspiracy Theories, and the CIA's Influence

The conversation shifts to the JFK assassination and the speakers' evolving views on the event. They discuss the lack of transparency surrounding the event and the potential for CIA involvement. They delve into the history of the CIA, its influence on government decisions, and the dangers of the military industrial complex.

The Reagan Film, Conservative Viewpoints, and the American Dream

The speakers discuss the resistance to the Reagan film and the potential for it to influence perceptions of history. They believe that the film is not about ideology but about Reagan's fight against communism. They discuss the American dream and the reality of the world, acknowledging that the world doesn't always operate on the same rules as the United States.

Dennis Quaid's Political Views, the Importance of Supporting the President, and the Role of Social Media

Dennis Quaid discusses his political views and the potential impact of expressing them on his career. He emphasizes the importance of speaking out and engaging in dialogue, even if it means facing criticism. He also discusses the importance of supporting the president during times of crisis and the role of social media in shaping public opinion.

The Border Crisis, the Role of the Cartel, and the Treatment of Legal Immigrants

The speakers discuss the border crisis and the role of the cartel in facilitating illegal immigration. They question the motives behind the current policies and the potential for manipulation. They also discuss the treatment of legal immigrants and the contrast between their experiences and the benefits offered to illegal immigrants.

Venezuelan Gangs, Defunding the Police, and the Importance of Remembering the Past

The speakers discuss the takeover of an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado by Venezuelan gangs, highlighting the lack of law enforcement response and the potential consequences of lax laws. They discuss the political force of gangs and the consequences of defunding the police, highlighting the potential for chaos and the lack of course correction. They conclude the conversation by emphasizing the importance of remembering the past and the potential for America to regain its greatness.


Gospel Record for Sinners

A gospel album intended for a broad audience, including those who may not be traditionally religious. It reflects the artist's spiritual journey and includes both traditional gospel songs and original compositions.


A central character in a story who lacks conventional heroic qualities and attributes, often possessing flaws, questionable motives, and a complex moral compass. They challenge traditional notions of heroism and often reflect the complexities of the human condition.

Tech Oligarchy

A small group of powerful individuals or corporations that control a significant portion of the technology industry and exert influence over society through their control of information and communication.

Memory Hole

A metaphorical concept referring to the suppression or erasure of information, often through censorship or propaganda, to control public perception and prevent the dissemination of inconvenient truths.

Woke Ideology

A contemporary social and political ideology that emphasizes social justice, equality, and inclusivity, often characterized by a focus on identity politics and a sensitivity to perceived microaggressions.

Gender Dysphoria

A psychological condition characterized by a significant distress and discomfort with one's assigned gender at birth, leading to a desire to transition to a different gender.

MK Ultra

A CIA program that conducted mind control experiments on people in the 1960s, using various techniques such as hypnosis, drugs, and sensory deprivation to manipulate individuals' behavior and thoughts.

Excess Mortality

A measure of the number of deaths that exceed the expected number based on historical trends, often used to identify potential public health crises or unusual patterns of mortality.


  • What inspired Chris to release a gospel album after a successful acting career?

    Chris's gospel album, "Fallen," reflects his spiritual journey and his upbringing in a Baptist church. It includes both traditional gospel songs and original compositions that he wrote during his personal growth and transformation.

  • How did Chris's experience with a horse castration lead him to pursue acting?

    Chris initially aspired to be a veterinarian but changed his mind after witnessing a traumatic horse castration. This experience made him realize that he wasn't suited for that profession and led him to explore other career paths, ultimately choosing acting.

  • What are some of the key differences between Hollywood in the 70s and today?

    Hollywood in the 70s was a more rebellious and experimental era, characterized by the rise of the anti-hero and a focus on grittier, more realistic filmmaking. Today, Hollywood is more politically correct and often suppresses dissenting viewpoints, leading to a more homogenized and less diverse landscape.

  • How has the weaponization of the judicial system against political opponents impacted American democracy?

    The weaponization of the judicial system against political opponents has created a climate of fear and distrust, where individuals are hesitant to express dissenting opinions for fear of retaliation. This trend undermines the principles of free speech and due process, eroding the foundations of American democracy.

  • How does Google's manipulation of search results affect public opinion and elections?

    Google's manipulation of search results can significantly influence public opinion by shaping the information that people are exposed to. By prioritizing certain results and suppressing others, Google can create a biased narrative that favors particular candidates or ideologies, potentially swaying elections and undermining democratic processes.

  • What are the dangers of ideological capture within tech companies?

    Ideological capture within tech companies poses a significant threat to free speech and democratic values. When these companies prioritize their own political agendas over the principles of neutrality and fairness, they can suppress dissenting voices, manipulate information, and control the flow of ideas, ultimately undermining the foundations of a free and open society.

  • What are some of the unanswered questions surrounding the assassination attempt on Trump?

    The assassination attempt on Trump has raised numerous unanswered questions, including the shooter's motives, background, and potential connections to foreign powers. The lack of a thorough investigation and the suppression of information have fueled speculation and conspiracy theories, further eroding public trust in the government and the media.

  • How has the rise of "woke ideology" impacted society?

    The rise of "woke ideology" has created a climate of intolerance and fear, where individuals are often punished for expressing dissenting opinions. This ideology has led to the suppression of free speech, the erosion of traditional values, and the creation of a culture of victimhood and grievance.

  • What are the dangers of using puberty blockers and other drugs on children who identify as transgender?

    The use of puberty blockers and other drugs on children who identify as transgender is a controversial issue with potential long-term health consequences. These drugs can have irreversible effects on the body, potentially impacting fertility, bone density, and overall health. There is also concern about the potential for social contagion and the influence of external factors on children's gender identity.

Show Notes

Dennis Quaid is an actor and musician known for his roles in films like "The Right Stuff," "Far From Heaven," and "The Rookie." See him as Ronald Reagan in the upcoming biopic "Reagan" on August 30, and find his album, "Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners," in your preferred format today.



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#2189 - Dennis Quaid

#2189 - Dennis Quaid

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