DiscoverThe Joe Rogan Experience#2195 - Andrew Huberman
#2195 - Andrew Huberman

#2195 - Andrew Huberman

Update: 2024-08-2726


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics, starting with a discussion about the genetic differences between bulldog breeds and wolves, highlighting how selective breeding has shaped the physical and behavioral traits of dogs. The hosts then explore the remarkable olfactory abilities of dogs and humans, discussing the structure of the nose, the role of the olfactory bulb, and the potential for smell training to restore lost sense of smell. They also examine the connection between smell and the autonomic nervous system, exploring the cyclical shift in dominant nostril breathing and its implications for brain state. The conversation then shifts to the psychology of human behavior, discussing the subconscious role of smell in attraction, relationships, and deception. The hosts explore the concept of "high conflict people" and the importance of recognizing red flags in relationships. They also discuss the power of attention and its potential for manipulation, emphasizing the need for self-awareness and healthy boundaries. The podcast then delves into the world of combat sports, examining the importance of technique, speed, and pattern recognition. The hosts discuss the unique pain response associated with liver shots and the mastery of the "question mark kick" in Taekwondo. They also explore the concept of "unconscious genius" and how years of training and experience contribute to peak performance. The conversation then turns to the brain and its ability to adapt and change, exploring the role of the anterior mid-singulate cortex in responding to challenges and the concept of "super-agers." The hosts discuss the benefits of doing hard things, both physically and mentally, and the importance of pushing oneself beyond comfort zones. They also explore the interplay of nature and nurture in talent development and the importance of early specialization. The podcast concludes with a discussion about the dangers of misinformation and manipulation in the media, emphasizing the importance of truth, accountability, and critical thinking. The hosts also discuss the role of pharmaceuticals in treating conditions like ADHD and the potential of substances like MDMA and psilocybin to enhance neuroplasticity. They advocate for open dialogue, balanced perspectives, and a holistic approach to health and well-being.


The Science of Smell and Dog Breeds

This chapter explores the genetic differences between bulldog breeds and wolves, highlighting how selective breeding has shaped the physical and behavioral traits of dogs. It also discusses the remarkable olfactory abilities of dogs and humans, examining the structure of the nose and the role of the olfactory bulb.

The Autonomic Nervous System and Nostril Breathing

This chapter explores the connection between smell and the autonomic nervous system, examining the cyclical shift in dominant nostril breathing and its implications for brain state. It also discusses the potential for smell training to restore lost sense of smell.

The Psychology of Smell and Relationships

This chapter delves into the subconscious role of smell in attraction, relationships, and deception. It explores the concept of "high conflict people" and the importance of recognizing red flags in relationships. It also discusses the power of attention and its potential for manipulation, emphasizing the need for self-awareness and healthy boundaries.

The Science of Combat Sports

This chapter examines the importance of technique, speed, and pattern recognition in combat sports. It discusses the unique pain response associated with liver shots and the mastery of the "question mark kick" in Taekwondo. It also explores the concept of "unconscious genius" and how years of training and experience contribute to peak performance.

The Power of the Mind and Neuroplasticity

This chapter explores the brain's ability to adapt and change, examining the role of the anterior mid-singulate cortex in responding to challenges and the concept of "super-agers." It discusses the benefits of doing hard things, both physically and mentally, and the importance of pushing oneself beyond comfort zones. It also explores the interplay of nature and nurture in talent development and the importance of early specialization.

The Dangers of Misinformation and the Importance of Authenticity

This chapter discusses the dangers of misinformation and manipulation in the media, emphasizing the importance of truth, accountability, and critical thinking. It also explores the role of pharmaceuticals in treating conditions like ADHD and the potential of substances like MDMA and psilocybin to enhance neuroplasticity. It advocates for open dialogue, balanced perspectives, and a holistic approach to health and well-being.

The Importance of Self-Care and Behavioral Tools

This chapter emphasizes the importance of self-care and behavioral tools, like the McGill Big 3 exercises, for strengthening the body and managing pain, and that a holistic approach is essential for effective pain management. It also discusses the speaker's personal experience with different types of exercise and their potential impact on addiction recovery.

The Future of Regenerative Technology

This chapter discusses the speaker's hope for advancements in stem cell and regenerative technology to help athletes like Goggins maintain their bodies. They discuss the potential of BPC 157 and other peptides to repair tissues and reduce the need for surgeries.

The Healthcare System and the Profit Motive

This chapter criticizes the healthcare system's focus on profit over patient well-being, citing the example of BPC 157, a potentially beneficial treatment that is being suppressed due to its potential to reduce surgeries.

The Importance of Curiosity and Adventure

This chapter reflects on the importance of curiosity and adventure, highlighting the example of Anthony Bourdain as a testament to the power of genuine exploration and self-expression. It also discusses the dangers of fame and the importance of voluntary adversity in maintaining authenticity and self-awareness.

The Ultimate in Personal Development: Being Yourself

This chapter concludes that being yourself is the ultimate in personal development, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance. It argues that embracing your true self is key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Power of the Mind: Goggins and Pushing Limits

This chapter shares a story about the speaker's friend, a runner with a broken foot, who continues to train and compete. They then discuss David Goggins, a renowned ultra-endurance athlete, and his relentless pursuit of pushing physical and mental boundaries.

The Ego's Role in Communication and the Importance of Curiosity

This chapter discusses the ego's role in communication, highlighting the tendency to attach self-worth to winning arguments and being correct. It advocates for detaching from ego and embracing curiosity as a means of fostering genuine intellectual exchange.

The Importance of Embracing Death and Detachment

This chapter reflects on the importance of embracing death and detaching from ego. It argues that acknowledging mortality can free individuals to pursue curiosity and exploration without fear of failure.

The Power of Early Specialization and Neuroplasticity

This chapter discusses the power of early specialization and neuroplasticity, highlighting the impact of early experiences on shaping the nervous system. It cites examples of athletes who developed exceptional skills through years of dedicated practice.

The Role of Genetics and Experience in Peak Performance

This chapter explores the interplay of genetics and experience in achieving peak performance. It argues that while genetic predisposition plays a role, dedicated practice and early specialization are crucial for developing exceptional abilities.

The Ego's Role in Self-Assessment and the Importance of Humility

This chapter discusses the ego's role in self-assessment, highlighting the tendency for individuals to overestimate their abilities and underestimate the skills of others. It emphasizes the importance of humility and recognizing the limitations of one's own experience.

The Nervous System as a Reflection of Experience

This chapter explores the nervous system as a reflection of experience, arguing that individuals who specialize in a particular skill or domain develop unique neural pathways that reflect their training and expertise.

The Importance of Recognizing True Peak Performance

This chapter emphasizes the importance of recognizing true peak performance, highlighting the distinction between individuals who have developed exceptional abilities through years of dedicated practice and those who have not.

The Unconscious Genius of Experience and the Power of Selection

This chapter discusses the unconscious genius of experience, arguing that individuals who have dedicated their lives to a particular field develop a deep understanding and intuition that reflects their accumulated knowledge and expertise.

The Importance of Being Yourself and Embracing Your True Passion

This chapter emphasizes the importance of being yourself and embracing your true passion. It argues that pursuing activities that naturally energize and engage you is key to achieving fulfillment and success.

The Power of Stillness and the Creative Process

This chapter discusses the power of stillness and its role in the creative process. It highlights the importance of creating space for reflection and allowing ideas to emerge organically.

The Energy of Early Fields and the Importance of Authenticity

This chapter explores the energy of early fields, such as punk rock and hip hop, where individuals are driven by passion and authenticity rather than commercial success. It argues that this energy is often captured by creative individuals who embrace their true selves.

The Authenticity of Podcasting and the Importance of Being Yourself

This chapter compares podcasting to punk rock and hip hop, highlighting the authenticity and raw energy that often characterizes the medium. It argues that the most successful podcasts are those where individuals are simply being themselves.

The Media's Role in Shaping Health Information

This chapter criticizes the media's tendency to present health information in a black-and-white manner, often driven by clickbait and inflammatory headlines. It advocates for a more nuanced approach that acknowledges the complexity of health issues and encourages individuals to make informed decisions based on evidence.

The Importance of Honesty and Truth in Communication

This chapter emphasizes the importance of honesty and truth in communication, particularly in the context of media and public discourse. It criticizes the tendency to prioritize winning arguments over seeking understanding and sharing information.

Data Fraud and the Pharmaceutical Industry

This chapter discusses data fraud in scientific studies, comparing it to cherry-picking data in the pharmaceutical industry. It acknowledges the benefits of certain pharmaceuticals but criticizes the tendency to default to expensive and risky options.

The Obesity Crisis and Seed Oils

This chapter argues that the obesity crisis is primarily caused by excessive calorie intake and lack of exercise. It expresses the speaker's personal dislike for seed oils but acknowledges the lack of scientific evidence supporting their harm.

GLP1 Agonists and Weight Loss

This chapter discusses the effectiveness of GLP1 agonists, such as Ozempic, in suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. It highlights the potential benefits for individuals struggling with obesity but emphasizes the importance of addressing muscle loss and promoting healthy lifestyle changes.

Avoiding Injuries and the Importance of Gradual Progression

This chapter emphasizes the importance of avoiding injuries in fitness, particularly those caused by overexertion or improper form. It advocates for gradual progression in exercise intensity and caution against following workout routines without proper assessment.

The Role of Pharmaceuticals and Traditional Science

This chapter discusses the role of pharmaceuticals in treating conditions like ADHD and the value of dose-response curves and lethal dose analysis. It expresses the speaker's preference for addressing health issues through lifestyle changes but acknowledges the need for pharmaceuticals in certain cases.

The FDA's Decision on MDMA for PTSD Treatment

This chapter discusses the FDA's decision to not approve MDMA for the treatment of PTSD, highlighting the strong data supporting its effectiveness. It expresses concern about the lack of adequate control groups and potential for improprieties in clinical trials.

The Connection Between Physical Fitness and Intellectual Discourse

This chapter explores the connection between physical fitness and intellectual discourse, arguing that engaging in healthy behaviors can enhance cognitive function and intellectual capacity. It cites examples of prominent intellectuals who maintained high levels of physical activity throughout their lives.



A large breed of dog known for its massive size, strength, and loyalty. Mastiffs have a distinctive short snout and a heavy, drooping face. They were originally bred for guarding and fighting.


A term used to describe animals with a short, broad skull and a shortened snout. Brachycephalic breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, often experience breathing difficulties due to their facial structure.

Olfactory Bulb

A structure in the brain that receives sensory input from the olfactory receptors in the nose. The olfactory bulb plays a crucial role in processing and interpreting smells.

Autonomic Nervous System

The part of the nervous system that controls involuntary bodily functions, such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.


A hormone and neurotransmitter that is released in response to stress. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, triggers the \"fight-or-flight\" response, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and alertness.


A structure in the brain that plays a key role in processing emotions, particularly fear and anxiety. The amygdala receives sensory input from the olfactory bulb and other brain regions and triggers appropriate behavioral responses.

Locus Ceruleus

A small area in the brainstem that produces norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter involved in alertness, attention, and stress responses. The locus ceruleus sends projections to various brain regions, including the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.

High Conflict People

A term used to describe individuals who thrive on conflict and manipulation. They often exhibit behaviors such as aggression, victimhood, and vindictiveness. They can be difficult to deal with and can have a significant negative impact on relationships.

Trauma Bonding

A psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual develops a strong emotional attachment to an abuser. This attachment can be based on a combination of fear, dependence, and a desire for validation.


  • What are some of the key genetic differences between bulldog breeds and wolves?

    Bulldog breeds have been selectively bred for their short snouts and other physical characteristics, resulting in a lower proportion of wolf genes compared to breeds with longer snouts and a stronger sense of smell.

  • How does the structure of a dog's nose contribute to its superior olfactory abilities?

    Dogs have small notches on the sides of their nostrils that create vortices, trapping scent molecules and providing longer exposure to the olfactory receptors. This allows them to detect and analyze scents with greater accuracy and sensitivity.

  • What is the significance of the cyclical shift in dominant nostril breathing?

    This shift reflects a change in brain state from parasympathetic to sympathetic dominance, indicating a transition from relaxation to alertness. This cyclical pattern is a natural physiological process that occurs every two hours or so.

  • What are some of the characteristics of \"high conflict people\" and how can they impact relationships?

    High conflict people thrive on conflict and manipulation. They often exhibit behaviors such as aggression, victimhood, and vindictiveness. They can be difficult to deal with and can have a significant negative impact on relationships, causing stress, anxiety, and emotional distress.

  • How can we recognize and avoid unhealthy relationships?

    It's important to trust our instincts and avoid situations that feel uncomfortable or unsafe. We should also be aware of the potential for manipulation, especially in situations where we are emotionally invested. Recognizing red flags and establishing boundaries can help us protect ourselves from unhealthy relationships.

  • What are some telltale signs that a fighter has been hit in the liver?

    One common sign is dropping the right arm and pinning it to the body. This instinctive reaction is a result of the intense pain and temporary shutdown caused by a liver shot.

  • How does pattern recognition play a role in combat sports?

    Fighters use pattern recognition to anticipate their opponent's movements and counterattack effectively. By recognizing recurring patterns in their opponent's footwork, stance, and striking techniques, fighters can gain a strategic advantage.

  • What is the anterior mid-singulate cortex, and how does it relate to challenging oneself?

    The anterior mid-singulate cortex is a brain area that plays a crucial role in responding to challenges. It grows larger in individuals who embrace difficult tasks and shrinks in those who avoid them. This suggests that challenging oneself can lead to increased resilience and adaptability.

  • What are some examples of nootropics that are believed to enhance alertness and focus?

    Some popular nootropics include alpha-GPC, Theanine, and L-tyrosine. These substances are believed to improve cognitive function by influencing neurotransmitter levels and brain activity.

  • How can cold plunges promote alertness?

    Cold plunges trigger a release of adrenaline and increase core body temperature, leading to a feeling of alertness and energy. The cold water also stimulates blood circulation and promotes muscle recovery.

Show Notes

Andrew Huberman, PhD, is a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Andrew is also the host of the Huberman Lab podcast, which aims to help viewers and listeners improve their health with science and science-based tools. New episodes air every Monday on YouTube and all podcast platforms.

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Comments (3)

Alireza Etemadi

Joe takes conversation to election all the time with everyone fuckin One who he's inviting me to talk shet about candelisa rise don't know her name correctly I don't care, hope USA election ends soon so he don't do this more getting sick of this

Sep 2nd
Reply (1)

Ariyan Amiri


Aug 27th
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#2195 - Andrew Huberman

#2195 - Andrew Huberman

Joe Rogan