#2200 - Kat Timpf

#2200 - Kat Timpf

Update: 2024-09-107


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics, starting with the guest's book, "I Used to Like You, But Until," which explores the current state of political division and her unique perspective as an independent. The guest shares her experiences with political polarization, highlighting the challenges of being perceived as "other" by both sides and the negative impact this has on national discourse. She argues that the government is not always the best solution to problems and that relying solely on government intervention can lead to inefficiencies. The guest then discusses her personal experiences with ADHD and her decision to stop taking medication during pregnancy, viewing ADHD as a superpower. She delves into a philosophical discussion about the ethics of frozen embryos and the potential impact of long-term storage on human development. The podcast also covers the guest's experiences with nicotine addiction, from smoking cigarettes to vaping and eventually transitioning to nicotine pouches. She shares a harrowing story about her near-death experience in 2020, involving a bowel perforation and subsequent surgery. The guest discusses the experience of being shamed and attacked online for her political views and her work at Fox News. She reflects on the importance of human connection and the unexpected friendships that can form in challenging situations. The podcast also explores the impact of COVID-19 on education and society, highlighting the decline in academic performance and the rise of radical ideas. The guest discusses government censorship and social media regulation, expressing concern about the potential for government overreach and the suppression of free speech. The conversation turns to immigration, sanctuary cities, and the political incentives surrounding these issues. The guest discusses the high cost of living in New York City and the decline of the city's character. The podcast concludes with a discussion about the future of society and the potential for progress. The guest advocates for the legalization of all drugs, including psychedelics, and criticizes the current criminal justice system's approach to drug offenses. She emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and the right to choose how to manage one's own consciousness and body. The guest also explores the potential benefits of yoga and the human search for meaning.


Political Polarization, Independent Politics, and the Government's Role

The podcast begins with introductions and a discussion about the guest's book, "I Used to Like You, But Until," which explores the current state of political division and her unique perspective as an independent. The guest discusses the motivation behind writing the book, which explores the current state of political division and her unique perspective as an independent. The guest shares her experiences with political polarization, explaining how her independent political views often put her at odds with both parties. She discusses the challenges of being perceived as "other" by both sides and the negative impact this has on national discourse. The guest argues that the government is not always the best solution to problems, and that relying solely on government intervention can lead to inefficiencies and a lack of incentive for real solutions. She uses the example of homelessness in California to illustrate this point.

Personal Experiences and the Impact of Polarization

The guest shares her personal experiences living in New York and Los Angeles, highlighting the high cost of living and the challenges of navigating these cities. She discusses the state of infrastructure and the impact of taxes on everyday life. The guest discusses her experience with ADHD and her decision to stop taking medication during pregnancy. She shares her perspective on ADHD as a superpower and her ongoing experiment with living without medication. The guest delves into a philosophical discussion about the ethics of frozen embryos and the potential impact of long-term storage on human development. She draws parallels to the Unibomber's story and the potential for trauma associated with early childhood experiences.

Transparency, Control, and Privacy Concerns

The guest discusses the importance of transparency and the dangers of controlling others. She connects this to the desire for control often stemming from personal insecurities and lack of self-control. The guest expresses concerns about privacy in the digital age, highlighting the potential for government and corporations to access personal data through technology. She discusses the implications of this for women's reproductive rights and the potential for misuse of personal information. The guest discusses the phenomenon of "cancel culture" and its connection to societal unhappiness. She explores the motivations behind cancel culture, including a desire for power and a lack of personal fulfillment. The guest discusses the increasing number of sexless men and explores potential contributing factors, including societal pressures, technology, and the impact of political polarization.

Navigating Online Toxicity and Authenticity

The guest discusses the challenges of navigating online hate and toxicity, particularly as a public figure. She shares her strategies for dealing with negativity and the importance of focusing on positive interactions. The guest reflects on the pressure to conform to political ideologies and the potential consequences of sacrificing authenticity for financial gain. She emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and resisting the urge to appease specific groups. The guest discusses a controversial incident involving Amazon's Alexa, where the device provided biased responses to questions about voting for Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris. She argues that this incident highlights the dangers of hyper-partisanship and the potential for technology to be manipulated for political gain. The guest critiques the manufactured image of Kamala Harris, arguing that her public persona is a carefully constructed construct. She discusses the use of language and media manipulation to create a specific narrative.

Media Manipulation and Personal Attacks

The guest discusses the personal attacks she faces for working at Fox News and the challenges of navigating a polarized media landscape. She shares her perspective on the importance of critical thinking and media literacy. The guest analyzes the differences in Kamala Harris's public persona when speaking to different audiences. She highlights the inconsistencies in her language and delivery, suggesting a calculated approach to public image. The guest discusses the power of media manipulation and the ability to create narratives that influence public perception. She uses the example of Kamala Harris's sudden rise in popularity to illustrate this point.

Nicotine Addiction and Vaping

The guest shares her personal experience with nicotine addiction and vaping. She discusses the addictive nature of vaping and the challenges of quitting. The guest discusses her history of nicotine use, from smoking cigarettes in college to vaping and the eventual transition to nicotine pouches. She shares her experiences with different types of vapes and the evolution of her nicotine consumption. The guest discusses the potential risks of nicotine use during pregnancy and the challenges of quitting. She shares her experience with going cold turkey and the impact on her body and emotions. The guest describes her extreme nicotine addiction, including her experiences vaping on airplanes and holding her breath to maximize the rush. She shares her perspective on the addictive nature of nicotine and her decision to avoid crack cocaine due to her susceptibility to addiction. The guest discusses her transition to robot vapes after the jewel pods became illegal. She shares her experiences with mixing oils and the potential dangers of unregulated vaping products. The guest discusses the debate over vaping and cigarettes, acknowledging the potential health risks of vaping but also arguing that it is a safer alternative to smoking. She shares her personal experiences with both and her perspective on the relative risks.

A Near-Death Experience and Hospitalization

The guest shares a harrowing story about her near-death experience in 2020, involving a bowel perforation and subsequent surgery. She discusses the challenges of navigating the hospital system and the emotional toll of her experience. The guest discusses the experience of being shamed and attacked online for her political views and her work at Fox News. She shares a specific incident where a former acquaintance attempted to blame her for the January 6th insurrection. The guest shares an encounter with a politically extreme individual in the hospital during her recovery. She describes the woman's delusional beliefs and the challenges of engaging in meaningful conversation with someone holding such extreme views. The guest reflects on the importance of human connection and the unexpected friendships that can form in challenging situations. She shares a story about a fellow patient who was singing and farting loudly, and how they formed a bond despite their differences. The guest discusses the isolation she experienced during her hospitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic. She highlights the restrictions on visitors and the emotional toll of being alone during a difficult time.

COVID-19, Pregnancy, and Nutritional Supplementation

The guest discusses the changing approach to COVID-19 testing and the shift away from widespread testing. She shares her own experience with testing and the impact of her weakened immune system during pregnancy. The guest discusses the importance of nutritional supplementation during pregnancy and the potential benefits of getting blood work done to identify deficiencies. She shares her own approach to prenatal care and her commitment to eating healthy. The guest discusses the impact of nicotine on appetite and her experience with weight gain after quitting. She shares her perspective on the appetite-suppressing effects of nicotine and the challenges of adjusting to a new eating pattern. The guest discusses her experiences with Adderall and Vivance, highlighting the differences in their effects and her preference for Vivance. She shares her reasons for avoiding Adderall and the challenges of finding affordable medication.

Nootropics, Memory Enhancement, and Feral Cats

The conversation starts with the speaker discussing their experience with Adderall and their decision to stop taking it. They express concerns about the potential long-term effects of stimulants and their desire to experience life without them. The speaker delves into the world of nootropics, specifically mentioning neurogum and alpha brain. They discuss the potential benefits of these substances for memory and cognitive function, citing double-blind placebo-controlled studies that support their claims. The speaker shares a humorous anecdote about their feral cat and the annual 18-hour drive they undertake with their husband to take the cat to their father's house for Christmas. They highlight the challenges of finding someone to care for the cat due to its unique needs and the dedication of their husband.

Chimpanzee Behavior, Finding Your Calling, and Traditional Work Environments

The conversation shifts to a discussion of the Netflix documentary "Chimp Crazy," which explores the dangers of keeping chimpanzees as pets. The speaker shares their own childhood fascination with Jane Goodall and the contrasting perspectives on chimpanzee behavior presented in the documentary. The speaker reflects on their own journey to becoming a successful stand-up comedian, highlighting the challenges they faced and how they used their experiences as material for their comedy. They emphasize the importance of finding a creative outlet that allows you to process and overcome difficult situations. The speaker argues that traditional work environments are often unnatural and can be detrimental to individuals with high energy levels. They share their own experiences as a child who struggled to conform to the expectations of school and how they ultimately found success in a more creative field.

Stimulant Dependence, Vaping Dangers, and Sugar Addiction

The speaker expresses their fear of going off stimulants permanently, despite recognizing the potential benefits of doing so. They acknowledge the challenges of breaking free from a long-standing habit and the comfort they find in their current state. The conversation turns to the dangers of vaping, particularly with unregulated products. The speaker shares a personal experience with a weed pen that left her feeling disoriented and highlights the importance of being cautious about what you put into your body. The speaker discusses the hidden dangers of sugar and how it can contribute to health problems like diabetes. They share a story about a friend who developed diabetes from vaping flavored e-liquids that contain sugar and the importance of being mindful of sugar intake.

Sugar Awareness, Cat Care, and Body Dysmorphia

The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of emphasis on sugar awareness in health advice and shares their own experience with their cat's health issues. They discuss the importance of monitoring their cat's weight and the use of a self-cleaning litter box that provides real-time data on their cat's health. The conversation starts with a discussion about body dysmorphia, comparing it to conditions like anorexia and bodybuilding. The speakers then delve into the consequences of excessive facial alterations, using the example of two brothers who drastically changed their appearance through cosmetic procedures.

Polarization of News and Opinion, COVID-19's Impact, and Government Censorship

The discussion shifts to the polarization of news and opinion, particularly the rise of opinion-based news sources like Fox News and CNN. The speakers lament the loss of objective news and the increasing difficulty in having nuanced conversations about political issues. The conversation explores the impact of COVID-19 on education and society, highlighting the decline in academic performance and the rise of radical ideas. The speakers criticize the lack of accountability in government institutions and the increasing influence of corporate interests. The discussion focuses on government censorship and social media regulation, specifically Kamala Harris's stance on Twitter and Facebook. The speakers express concern about the potential for government overreach and the suppression of free speech.

Independent Journalism, Immigration, and the Disconnect Between Politics and the People

The conversation acknowledges the rise of independent journalism and the increasing access to information. However, the speakers express concern about the government's ability to control information and suppress dissenting opinions, citing the lab leak theory as an example. The discussion turns to immigration, sanctuary cities, and the political incentives surrounding these issues. The speakers question the motivations behind the influx of migrants into New York City and the potential for vote-buying. The conversation explores the disconnect between politics and the people, highlighting the lack of genuine care for individual citizens. The speakers express frustration with the political system and the constant state of crisis. The discussion touches on the high cost of living in New York City and the decline of the city's character. The speakers lament the loss of small businesses and the increasing crime rates. The conversation concludes with a discussion about raising a family in New York City. The speakers express concern about the city's environment and the challenges of raising children in a high-crime area.

The Future of Society, Decriminalization of Drugs, and Psychedelics

The conversation begins with a discussion about the future of society and the potential for progress. The speakers express faith in humanity's ability to overcome challenges and point to historical examples of societal improvement despite setbacks. The discussion shifts to the decriminalization of drugs and the criminal justice system. The speakers argue for the legalization of all drugs, including psychedelics, and criticize the current system's approach to drug offenses and its potential for racial bias. The conversation focuses on the potential benefits of psychedelics, particularly for mental health and trauma recovery. The speakers advocate for individual freedom and the right to choose how to manage one's own consciousness and body.

Inconsistency of Drug Laws, Yoga, and Mental Health

The speakers express frustration with the inconsistency of drug laws, highlighting the hypocrisy of prohibiting certain substances while allowing others with potentially greater risks. They emphasize the need for open dialogue and research to understand the true benefits and risks of various substances. The conversation explores the potential benefits of yoga, particularly in promoting calmness and emotional regulation. The speakers discuss their personal experiences with yoga and its impact on their lives. They also touch upon the human search for meaning and spirituality. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the dangers of prescription drugs, particularly the potential for suicidal ideation. The speakers share their personal experiences with medication side effects and emphasize the importance of mental health awareness and access to resources.


Political Polarization

The widening gap between opposing political ideologies, characterized by extreme views, intolerance, and a lack of willingness to engage in constructive dialogue.

Independent Politics

A political stance that does not align with either major political party, often characterized by a focus on individual liberty, limited government, and a rejection of partisan dogma.


Extreme loyalty to a political party, often leading to a lack of compromise, gridlock, and a disregard for opposing viewpoints.

Cancel Culture

A social phenomenon where individuals or groups are publicly condemned and ostracized for perceived offensive or unacceptable behavior, often leading to the loss of employment, social standing, or public reputation.

Frozen Embryos

Human embryos that are cryopreserved for future use in assisted reproductive technologies, raising ethical questions about the status of embryos and the potential impact of long-term storage on human development.

Nicotine Addiction

A chronic and relapsing disease characterized by compulsive nicotine use, despite negative consequences, often leading to physical and psychological dependence.


The act of inhaling and exhaling vapor produced by an electronic cigarette, often containing nicotine and other flavorings, raising concerns about potential health risks.


A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, often diagnosed in childhood but can persist into adulthood, with various treatment options available.


Substances that enhance cognitive function, memory, and mental performance. Examples include neurogum, alpha brain, and theinein.

Body Dysmorphia

A mental health condition where a person obsesses over a perceived flaw in their physical appearance. This flaw is often unnoticeable to others, leading to distress and social anxiety.


  • What motivated the guest to write her book, "I Used to Like You, But Until"?

    The guest was motivated to write the book because she felt she had a unique perspective on political division, being an independent who often gets criticism from both sides. She wanted to explore the current state of polarization and offer her insights.

  • How does the guest's experience with political polarization impact her daily life?

    The guest experiences the effects of polarization in her personal and professional life. She often faces criticism and judgment from both sides of the political spectrum, making it difficult to engage in meaningful conversations and build relationships.

  • What is the guest's perspective on the government's role in solving problems?

    The guest believes that the government is not always the best solution to problems and that relying solely on government intervention can lead to inefficiencies and a lack of incentive for real solutions. She argues that the private sector can often be more effective in addressing certain issues.

  • How has the guest's experience with ADHD shaped her perspective on the disorder?

    The guest views ADHD as a superpower rather than a pathology. She believes that her ADHD has given her unique strengths and abilities, and she is currently experimenting with living without medication to better understand her own experience.

  • What are the guest's concerns about the potential impact of frozen embryos on human development?

    The guest is concerned about the potential for long-term storage of embryos to have negative effects on human development. She draws parallels to the Unibomber's story and the potential for trauma associated with early childhood experiences.

  • How does the guest's experience with online hate and toxicity impact her?

    The guest faces significant online hate and toxicity, particularly due to her work at Fox News. She has developed strategies for dealing with negativity, including focusing on positive interactions and avoiding the spiral of negativity.

  • What is the guest's perspective on the increasing number of sexless men?

    The guest believes that the rise of sexless men is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors, including societal pressures, technology, and the impact of political polarization. She believes that it is important to address these underlying issues to improve the well-being of men.

  • How does the guest navigate the challenges of working in a polarized media landscape?

    The guest acknowledges the challenges of working in a polarized media landscape, but she remains committed to staying true to herself and resisting the urge to appease specific groups. She believes that authenticity is essential and that it is important to engage in critical thinking and media literacy.

  • What are some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of using nootropics?

    Nootropics can potentially enhance memory, focus, and cognitive function. However, there are concerns about potential long-term effects and the lack of definitive research on their safety.

Show Notes

Kat Timpf is an author, comedian, and political commentator. She’s currently the co-host of "Gutfeld!" on Fox News and is a Fox News analyst. Her latest book is "I Used to Like You Until... (How Binary Thinking Divides Us)." Look for it on September 10.


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#2200 - Kat Timpf

#2200 - Kat Timpf

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