DiscoverThe Metabolism, Muscles, and Mindset Podcast222: Mindful Macros®: A Balanced Approach to Nutrition
222: Mindful Macros®: A Balanced Approach to Nutrition

222: Mindful Macros®: A Balanced Approach to Nutrition

Update: 2024-07-17


In this episode of the Muscles and Mindset Podcast, Dr. Ali Novitsky MD delves into the topic of Mindful Macros®, a balanced approach to nutrition. Packed with insights and practical advice, this episode guides listeners on how to balance macronutrients—proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—to achieve fitness goals such as fat loss, muscle gain, or maintenance.


Dr. Novitsky kicks off the episode by sharing exciting news about a new nutrition program that complements the existing Muscles & Mindset strength training course. This comprehensive program offers three levels of workouts, guiding participants through an entire year of fitness for the price of a single personal training session.

What is Mindful Macros®?

Mindful Macros® is Dr. Novitsky's trademark nutrition program, designed to help individuals eyeball portions and achieve a balanced intake of macronutrients. This approach is a step up from intuitive eating, making it suitable for those with specific physical goals like fat loss or muscle gain.

Dr. Ali's Personal Journey

Dr. Novitsky shares a personal story from her early 20s, detailing her struggles with various diets until she discovered the power of a balanced macronutrient breakdown. This experience led her to develop the Mindful Macros® approach, which combines intuitive eating with calculated macros.

How Mindful Macros® Works

The episode delves into the specifics of how Mindful Macros® operates:

  • ol]:!pt-0 [&>ol]:!pb-0 [&>ul]:!pt-0 [&>ul]:!pb-0" value="1">Protein: The cornerstone of the program, with recommended intake based on height and goals.
  • ol]:!pt-0 [&>ol]:!pb-0 [&>ul]:!pt-0 [&>ul]:!pb-0" value="2">Carbohydrates: Focus on complex carbs, with a one-to-one ratio with protein for fat loss and a higher ratio for muscle gain.
  • ol]:!pt-0 [&>ol]:!pb-0 [&>ul]:!pt-0 [&>ul]:!pb-0" value="3">Fats: Typically two servings above protein intake.

Dr. Novitsky explains how to eyeball portions using simple visual cues, making it easy to follow the program without needing a scale or measuring cups.

Benefits of Mindful Macros®

One of the standout benefits of Mindful Macros® is its ability to maintain muscle mass while promoting fat loss. This approach is also friendly on blood sugar levels, making it a sustainable and healthy way to eat. Dr. Novitsky shares a compelling story from Dr. Komal Patil-Sisodia, an endocrinologist who successfully used Mindful Macros® to transform her body composition and improve her metabolic health.

Practical Tips and Upcoming Program

Dr. Novitsky provides practical tips on how to get started with Mindful Macros®, emphasizing the importance of getting hungry first, observing fullness, and allowing feelings. She also teases an upcoming program that will include detailed protein charts, recipes, and step-by-step guidance to help individuals become their own nutrition experts.


Dr. Novitsky concludes by encouraging listeners to start the Muscles & Mindset strength training program, which can set the foundation for incorporating the nutrition program. More information and sign-up details can be found at

Listeners are thanked for tuning in and are encouraged to stay strong and mindful on their journey to optimal health, both physically and mentally.


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In Channel








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222: Mindful Macros®: A Balanced Approach to Nutrition

222: Mindful Macros®: A Balanced Approach to Nutrition

Ali Novitsky, MD