238. 5 Reasons You're Burned Out & What To Do About It (2)
Welcome back for Part Two of our episode on burnout!
As a reminder, in Part One, we covered the five reasons you're burnt out:
- You don't know what matters most to you. If you do, you aren't prioritizing it.
- You think you can do it all, have it all, and know it all.
- You take no time for recovery after stress.
- You don't know your numbers, especially your finances.
- You don't get that it's not about winning; it's who you become on the way.
In the last episode, we covered what to do about number 1 and number 2, so today, we'll jump right in at number 3. We break down stress into seven different categories and give you tactics for how to recover from each one. We identify the key financial figures you should know. We wrap up with a discussion about how important it is to value your journey and pick good fellow travelers.
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Connect on Instagram:
- Seychelle Van Poole: @seychellevp
- Sarah Reynolds: @sarahreynoldsoji
- Wendy Papasan: @wendypapasan
- Kymber Lovett-Menkiti: @kymbermenkiti
- Tiffany Fykes: @tiffanyfykes
Produced by NOVA Media
This podcast is for general informational purposes only. The guest's views, thoughts, and opinions represent those of the guest and not KWRI and its affiliates and should not be construed as financial, economic, legal, tax, or other advice. This podcast is provided without any warranty, or guarantee of its accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or results from using the information.
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