#35 From Rock Star Dreams to Songwriter Success: A Journey with Brad Warren - Part 1
Part 1 of Carlos's conversation with Brad Warren, half of the hit-writing duo The Warren Brothers. Get ready to be captivated by the life and journey of none other than Brad Warren, the multi-number one writing and Grammy-nominated songwriter from Nashville. This chat with Brad is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. Starting from his initial dream of pursuing a rock star career, forged by the powerful chords of classic rock, to his battles with addiction, and his rise as a successful songwriter, Brad's story is an inspiration.
Experience the power of mentorship through the tales of Brad's mentor, Tom Douglas. Learn about Tom's distinctive writing style, his vast vocabulary, and his heart full of dreams. Brad doesn't shy away from discussing the profound influence of young songwriters and how their seemingly rule-less writing often leads to extraordinary work. This conversation also uncovers how Brad incorporates his personal experiences and truth-telling to connect with his audience.
Finally, don't miss out as we journey into Brad's creative process. He stresses the importance of understanding one's writing style and shares how he overcame the pressures of the songwriting industry. From using advice given by friends in shaping his writing to putting words on paper to unlock creativity.
Check out Brad's podcast, The Good Grief Good God Show: https://goodgriefgoodgodshow.com